February 26, 2023: Bible Prophecy Update -- The Only Way Any of This Makes Any Sense

I learned about Caryl through Warren B Smith.

Watched many of her videos. Definitely well educate from personal experience and put to use her knowledge to expose so much.

I think she died of breast cancer.


Spencer’s updated response to the Jesus Revolution


Thanks Casey, I’ll check it out but I didn’t mean to get drawn into the yoga topic to begin with. I was just responding to @GR 's question that hadn’t been answered. I was listening to the BPU in the car so maybe missed it, but I don’t recall JD adressing yoga. We’re supposed to stay on topic, so out of respect for the @moderators I’ve already moved on.


I want to say a big “THANK YOU” to all who have posted extremely valuable information on this forum regarding the danger of Christianizing YOGA.
The interview with Carly Matrisciana was very informative and I believe her take on yoga to be 100% correct…

I also read her obituary posted by The Berean Call and it was truly well written, she truly was a woman of great character.
She actually reminded me of a great woman that I had the privilege of being married to for 42 wonderful years.
Pauline left this world in December 2021 for a much better place, and while reading about Carly, her tenacity and pure genuine love for her saviour so much reminded me of my dear Pauline.

Anyways please forgive my reminiscing here for a few minutes, I just wanted to share about God goodness in giving me such a grand lady to share so many wonderful years with. Thank you Lord!

I also wanted to mention the Spencer Smith podcast regarding the Jesus Revolution movie.
Our dear friend Spencer is 100% correct in his attempt to show how we are being manipulated to soften our stance on Homosexuality, and Doctrine.

I highly recommend that you listen to both Carly and Spencer video that are posted on this Forum, both are highly informative.

Have a great Saturday, my brothers & sisters in Christ.


Thanks Stephanie. I appreciate you taking the time to read that. Being that it is fairly counterintuitive to a general drive in our forum, it means a lot that you took the time to read it. It’s not something that will go over too well here in our forum. That is awesome that you care to. :slight_smile:

DISCLAIMER – Please consider this reply Steph a general thesis. These are my thoughts upon the matter in a general sense and context. None of this is aimed at you. It is aimed rather at the issue under discussion and is meant in this way. If there are ways in contrast you feel are helpful to relay, they will be warmly received and appreciated in the context and of the heart in which you would make them. Please note the following is meant as generalities. And not specific addresses to how you have caringly and humbly in heart felt honesty brought things up out of your own heart as to how to consider.

Yes I believe it can be a foreshadowing and also used as focus of the real yet to come. I believe this can be helpful. And although I am not a fan of Pastor JD using 911 as an evangelical deception example (although in principle i am a truther). I don’t disagree with pointing to deception and as means to point to Christ. I’m actually rather very much on board with that sort of thing. Amen.

But is barrowing it as a foreshadow what is happening? That is not the sense i get. I guess one distinguisher would be equal weights and balances test perhaps. Are we able to see as much in the age of grace that points to Christ as we do with what we barrow from the tribulation? Perhaps in our sharing of the word or taking time with family and lost friends might answer yes in a way. If so amen. But in terms of public prophecy discourse the sense I get is that there are not equal weights and balances toward the age of grace presence of God to point to Christ prophetically. Maybe that might even sound like an impossibility. I would understand if it might. But one very simple test would be a) we are in the age of grace experiencing it. b) we are not in the tribulation yet. This is clear. So if we are not sharing as much about how God is working in our age of grace equally to what we barrow from the future…well…that is kind of a self evident thing i would reckon. That perhaps a yellow or orange flag might not be unreasonable on why that condition might exist.

I realize we are focusing on deception largely not so much as to borrow from the tribulation, but because there is so much of it going on today. I do get that. So i’m not saying any focus on deception is barrowing from the tribulation. I realize there are differences. But I would follow that up with: do we have a trend and pattern to blend current day deception in with trend and patterns to blend or merge them toward barrowed notions from the tribulation? And i think the answer to that is yes. So in a way that kind of tends to land us in the same place as though it were not about focusing on the deceptions of today, even though we are or trying to honestly. Amen.

