February 26, 2023: Bible Prophecy Update -- The Only Way Any of This Makes Any Sense

Thank you Shirley.

The trajectory of this topic of the Jesus Revolution is why I have distanced myself from this forum.

The issue I see that is a glaring red flag in The Chosen, in the Asbury Revival and in the Jesus Revolution is that they ALL are in some firm or another whether intentional or not swaying into the unbiblical ecumenism we are not to become a part of.

There is a mindset when a fellow Christian points out any concerns with these shows, people and their messages that they are nit picking, passing judgment on fellow sinners.
Yes!!! We know Greg Laurie, Lonnie Frisbee, Jonathan Ruhmie etc etc etc are sinners JUST LIKE US.

To dismiss the behind the scenes issues just because “ we’re all sinners” is a very dangerous attitude to have when trying to use proper discernment.

To beat the dead horse I keep beating ( poor thing is now down to bare bones it’s so far dead) , ASSOCIATIONS MATTER.

The associations are not just a “ I have an acquaintance that’s a Catholic, or a Mormon etc”. These associations are about Christians involving themselves with Catholics, Mormons, NAR,WOF and such to the point that now the Christian has been and continues to be influenced by these wayward groups resulting in this unbiblical unity and dismissive attitude we’re currently seeing.

If associations don’t matter and are a non issue but are just a matter of judgmental bantering then apologizing is in order to an enormous amount of people such as the pope, Jesse Duplantis, Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, Andy Stanley etc. because they’re sinners too and God knows if they’re saved , right??? Soooo, then
how does one then, come to determine what is or isn’t biblically acceptable and who and who isn’t doctrinally sound??? By filtering through Scripture what they say, what they do , and WHO THEY HANG WITH AND ARE INFLUENCED BY:

If a very thirty Christian needs a glass of water but a dropper of pounding was put into that glass along with the water , that thirsty Christian can’t merely just drink the water and leave the poison behind. It’s mixed in.
The continuing influences ( poison) affecting the church / well meaning Christians ( water) ends up creating a toxic mix that is difficult if not impossible to separate ( drink only the water and not the poison ).

When a well liked pastor or teacher is mentioned regard concerning things, sadly some Christians get all up in arms. What has to be remembered is these well liked people are fallible and they are not immune to deception themselves.

Before, someone says… that’s true of every pastor and teacher …. Yes of course.

But where does one draw the line with them.

Back to the poison example:
Not everything one espouses should be considered poison ( heresy, false teaching etc).
But there are certain things that should be placed into the poison category.

Let’s say there’s a category of water ( what’s ok) and a category of poison ( what’s not ok). This is where we get into the divisiveness because people’s convictions may not put the same issue under the same category. Some may be on the midline of being a water and a poison. This is the worst because it’s such a mix of truth and error.

For example, most of us would probably put Kat Kerr and Kenneth Copeland in the poison category as it’s pretty obvious much of their doctrines are unbiblical. In other words most won’t “drink” it.
Most would put say JD and someone like Andy Woods in the water category despite not maybe agreeing on everything. ( the disagreements are not regarding a heretical teaching but more of a differing of opinion on some things. ) In other words, it’s “drinkable “.

Then you have the midline where it’s between a water and a poison. This is where I personally put things like The Jesus Revolution, the Asbury revival, Greg Laurie, Charlie Kirk and such ( just giving a few examples and not going to list a bunch).
These are such that have some things biblical ( water ) and some things poison ( not biblical and not just a differing opinion ), in what I’d consider the trickiest category. My concern is not the salvation status if these people because they say they are and that’s between God and them.
My concern is the influence and possible damage being done not just to Christianity but to sincere truth seeking people , whether saved or lost , who could lack discernment and be confused and misled down pathways that lead them into the very things we don’t want then to head towards : the doctrines such as of the NAR, WOF, 7 Mountains and the ecumenical undertones from The Asbury Revival, The Chosen.
And the worst end of the path iwhere a Christian, new or not ends up is coming to believe that anything having “ Christianese “, or a Christian vibe is therefore Christian and thus biblical.

This is why individual research and study is imperative when another person brings up concerns which is also necessary. We are told to be watchful for deception and to try the spirits etc.
Sadly, doing so is seen as a personal attack on the person and not their doctrine. And ironically, the Berean doing their research is then attacked for living out the following verse:


But if we do that and sense or find something off, are we to keep that to ourselves? Or are we share it with another who then must be
their own Berean ?

I’d hope we’d lovingly warn ( share) those things with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. What they do with what’s shared is their prerogative and what convictions they end up with is also their prerogative.

Hopefully my 2 cents thrown in here doesn’t offend anyone or cause their ears to smoke. If so, I’ll kindly put the reminder out to “ agree to disagree “ respectfully :wink: