Jan 10 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

Hi Lillianna, pretty name. You are most welcome here. But please keep in mind that there are some very bright people on this forum. And we will take you to task. In some senses you may not be as prepared as you think to encounter this. For example, just speaking for me, I have been at a church for over 20 years that teaches seminary level sermons, trains pastors all over the world, challenged COVID laws and won, and lead many in the nation to have courage to also do so as a church. We also ate cults for breakfast. And they are pretrib.

I would also advise you to read the terms of service. Otherwise, your stay will be short. Currently, now? I go to a church that believes in the 6th seal rapture. I love those brothers and sisters and have had many debates with the one of the elders…as I am still pretrib. And now…muhahah…EVEN MORE.

We want your stay here to be a good one. We want to honor, respect , and bless you. We ask you for the same consideration. Getting to know us first…would be wisely recommended. Blessings. There are others here who are not pretrib. :slight_smile:

Yeah so you’re gonna need to wait for a protein based vaccine too. Only 1 is currently in phase 3 trials

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I’m pre wrath myself (or as TCC terms it “sixth seal”)

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And we actually get a long quite well Roselilly :slight_smile:


rapture timing is afterall, not an essential doctrine and is something we should all be willing to change in mid air.
I believe in my rapture timing according to what I see in the Word of God, and that is how others come to their beliefs and you can’t ask for more than that.


Love it…lol.

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Awesome update…! I shared this to my family and friends and hope and pray that they take heed to what is coming.


Hi, my thinking is pre trib, but as its not a salvation issue I don’t get involved in debate on it. It hurts my head! I’m ready whenever, willing to do whatever is needed until its time to go home. Your opinion is yours and you are as entitled to yours as I am mine, and you are welcome here x ps, if I am right, can I rub it in on the way up? :wink: You can, of course, return the favour!


Dear pastor JD, you did an excellent job once again with this video. I feel very blessed that I watch your videos. I think you’re a very good pastor because you’re taking such good care of the flock that’s entrusted to you :heart: and you even stand up for them by telling them as it is!!! You genuinely care about the people and you warn them of danger and I’m so happy that you do this. I have no words really to express how impressed I am by your videos!!

And I think you’re absolutely right. Years ago, we stopped vaccinating our children after we found out how these vaccines are being made, with all these weird ingredients etc. Over the years I have read so much and I have diligently done my research, and I’m still doing research, trying to figure things out and you pretty much confirmed all that I’ve learned so far. Very interesting what you said about the palisades…

God bless you and I’m praying for you daily!! And for Pastor Mac too!! I enjoyed his messages a LOT!!!



Non related to vaccine, but something to chew on…


So where are we and where are those Christians who have taken the Vaccine ( many Christians in health care industry).
1.what is consequence of taking the Vaccine and your eternal salvation ?
2. Is the Covid vaccine technology, DNA changing, pinnacles , pre runner to Mark of the Beast etc. going to apply to all vaccines ? Flu, Shingles , etc. do we NOT take these vaccines also? What about vaccines our children / grandchildren are required ? even the basic 5 of many years??
3. Has JD published a comprehensive on point white paper that condenses all reasons, effects and aftermath of taking the vaccine. ?

BTW I am new to this forum. please bear with me …
BTW -a. Appreciate what i perceive as probably 100 hours per week of Study Pastor JD puts in to his messages… ! does he sleep?


FYI, we stopped having our children get the vaccinations once we started to research it. And this has already been about 10 years ago… Once you find out the truth about vaccines, it’s rather easy to say no to them


JD- I was there with you man, crying my eyes out concerning that last story, when you mentioned that daughter passing away, I said to myself, ‘Ah man, I know where this is going’ and I was there was you man crying. God is so good. To God be the glory!


I’m okay… your okay right…? @coco

There is such a thing as discernment in scripture now isn’t there? And how about what was once known culturally as common sense.? Is that a thing?

In your mind does not exist the origin of truth nor in mine or any other save God alone. That’s why those of us who take The Word of God seriously are seeing what is written in it come to pass as described in the Word of God. Not in the paralyzing state of worldly and humanistic perspectives of no absolutes. For you to introduce the notion that the truth cannot be known for certain exposes what spirit you are of. Because our God is not The God of confusion.

Now as for your purpose here on this forum and what you really are doing here with your watering down of facts and sly little campaign to sowing doubts in what we just heard from JD Farag this Sunday.

I suggest you review the position of the Forums owner because that is our position and policy here so feel free to not participate if you are here to contradict what his ministry is working to accomplish.


Please review again sense you seem to be confused.


If the one who saved you, The King of Heaven speaks on the matter that He considers of such importance as dedicate 1/3 of the scriptures to, you ask does that matter?

No one says he hasn’t saved anyone. It’s not an issue of salvation necessarily. But are there scriptures pertaining to instruction of sound doctrine or aren’t there? What are they for? Lively debate sounds fair right up until we have the same debate the 50th time and still no one learns anything right? What does scripture call that? I suppose you do have some valid points about starting someone from scratch and training them up on sound eschatology.

But it will be more difficult when they have already decided that your the idiot and came on to your home forum to help you realize that.


When we are sealed in the Holy Spirit, marked by the Holy Spirit, can it be seen with human eyes ? God recognises it because God recognises and acknowledges himself. Do you think this mark will be visible or not ? Remember satan is the great deceiver and prince of lies. He will counterfeit a seal and mimic all the characteristics of a Holy Seal. This satanic seal cannot be accepted by God as it is not of God ie. Himself. Therefore it is by definition against God and is evil. Why would satan go through twice the amount of work marking someone twice ? God didn’t do it so in satan’s mind why should he ? The technology now makes it possible to have an invisible mark that the human eye cannot see. A perfect satanic counterfeit to God’s Holy Spirit Seal.

Hi, once this vax is ready, and we have a choice, do you get to choose which one you have? Here in UK, we don’t get a choice. I’m guessing we are told which one at the time of taking it, but I have no one to ask yet. I’ve been offered a vax at work, which I’ve refused. Not manitory yet!

While I make no claim to being on par with the excellent minds and opinions of this forums excellent posters ,I have learned so much!..….love you all, I have questions that keep rolling around in my head. Maybe you can help. If I was to go to my local hospital and made a trip to the viewing window at all the newly born babies, how could I justify killing and chopping up one of these beautiful, God given souls for the sake of my own selfish desire to ward off a virus? Yes we all agree abortion is wrong. But when it comes to our health are we debating or acceding?
If there was even a nats chance that this vaccine could contain fetal tissue, would it be ethical? I fear some have abandon the God given Spirits wisper ( I woulden’t do that if I was you )!


there’s going to be multiple vaccines available but right now it’s limited to just the pfizer and the moderna I think and it’s going to vary by location. The pfizer vaccine requires being frozen at -70C which not everyone has freezers that go that cold.
I’m not sure how you’re going to be able to select 1 vaccine or another I guess you’ll just have to ask if there are options available if you’re considering them
But, also consider that mRNA vaccines are new and they were rushed, and we don’t know anything about long term effects yet.
I’m certainly not taking any of the current vaccines, and won’t take an mRNA vaccine.

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Maybe it’s best to live ready like it’s pretrib and prepare your faith to endure like it’s posttrib.