I guess a question could be “Do we purposely look for God’s activity in His age of grace?” Or is that something that can mostly be summed up in “He is letting the NWO have their day, so the way we see God move today is through the NWO.” Which i hope that sounds frightening when put that way. I don’t think that is the best way to see God move today. He is transcendent. So I try to start there. And get a sense of what that might look like (although in part lol that is an exercise in futility because we can never transcend ourselves to catch up to Him…but we can grow in knowing Him better today in this way I believe).

The dangers I believe in over borrowing from the tribulation, is backward masking over the age of grace a veneer, not of deception, but our ideas about how God will be tomorrow. While it is still yet today and not tomorrow. A warming of an age to come in context to show even now is commendable. But to the degree it might plagiarize our God in His future could tend on places to compete what He is to us and our world today. And in that sense, the church may stray into areas of an inverse scenario of kind of what Israel did in the 1st century. Miss not what God will do, but what He was doing. At least in ways is kind of my concern. God when His patience is exhausted is the same God as today, but not the same context His nor we are in. Romans 2:4 – “Or despisest thou the riches of His goodness and forbearance and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?” Or should we be saying “It is by the knowledge and insight of deception that we are led to repentance?” I just use this contrast to hopefully demonstrate a concern. During the tribulation, Romans will still be in the bible. And how people are to interpret that while in the midst of His having exhausted His patience is a quagmire for an age to come. Not our age today. And the context God is in today with us is Romans 2:4. The richness of His kindness and longsuffering is the Spirit of Revelation (as revealed in His word in Romans).

Well I hope this makes some sense in context. I appreciate dearly your taking the time to read and consider. You are a great blessing sister to so many…including of course, me. :slight_smile:

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I understand your points.

I think that if there is any lack of purposefully looking for God’s activity in this age of grace, and therefore not all focus is on that , is because with the current deceptions aka not the coming Tribulation deceptions, there are things occurring that are wrongfully being attributed to God doing them.

For example, if I actively look for the preaching of the gospel message and while some are getting saved, the message is accompanied by say so called babbling and a slaying in the spirit, then I’d better be aware of what is actually of God or isn’t of God. Or at least question some of what is occurring so that what is truly an activity of God is attributed to him and that what is mot of him isn’t attributed to him.

Even if there was no “ borrowing “ from the Tribulation deceptions, we know this age of grace has its own problems of deception that need attention because they are masquerading as
“ activities of God”.

While we should focus on the present age and God’s involvement, keeping the future of the Tribulation in the back of our minds helps us focus and discern what in this present day is or isn’t of Him.

Hope this makes some sense :woman_shrugging:t4:


I believe that God hears your prayers anywhere and they dont need to be said aloud. Having said that if i am out for a walk, admiring Gods creation and theres no one around i sometimes walk along talking things over with him…Jesus calls us his friends. If i walk with a mate i talk to them. I used to love heavy rain during the civil unrest here i would walk and pray and no one interferred with me .


This is a fascinating discussion! Hope this blesses you :blush:



We are witnessing the ‘Great Falling Away’. So those of us who see it are the remnant. The addiction of the wrong side to division and argumentation is appalling but necessary. Every knee shall bow. Every eye shall see. Quit watching and look up.


I hope you meant my KEEP watching
and look up ?! And not QUIT watching !

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Thank you Jason. This has been my thoughts as of late. My mind needs to be more on celebrating God’s goodness and getting people one step closer to Jesus. I have discovered in hindsight that discernment came as a gift when I needed it more than something I searched for.


Hi Steph. I hear you. There is absolutely no disagreement that there is plenty of deception to focus on. And we should. Amen. But is sponsoring Matt 24 as for today keeping the tribulation merely in the back of our minds? Its not ok for NAR to “adjust” scripture their way…but it works for us? This is a danger in thinking, as i would understand, (because it is dealing with the very exegesis of His word to adjust for us and our cause perhaps, in cases, over and above the importance of His word in best context…or at least reasonably considerable context) that permitting exegetical fallout in Matt 24 is ok because of what others are doing that we need to correct. This would not be how I would want to trust the infallible word. In that sense the word can kind of become a football of sorts between two tensions. NARS and ours. Hehe…like the rhyme? lol.

Anyway…the way to offset error and deception is the refinement of His word in our hearts. NAR uses it to bring Christ home with them as heroes. We do it accurately foreseeing the tribulation, but also are the heroes in our own narratives that also ok’s exegetical fog. I’m just saying i think we can do it more affectively using the word in context is mainly my point. Coming out of the charismatic movement, and then much later Calvinism and the discernment ministry has trended my heart much larger toward exegesis than i had previously held. So its probably some of that with me, granted. But I would still though say the biggest sword and most effective is His word in context over and above perhaps other also convenient potential uses of His word…kind of thing…well that is my general overall premise (although i understand the tendencies at hand in watcher community).

Admittedly, I will use scripture from time to time to press a point outside of exegesis proper. Such as my views upon Rev 6:2 (which would be very easily provable to be false in within a snapshot of time–something I am transparent about and ok with). But another danger is we can start mistaking the map for the actuality we are in if this transparency is not also considered in our approaches. And we leave ourselves open perhaps in ways of building theological empires on “keeping something in the back of our minds.” At that point, it becomes something else likely i would believe.

Now one thing I am very open to, otherwise i would not be interested in the watcher community, is considering things along side scripture as we make discernment concerning. These are “safe” conjectures as they would be in clearer context of musings category. I believe there is a very real place for that today. So im game…i’m “in.” :slight_smile: However, consider the contrast:

A year ago, we were trending to see how bad the COVID thing got. And we had NWO shopping the WHO to change governments all over the world to facilitate a power grab. Now granted, there may still be many pieces still in play to that affect. But we all came out of a world of mask wearing, lockdowns, social distancing, and vaccine mandates. Today, that world has thousands flocking from all over the world to be in chapel with no masks, no social distancing, and no lockdowns. If nothing else, Asbury kind of highlights a reminder of our leaving the world that was. Back to normal? Remember when we could only have 10 people over for prayer meetings? So what happened? We are so far away from the world that was that not one comment has been even considered in this way regarding the Asbury event…because it is not abnormal in our world for them to mass gather in this way…the one normal would not return to. Granted this is a semantic game of perception of sorts. But in the 30,000 foot view, what Asbury ironically culminates as is what freedom preserved even though looks like. So in that sense, its kind of a quality problem i reckon.

Traveling this same road if willing, and thanks for reading, there might be some other highlights also to consider in the realm of “safer” conjecture. However, these kind of stray off into what I have understood to be somewhat radical irregular hermeneutics. But they are as transparent as plastic wrap (which they may not actually be much more than that sentiment or value, granted–but transparency, context, and categories are good things…no?).

Asbury was hugely a gen Z thing…pushed from their ground up. Question: what generation is most slated for the tribulation? Now this is not gonna go down well…which is why it is in its section…lol. But I think it is at least mention worthy in silhouetting our subject matter.

We know God won’t endorse false doctrine. But have we seen His character do other things in relation to our social moment? Can we find that in scripture? Matt 19:8 comes to mind. To a lesser degree, the Corinth church had practices Paul challenged and in some they were instruction from him, in others it was from God. What about Acts 15 (some were forbidden by God, some were cultural concerns blended). Does God endorse false doctrine? No. But we do see that God at times may “strive” with men because they are weak and not able to hear better. Also we see Heb 5 where they were not trained in righteousness and therefore could not bear deeper truths (same in Corinth applied). So there is a sense where God can be sarcastic. But there are also times He permits things going on for a time because of our hearts. Something He kind of makes allowances for. I am not meaning being slain in the spirit or stuff that like. I am merely speaking from His perspective that He, looking upon our world, “may” work with us according to our dumbed down way of heart.

