How did you speak of Jesus today?

Yesterday night, I left the shop and on the parking, near the entrance 2 guys of 40 years old were fighting for real. One was on the ground! I immediately asked them to stop, one was really nervous and the other less. It was a “mental fight” for 7 or 10 minutes telling I’m not there to judge, I don’t know their story but fighting is a thing they will regret next day. The weak guy felt again 2 times but was not punched to the head. The stronger guy was the stepfather of the child of the weak guy! Finally the stronger left with his car and I drove the other to his house. I spoke to him a short time about Jesus. He thanks me several times.

Rem: it’s the second time, I stopped a fight in this shop. Once it was inside and really really near to fight (with bad words flying) and this time outside.

Thanks God, nobody (and myself) wasn’t badly hurt.


What a brave thing to do brother! Praise God for your strength and heart for them to know Jesus in this precarious situation.
Father we pray you would call this man who heard about You and deliver him from evil to your kingdom and your righteousness. In Jesus’ Name, Amen


I’m still active to speak about Jesus but I don’t have a lot of time to feed the topic.

I think that sometimes God put people in our feets, people who need to listen to him.

Today at the exit of the shop, in the parking I was just starting to eat a chicken curry in my car before leaving, that a girl came with her car at 40m of me, she met a friend of her waiting in his car. The cars were aligned a way I was unable to see something. But wait! I starting to eat. Waw there is a double chicken in this preparation!! I took probably 30 min to eat it! I think I was a witness of probably an adultery, or they were fresh lovers (more than 40 years each). In this parking there are often children, but nobody today except a guy who was there and immediately noticed the situation. He came near the van next the 2 cars and looked with his black sun glasses. Finally he left with his truck and came back 3 minutes later to check the 2 persons. He walked and turned a lot around (and was closer of the “car”). Not really shy! After I finished my chicken, I came out of my car and went to his direction. I had to say something!! There I told him that I’m not here to judge him because I did this in the past… but he needs to be in order with Lord Jesus because he’s coming soon. After I went to the 2 protagonists, I saw it was “finished” (Thanks Lord), and I said that there was a guy watching them and the same speech, that I’m not there to judge them, I saw nothing but they also need to be in order with Lord Jesus because the apocalypse is coming soon. They both 3 said thank you.

What a timing!


2 days ago, I spoke with 2 Muslims about Jesus. Finally one left the conversation to finish his sudoku after he monopolized the conversation (but I came with strong points, I think I won), the other guy was finally more interested and I spoke about the end times (last week of Jacob, the antichrist dajjal coming…). After they left the shop, I spoke with several guys working in the shop, as every nights about strong numbers. I left the shop and stayed in the parking behind a old campingcar. I gave bread to a poor savage cat and returned to my car. I was thinking at what I said… and was interested (I was pushed I think) by the blanket/banner on the front of the camping car (I was unable to read it where I was). Here is the blanket. Incredible! There is not this kind of things in Belgium.


I forgot to say that I spoke 3-4 hours with the guy of the campingcar. He was 40 years old and his plan was to go to Paris for evangelization. He told me he was sent by God around Europe. He stayed 1 year in Rome and now it was Paris. :pray: