February 26, 2023: Bible Prophecy Update -- The Only Way Any of This Makes Any Sense

I missed your response and then wasn’t sure how to respond at first.

I appreciate you.

It’s good to look at things from different perspectives, and talking to other brothers and sisters in Christ is a good way to get that perspective. I appreciate the positive things that can arise from the bad, like Joseph be sold into slavery was bad, but God used it for good.

And to tie it into the subject of the update (@pbandj rightly pointed out it was veering off topic) so hopefully I can tie it all together a bit…feel free to flag if it’s just a continuation of off-topicness.

Like Asbury, Christian Yoga is ecumenism, or accepting unity OVER Biblical doctrine, is the tie-in here. Literally slapping “Christian” on YOGA does not make it Christian, anymore than slapping “revival” on something makes it a revival. Something can look good and be very bad, i.e. yoga.

Calling something Christian or a move of God, does not make it so.

That’s why I think Yoga came up, it’s all part of this false unity. Or “yoking” us all together with Mormonism, jw, new age, yoga…and the like.

These movements seem geared toward uniting faiths, and even equating them. And we know the Mormon Jesus is NOT the Jesus if the Bible, but “they” are trying to say they are the same.

Asbury (in my opinion) is part of this false narrative to unite religions of the world. As some very wise people have pointed out they are trying to equate Catholics and Christian, when if we are honest… Catholics do not believe as the Bible instructs. They pray to the dead and teach works doctrine…

But there is only ONE WAY. Jesus Christ.

No yoga, no eucharist, no candles, no “inner divinity”, and no “other pathways” exist.

Prophecy seems to point to seducing spirits, and the like, will be the norm.

I personally believe we are seeing this happen in full force, and getting worse by the day.