We are the most narcissistic generation in known history. Gen Z is the epitome of this fallout. So knowing that, it could be considerable that even though Gen Z is the most anti-religious generation going, a goofy misshaped event in a small town chapel (lead by that generation), to us could scream NAR. But for gen Z (the generation targeted for utter destruction the world has ever known) could be impacted by sloppy (even ham-handed) ministry ops. And perhaps a way to reach some who won’t come conventionally. Meanwhile, we protest for convention. It is understandable that we would. But He is more concerned with souls than our discernment (or our conventional sense about it in an exaggerated narcissistic era posing itself as ultra self aware in our social context). In simple terms, what do we do when God uses the thing that is not (1 Cor 1:28)? If the main or only thing we can see, just as an example, about Asbury is NAR and deception (toward THE tribulation generation at stake here)…what might that say about our level of discernment where it might matter most in regards to accurately tracking with the heart of God in our age? Or His permitted senses toward misfit gen Z (the gen with a target on their back) might be of higher order to God than what NAR does. That may sound heretical…lol…i don’t know. I’m just saying.

If that doesn’t…here…let me help…lol. So in a time we have so much marketing with The Chosen, Jesus Revolution, and Asbury Revival, maybe in as bad and heretical as all or most of that is, it could also be the best fallen hearts twisted would do in a Laodicean era (meanwhile in its undercurrent to the thing that certainly is not, His spirit even in it pull some from such unholy fire unto Him). The ultimate version of 1 Cor 1:28 as the end of age of grace cherry on top version of that perhaps. But if our only or main rendering is the deception…we could be tunnel visioning a bit in ways perhaps. I realize this greatly challenges an aggressive focus on deception. But i guess this could be some transparent fodder in which things could be considered alongside as well maybe, in our era of such grand deception as we have today.

I realize there most certainly is a place for watcher warnings. But how much of what i mentioned above would or could ever occur to us? It would not be permitted to. And that is the kind of conundrum we can run into if we reconstitute Matt 24ish. In a nutshell (not so condensed). Blessings. And thanks truly for the interaction dear sister :slight_smile:

I missed your response and then wasn’t sure how to respond at first.

I appreciate you.

It’s good to look at things from different perspectives, and talking to other brothers and sisters in Christ is a good way to get that perspective. I appreciate the positive things that can arise from the bad, like Joseph be sold into slavery was bad, but God used it for good.

And to tie it into the subject of the update (@pbandj rightly pointed out it was veering off topic) so hopefully I can tie it all together a bit…feel free to flag if it’s just a continuation of off-topicness.

Like Asbury, Christian Yoga is ecumenism, or accepting unity OVER Biblical doctrine, is the tie-in here. Literally slapping “Christian” on YOGA does not make it Christian, anymore than slapping “revival” on something makes it a revival. Something can look good and be very bad, i.e. yoga.

Calling something Christian or a move of God, does not make it so.

That’s why I think Yoga came up, it’s all part of this false unity. Or “yoking” us all together with Mormonism, jw, new age, yoga…and the like.

These movements seem geared toward uniting faiths, and even equating them. And we know the Mormon Jesus is NOT the Jesus if the Bible, but “they” are trying to say they are the same.

Asbury (in my opinion) is part of this false narrative to unite religions of the world. As some very wise people have pointed out they are trying to equate Catholics and Christian, when if we are honest… Catholics do not believe as the Bible instructs. They pray to the dead and teach works doctrine…

But there is only ONE WAY. Jesus Christ.

No yoga, no eucharist, no candles, no “inner divinity”, and no “other pathways” exist.

Prophecy seems to point to seducing spirits, and the like, will be the norm.

I personally believe we are seeing this happen in full force, and getting worse by the day.


Did I hear you acknowledge “while some are getting saved”?..Saved is saved !!! Once that is established I believe the Holy Spirit is more than capable of leading a person where He wants them to go. Jesus himself admonished the deciples with “he that is not against us is on our part” Mark 9:40. He has moved many of us from one gathering of believers to another as He has seen fit in developing our spiritual destiny.


33But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father in heaven. 34Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35For I have come to turn ‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.…

I think while we accept the good that comes from the bad, that does not mean we attribute lies and deceptions to God.

By no means should we sin so that “grace may abound”

Deception is lying, i.e. sin

And yes, they could be saved, but just because God can save us from sin, or from a bad place, doesn’t mean we go there willy-nilly.

With all respect and love…yes some people manage to be saved even if it comes from “Balaam’s donkey” but…that doesn’t mean it’s “okay”.

I see the passage you quoted, that’s a very difficult passage, and has been used to justify Catholics.

Yes. They claim they are Christians, but they murder Christians (history) and are in direct disobedience to God’s word.

So… explain how far you mean for this verse?

When do we stand against spiritual deceptions?

Should we remain silent on the deceptions if they claim to be “Christian”?

I.e. Asbury, or what about the Christian admonition to close churches and take the covid shot out of brotherly love etc.?

And yes people get saved by the worst of circumstances but… I’m not sure that verse applies with deception and I’m not sure it condones it either.

But I could be wrong. I’m not an expert.

I’ve had that verse quoted about Catholics and it just made me stop and think… I’m still not sure where that verse fits sometimes.

I would appreciate some edification on it.


Also…what does this mean?

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They do have some history with that.

I think the ecumenical tide is irreversible and part of our Laodicean era. Good on you dear sister for your discernment. We share in this concern, amen. I know its fantastic time to be alive to witness our one world government and religion pose upon the world in our era. In my parlance, I would see the tribulation version and our version of that as very different (but of course having some overlap and transition). I’ll probably be like the child that gets too distracted by everything in the store and wanders off. But I believe there are some interesting transcendent ways in which God might move in our era (this side of tribulation) piercing through the woke world. I guess my fixations trend more like that. So we’ll see differences and different things likely along the way. I’ll try not to get too lost in the store…lol. Hope all is blessed dear sister. And thanks for sharing your heart :slight_smile:

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I’ve been in a really chatty mood lately. Lol

I’m hopeful that I can get some more time in on the other updates soon, but I have to quiet myself first. JD has rightly been noting we need to not be distracted before his updates. I try to watch late at night when kids are in bed :upside_down_face: so I have actually fallen asleep while listening, but not because of JD being boring, I was just tired!

This leads me to pause him when I feel I’m nodding off or getting distracted too much.

I just takes longer. Lots of things are going on and while I think the body of Christ may disagree on a final “opinion” on something like Asbury or the Jesus Revolution movie.

We must be in agreement on who JESUS is.

And He, like God never changes.

Interesting fact:

The highlighted portion is a definition of “revolution” just and interesting thing to note given the push to acknowledge the revival, this film, and the chosen.

“Programming” us to possibly accept a new thing…sounds suspect.

More of a reason to be in the Word now more than ever.

God is my hope and refuge…that means a lot!

But you are right that HE is and will use everything for His glory, for sure.


Hey Steph @anon74937514,
First, I really liked your response above to Maranatha.

Next, I can’t remember who replied (Sorry to that person!) saying they had already looked at the Way Back Machine archive and it was not there.

Last— sent you a PM.

Thanks, gr

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Since we are discussing mysticism. Im hoping its appropriate to
bring up again one of the most widespread mystery religions
that contributes so heavily to endtime Mystery Babylon.

