February 26, 2023: Bible Prophecy Update -- The Only Way Any of This Makes Any Sense

Thanks Dallas @DallasT, I might look at the church site and see LeBoutieller’s older teaching, too. If you like him so far, that’s good enough for me.
As you can see, I’m not totally successful at getting of of social media; it’s a process. And discussing sermons or discernment connected stuff seems kind of important.


Going to have to check out the revision when Spencer posts it. Definitely want accurate information.


No, another pastor at another Calvary church. NOT Calvary Ontario.


I will.
I was getting ready to watch Spencer, then couldn’t find the video. Found his post that he’s taken it down as he has some incorrect history and has to check more out.

I wish I’d seen it though to be aware of what he misrepresented. Maybe in his repost, he’ll clarify.


Bring an odd duck, I’m someone who kinda thrives on assessing something if it raises unbiblical red flags for me.
I’m not always right but when my brain starts going 100 miles an hour with everything that jumps out at me , I won’t relax until I analyze
( trying my best biblically to do so) and write down what doesn’t sit right.
My brain would explode if I didn’t :exploding_head:
So, I actually don’t mind ( odd , I know :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)


Hey steph @anon74937514,
Wonder if you could find it on way back machine? It’s an internet archive. Unsure if YT videos would be included.


Yes, the same for true believers. I sense that those of us that remain loyal to God and not this ecumenical push will in time , as it expands , be ostracized and maybe even persecuted for not joining the masses condoning and promoting it.


I checked there as soon as I saw it was gone – it wasn’t archived.


Yes, we were highly disappointed too to hear Andy Woods say that!!! VERY disappointing!!!


Thank you for posting this very useful information on “YOGA”

It truly saddens me to see the ignorance of people in the church concerning the influence of Hinduism that has crept into the church in this generation.

I was talking to some family members recently about this because they were letting yoga creep into their lives, it is simply an exercise to keep the body in shape they say.
Nothing you say to them resonate, they know better, and they tune you out.

They do not know the depth of Satan and are easy prey to his devices.

The same can be said about the Kundalini spirit, this is Hinduism and is has been allowed into the church by blind leaders, mainly (Howard Brown & Kenneth Hagin and many others) who are ignorant of Satan and his devices, the naive within the church who are looking for an emotional experience, fall prey to these demonic practices.
We are seeing people thinking that they are being baptize by the Holy Spirit but they are actually being imparted by something else.
These poor souls will be led astray from the truth of God word and will adopt all kind of new age thinking.

Dear Heavenly Father we ask for a hedge of protection to surround your people and for wisdom and discernment to light their path that they not fall for theses deceptions and traps of the evil one.
Unless you strengthen us Father, who could stand in these evil days that we find ourselves in right now.
For it is not by strength, nor by might, but by my Spirit said the Lord.
Heavenly Father help your people today, in Jesus name we ask.


I say amen to that!


Father in heaven, I know most of your children that sit in churches are weak and unequipped. I know that I am prone to paint with a wide brush that can lead to being judgmental because of what I am privileged to know by Your grace.
You remember that we are but dust; cause me to remember as well. May my heart be filled with compassion and grace and mercy toward all my brothers and sisters that may be so easily deceived. Protect us all from the evil one, and if we think we stand let us take heed lest we fall. It is only by Your great grace that any are saved. Bring more into the fold before the trumpet sounds and let us LOVE like You love.
In the mighty name of Jesus, our Redeemer who paid it all. Amen.


Efrat Fenigson


🇮🇱🚨Digitized personal medical records of Israelis are already handed to Pfizer on a silver plate. Now Bibi is adding a GENETIC DATABASE, trading our genome. “Give me a saliva sample, and we have a genetic record over a medical record”. There you have it,out of the horse’s mouth.



I was very please to hear Pastor Tony from Chestnut of Assembly of God here locally (sometime last year) talk about where yoga comes from along with Enneagram and such things and told his congregation pretty much what you have said here in your posts. He did a couple of sermons on the subject along with the Kundalini spirit and even horoscopes.


QUESTION: for you G @MrG and Steph @anon74937514,

First, I had no idea that the poses were tied to bowing down to false gods. I’ve never done yoga so maybe you can’t just do the physical, but it seems like you could…. That said, wouldn’t just practicing the physical aspects of yoga (maybe even using that quiet time to pray to the One true God) fall under Mark 7:14-23?


I remember. PTL you guys are still together.

