Garden/House Flags That Speak

I can make into flag for market. The smaller sizes seem to be more popular although I prefer the larger for our place. Okay for me to use your artwork? It’s so cool! I’ll send you one. Might as well do some stickers too! :grin::+1:t4:

May need it in a pdf. Not sure yet.

Pm if you want :slightly_smiling_face:

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Before you use mine…

#1 I had to blank out a word in the background and I didn’t take the time to get a perfect color match so it would probably be noticeable.

#2 I just grabbed a picture off the internet to play around with without checking copywrite, etc. I just tracked it down again here.

That said, I don’t mind trying to fix the background color patch as long as you are legally OK to use that picture, but maybe best if you just, in love, ‘steal’ my idea and create your own. :wink:

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We shouldn’t use it if it’s not mine or yours but I think the concept is really cute and creative. For some reason the kiddos are attracted to the flags and the cow would be a first pick from them! :grin:

If you have any personal artwork that you’d like to share with me I’d be happy to collaborate on a cool flag together. I take some of my hand rendered ideas and work them through autoCAD and Adobe to get a clean colorful look. Other times a rough draft has the texture and charm that people love. It’s all a matter of preference.

Either way it’s all to create awareness of our

Great God

so nothing is impossible with Him.


If you really like the cow idea, I could ask my daughter to draw one similar but different. Perhaps the whole design, words and all. If so, what dimensions would you need the picture to be to fit a flag? And what format to send it?

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A size of 17.25" HIGH x 12.5" WIDE could be made into a flag with proper dimensions. A PDF file would be best but jpeg might do. Send whatever you can and I’ll see what it looks like :+1:t4:Sent you a pm

Playing with the proportions that may be easier, it would be like if you could keep it within an 8” x 11” on an 8.5” x 11” sheet of paper, but not all the way to the margins. But however she draws it, borders can be put in etc to compensate for empty space.

Sent you a pm

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I should have thought of this earlier because we have such a forthright group of believers totally zealous for The Lord. If y’all want a FREE flag please send me a message. Let’s make it happen :grin:. Show our colors proudly :heart_eyes:The world isn’t ashamed to show theirs.

Now it must be FREE. It will ruin the full effect and the experience if we do it any other way :wink:. The Lord has burdened my heart to deal with the details. No worries.


Something in the works for flags/stickers :eyes:

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But we can’t take the flag/stickers with us when the rapture happens lol.


Nope!!! :joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


If you ever decide to make another flag/stickers, a blue sky flag with white puffy clouds would be pretty with the words “JESUS IS COMING SOON! Do you know Him? John 3:16”
Attach the ABC of salvation card with the sinners prayer.

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Change of plans on the cow idea. My middle daughter said she might get one drawn up, but nothing yet. However, my youngest daughter, who hasn’t drawn on the computer in a long time, had a spurt of God given creativity for a forest door and I worked it into a possible flag option if you’re interested. The beach pic is an idea I had three years ago that she drew up for me.

If interested, I can send as pdf, but I don’t know if the quality is good enough to make larger…


Those are precious. I’m pretty sure it will work. I’ll let you know :slightly_smiling_face:

Nice! I can definitely visualize the cloud effects :slightly_smiling_face:
I wonder if the ABC of Salvation has been done in sticker form before. :thinking:
Great ideas :+1:t4::blush:
We went camping for the weekend and every where we stopped there were lots of stickers for sale.


Just saw it. Am in the middle of replying, lol. You’ll understand why when you get it. No worries— just my slowness. Miss you guys! Hope everyone is doing well.
:heart: gr

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I don’t know if anyone, besides myself, has received any of Tony’s garden flags. The feel and the thickness of the fabric is wonderful. :star_struck: His designs are much more vibrant in person than in the pictures. :heart_eyes:

I live on an unique road. In 2012, I was told by a city engineer that more than 70,000 cars past my house daily. Also, I am positioned between 7 different types of churches - all within about a 2 mi stretch - with me in the center of them.

The very worst thing that I can do to the enemy is to proclaim Jesus and God through these flags. I hope to print up ABC flyers today, to fill a brochure box and post that along the sidewalk. Tony sent me stickers as well with the flags. I have used two of them to decorate the box. When it is done I will show pictures of it as well.

God has allowed the demons to affect my health and the process of constructing my flag post. God’s grace and guidance during several weeks of trying to construct this was and is amazing. :heart:

Anyone hear of the phrase “going off the board for 20”? I didn’t even see the board while looking for materials to build this post. :crazy_face::rofl::joy:

I have wanted to do this for years. With Tony’s flags and his benevolence in sending those to me, at his cost, I hope to draw the attention of every passerby - every day - to see and to think on God Almighty and God the Son.

If someone could tell me how to post a short video from my phone to here, I would be grateful. I had an unexpected bonus last night with the lantern’s affect on the burning bush that can only be realized in a video. The two lanterns and the three flames on the top are solar powered. The flames represent the three persons of God in spirit. They look like flames going up and are orangie red. Quite bright.

I will now attempt to post pictures.


To my knowledge we can’t post personal videos but those lights are AMAZING! I never dreamed that someone would take such effort to display. Gives me goosebumps.Ima gonna cry tears of joy. I suddenly feel relevance. God is so incredibly creative and wonderful and what a wonderful child of God you are Kathryn. You have absolutely made my day! :smiling_face_with_tear::blush:


I can’t stop looking at this. I showed my wife. It is A-maz-ing!


Tony, my brother, I ooo’d and ahh’d as I unfolded each flag. These are your heart’s honoring of God. I am happy that you think well of the display. :slightly_smiling_face: Let it be an encouragement and a springboard for others to use your gift to the glory of God. I look forward to seeing other’s hardscape designs with your flags or theirs or others. This has encouraged me!!

I will change them out till late fall. I will take pictures to send to you.




And thank you for the encouragement!