Tweet from Sean Feucht:

What do we see when we look at that picture?
The masses see a group of worshippers with hands raised in unity of
worship and prayer to God at our national monument of our Christian

What does God see?
Does he see a nation and His people worshipping and praying, giving Him Glory?
Or does He see a people with hands raised, facing east directly in front of
a pillar of abomination of Sun worship in the middle of the Masonic symbolic
temple of Dome and Pillar?
How does He feel? Is He blessed, grieved or provoked to jealousy?

God hated the images and pillars erected in honor to other gods.
He has not changed. The God of the OT is the same God of the NT.
The age of grace changes the way we are saved. It does not change
Gods standards or attributes.

Deuteronomy 16:22 (KJV) 22 Neither shalt thou set thee up any image;
which the LORD thy God hateth.
The questionable bible version, The Message sheds a light on this verse.:
Deut 16:22 Don’t set up phallic sex pillars - God, your God, hates them.

Jeremiah prophesied judgement on Heliopolis and their temple of the Sun
wer was flanked with obelisks.
Obelisks marked the entrance to the temple.
Three of these very same original obelisks were transported and erected in Central
Park NY, London, and facing the entrance to the Vatican.
Jeremiah 43:13 (KJV) 13 He shall break also the images of Bethshemesh (Heliopolis), that is in the land of Egypt; and the houses of the gods of the Egyptians shall he burn with fire.

In above tweet Sean posted *"We’re going to fill the Capitol rotunda, which is the ceremonial center place of American democracy and history, with the sound of worship, which will reverberate and echo through those ancient halls.”"

From this Masonic site we are informed of the mystic symbolism of the
capitol layout by our forefathers whom are being exalted at this time by many
Christians and leaders.

Exerpt from above article:
The US Capitol is not simply another governmental building. It is the spiritual center of the United States. Its structure, its art and its symbols all reveal the great importance of secret Fraternities in the shaping of the world most powerful government. We’ll explore the Capitol and discover the features that make this building a Masonic site, an American Temple of Solomon.
The Capitol is viewed by the average American as the seat of democracy, where big political decisions are taken. Very few recognize the spiritual elements of the architecture and the symbolism of the building which literally makes it a temple of Masonic mysteries. At the center of it all is George Washington, a 33rd degree Freemason being anointed as the “American Christ”. The building of the Capitol involved many notions unknown to the common man yet the builders seemed to give great importance to them: alignment with heavenly bodies, importance of ley lines, occult numerology, spiritual energy, etc. Those things might sound like “crazy New Age stuff” to the average Joe not to the Founding Fathers who attributed great importance the them. Here’s a look at the meaning of the Capitol.
The Capitol facing the Washington Monument
Washington DC was carefully laid out in accordance to ancient occult principles. The Capitol is a vital part of the design by its location and its shape. The Capitol’s most important feature is of course its massive dome which carries heavy symbolic meaning, as we’ll see later. This dome faces the Washington Monument, the 555.5 foot tall (6666 inches) replica of an Egyptian obelisk. This layout is strikingly similar to St.Peter’s Square in the Vatican, where an obelisk faces a giant dome.
The same layout can also be found in Paris, Astana and many other cities. There is no coincidence here: this layout carries an important alchemical meaning. In almost all cultures the dome has been associated with the female principle, the womb, the matrix. Opposed to it is the obelisk, the ancient Egyptian phallic symbol representing the male principle. The union of those two principles gives birth to a third entity, an offspring, that can be described as *“spiritual energy”. Whether this energy is symbolic or a palpable reality is something that I’m not (yet) qualified to advance on. Many theories claim that shapes such as pyramids, domes and arches can either store, extract or diffuse energy from their surrounding area but I’ll leave this analysis to someone else. The theme of the union of male and female principles is very common in occult architecture and is surely the most easily recognizable."

The illumination by the “Light of Freemasonry” and God within is the same spirit of mysticism that is the Illumination in Contemplative Christianity who seek Light not
from the Word but through practices, rituals, etc.