My husband believes as I do, he just doesn’t care to hear prophecy. He is still holding onto things here, but he is a believer.

We agree on more than we disagree.

It would be amazing if he would read his Bible every day. Then he would be better equipped.

That’s why when the Pastor starts in in revival and awakenings and fluffy fluff, hubby just eats it up. He is not in the Word. And that’s also why my husband disagreed on the shot. He was wise enough to not take it, and now he sees I was correct because of what is happening.

So he does seem to listen more when I see things, but I only see what’s up because of God, His word, and also JDs updates.

But to God be the glory because he really has opened my eyes on so much.

The more things come out that show I was speaking truth I think the more my husband will see, but he needs to get into the word of God.

I’ve been pushing this on anyone who will listen.


My neighbor, my family, my friends

It’s the only way to avoid being deceived!

Let no one deceive you…Jesus warned us, the Bible has tons of warnings against being deceived.

What did God tell Joshua? Yes…you got it…

You MUST read the Bible brethren… every day.

Clarification: the Bible itself meaning to keep it in your heart, meditate on EVERYTHING IN IT, the whole counsel of God.

This is not a statement about salvation and works etc.

It means, read your Bible, so you don’t stumble, wisdom!!! Not telling anyone to keep levitical law. Not talking about adding to the finished work of the cross.

If you meditate on God’s word you will be wiser, and you will not be deceived, that’s what the Word of God promises.

Harken unto the Lord. :+1::blush:


Well said . Amen!


Amen. Agreeing with you in prayer.


Hello there!,
I have a tough time navigating this site so I am responding under yours regarding the “Jesus Revolution” movie. At first I kind of did an eye roll until I saw the trailer. I’m like oh wow cool, kinda reminded me of Keith Green and his groovy music but big heart!. I think the movie has people relating that grew ip the 60’s plus this new generation might. A Hollywood “movie” still which I stay away from many these days. I did have a hippie season or two fortunately for a small time in my life where I experienced drugs that I thought were enhancing my “spiritual” needs. Totally lost but because I was saved, thank goodness I received mercy and God opened my eyes that I could be destroyed. So I cleaned up my act. Hence the “attraction” of the movie. If it makes people think and have convictions than a big Amen! But I understand also when you dig into the producers and what not’s past sins and realize there is some baggage there it can be unsettling. We are all sinners but yes these folks who are leading really have big responsibilities! We can find out almost too much these days. Shouldn’t we offer grace?. Don’t these folks need prayer?. But here again, i’ve decided to stop watching the chosen and only go to Youtube for prophecy updates, from other pastors as well. It’s exciting to know that Jesus can return at any moment. That’s more real than any movie. I can be entertained by nature! lol. Anyway there’s my thoughts. :two_hearts:


@GR. Short answer, yes I’m inclined to agree. However, I don’t think there is an easy one-size-fits-all answer to this one as there are several variables at play. With things such as yoga I take several factors into account.

Take for instance me seeing the Jesus Revolution movie. I grew up in a “KJV only” Baptist church and chose Jesus as my Lord and Savior at a very young age. Therefore, my life experience is worlds away from my current CC pastor who rebelled big time in his youth, dropped out of high school, wandered homeless, used and sold drugs, etc. before Jesus radically changed his life.

My pastor liked this movie because it reflected an important part of his past. Since I was just a baby when these things were happening, I chose to see this movie to catch a glimpse into where my pastor is coming from. For me personally, my conscience tells me that wasn’t a sin. However, if I had invited someone that I knew had a conscience issue against it or a person not yet eating solid food of the Word to be discerning for themselves, then scripturally, I would be in the wrong.

I see the discussion of eating meat that had been sacrificed to idols as helpful to make decisions on our modern day issues such as these.

What does the Bible say about eating food/meat that has been sacrificed to idols?

For what its worth, I personally wouldn’t attend, support or promote a “yoga” class (even held at a church) simply because the name by definition still links it to the spiritual and “mind control”. However, my 70 pound daughter depends on me lifting her multiple times a day. At some point, my physical therapist may suggest lying face down on the floor and then lifting my upper body onto my elbows or arms and holding that position as a vital way to stretch and strengthen my back. In this case, I’ll gladly stretch my body in ways God designed it to in order to continue his task of caring for my daughter–even though in yoga they have since hijacked that body posture to be the sphinx/seal position.

Taken from God’s example:

Even though this

was hijacked by man to mean this

to God, it will always and forever still mean this!