Jan 10 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

Dear J.D. I am greatfull for your online services. Your wisdom and the lessons you share are filling me with hope and comfort. You are so much needed in the world today. I thank you for being here.


What is this about? Of coarse it was enough…Their salvation has no bearing on what was happening between me and the person who created a brand new account to come on the forum to correct/chastise our positions doctrinally without any “relational precedence” or even a good point for that matter.

Fellowship in no way characterizes what their post was about. And they also made it clear they came here to teach us on what we are doing wrong. Reread the thread post and tell me what it was designed to do. Fellowship? Come on neither of us believe that. Do you go on post-trib forums and chastise them for not believing what we know is the truth? Me neither because that’s called a double standard.

If you want to be sympathetic and coddle the person who was blatantly rude as the majority of other members agree they were, then go ahead we don’t have to see the situation from the same perspective. Be at peace I have no ill will toward any one I only intend to be a guard rail to someone who enters into the forum in such a brash and irreverent manner.

Blessing in Christ.

I agree completely. I too suffer from an autoimmune disease and was planning on avoiding the vaccine for this reason. Thanks for all the info, it was well put together :grinning:


Did we jump threads off of the original conversation of another thread?
I did jump threads… Dog gone… :pensive:

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Bro if I misunderstood this whole exchange I sincerely ask for your forgiveness. I hate screwing up like this. But it’s not the first time sorry to say… I love you in Christ either way and am sorry if I hurt you. Regardless your important to Jesus so that’s that.

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One more thing JD hasn’t touch on: The legal aspect of vaccination.

Remember this guy?

Alan Dershowitz: "you have no right to refuse to be vaccinated"

Each country have their own laws and can a vaccine refusers invoke Nuremberg Convention to justify it?

Governments can change or introduce new laws to compel citizens to take vaccines.

And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. (Dan 7:25)


This is great info. My son has a ton of autoimmune and food allergy issues.

Yeah it’s definitely something to consider, that kind of history means their immune system is pretty tricky and prone to reacting to things in a bad way.

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Welcome Doreen!

Great question. I agree with Pastor JD and other end times pastors that the vaccine is not the mark yet. There are several reasons, which I hope settles your friend’s nerves. Obviously there’s many more, but I think these are the biggies that keep things simple:

  1. The rapture hasn’t happened- the mark is offered after we are taken up. Also, it’s offered half way through the tribulation period. Not possible to have taken it currently, because humanity hasn’t entered the tribulation period

  2. The Antichrist has not been revealed yet. The Bible says that by taking the mark, you will be swearing allegiance/worship to him alone. Can’t do that yet because he hasn’t been revealed. That won’t happen till after the rapture. In fact, we will never know (during our earthly lives) who he is until after we’re caught up, because he can’t come out of the shadows until we’re gone

  3. This is key- one won’t “mistakenly/unknowingly/accidentally” take the mark. You MUST take it of your own free will and knowledge that you are choosing to deify the antichrist as your god and worship him alone. You must consciously choose the AC over Christ. It will be very obvious and clear when you make that decision. Scripture also states you will be unable to buy/sell without it- which hasn’t happened yet either. A worldwide pandemic/vaccine checks all the boxes for something that would fit the requirements for something serious enough that a vaccine could be mandated across the entire world. It would also be one of the only times you could inject the entire population with the same material, which JD believes will alter your DNA. Not many situations that would affect the whole world and require the same “solution” across the board. I agree with JD as well that taking said mark, will somehow permanently change you (so that you are no longer God’s original creation- as it happened in Noah’s day). Back then it was genetics, so it’s not too far off to guess the same means of damage will be done to humankind, making them irredeemable in God’s eyes.

I hope it brings you comfort that God never forgets to tie up loose ends/loopholes when it comes to the eternity of each and every one of His children. When it’s time, He will make the choice to take the mark absolutely crystal clear. It has to be so, because once you’ve made the decision, it cannot be undone. There is no going back- God wouldn’t let us make an irreversible mistake without our free will at the forefront. Is another good reason to postulate why genetics could play a key role in why its an irreversible decision.

Welcome again and hopefully I answered that fully. There’s lots more one could say, but JD goes through all of this in his lectures with every scripture verse to back it up. Greg Laurie also does an excellent, easy to understand breakdown of end times/the mark/revelation. I highly recommend him also.

God Bless,


I don’t think you have a choice, it’s based on whatever is available. The only reason I could see currently, is if you’re allergic to a component in one of them, then you’d have to get a different one.

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Vaccine ID Passport Spurs Future Underground Black Market - coreysdigs.com I thought this might bring some insight as to what is coming.


Cool thanks Dennis. Some good stuff. I perceive though at this point, all things considered…it is likely the Biden / Harris plan will not get much off the ground. Prayerfully. :slight_smile: Blessings.

Hi Lailey,

From what it looks like is forming on the horizon, NY Governor Como is implying that we are going to reopen now quicker. This might suggest that COVID scare (although real…yet also hyped) will begin to fade. Seems it may have been more an election tampering issue than a forced fax one. We shall see. But it may be that we soon see COVID start to fade off the radar. This may sound very contrarian…but Como is a globalist and has great interest in their rollout plans. And yet, he seems to indicate their walking back the virus scare. Perhaps. :slight_smile: God bless.

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Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Can you share more about the Novavax vaccine and the spike protein.

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the spike protein is part of how the coronavirus recognizes the cell receptors it binds to that allows the virus to enter our cells.

The Novavax vaccine is basically they produce the spike protein inside insect cells, and they collect and purify the protein, and then attach it to a larger protein called an adjuvant, basically something big that the immune system will react with because a small protein might just be missed in the sweep. It’s like you have one lone criminal out on the streets, and a police officer might not ever cross their path to arrest them even if they’re selling drugs or something illegal, it just doesn’t draw enough notice.
An adjuvant draws more notice the same way as having all the drug dealers congregate in a crack house. Easier for the cops to find that.

This method means that nothing enters your cells, it’s just in circulation and gets picked up by your B and T cells and antibodies are made against it.
It’s a similar procedure to the DTaP (Tetanus shot) boosters, which contain the Diptheria toxoid, Tetanus toxoid (not the actual poisons but a metabolized form that isn’t toxic but still generates the antibodies against the poison), and acellular Pertussis protein with an adjuvant.
The worst problem with these kinds of vaccines is that it doesn’t generate AS GOOD of an immune response since they are small proteins.
The traditional DTP (compared to modern DTaP) shot had whole killed Bordetella pertussis bacteria, which provided great antibodies against whooping cough, but also caused more fevers and side effects because of how strong a reaction it got. The acellular protein bound to an antigen doesn’t generate as strong of a reaction, so, less side effects, but also a bit less protective.


Thank you, that helps a lot. Our local university is partnering for stage 3 clinical trials. It seems promising. You cleared up lot mis information regarding the two vaccines available. I am in healthcare and have been uncomfortable taking the vaccine. I have already tested pos for virus. Hoping I can buy some more time . What are your thoughts on getting the fax and already having the virus?

Ask your doctor, but also you can ask if you can get an antibody titer test for covid 19. It SHOULD show that you already have protective antibodies to the virus from the infection (depending on how long it’s been), if you don’t have antibodies though it could be worth getting the vaccine.
I know for me I didn’t have a record on hand of my Hep B vaccination (the VA was fumbling with my records or something I guess) so I was able to get an anti-HepB surface antigen titer to show that I had been vaccinated in the past and had immunity.
Sometimes they’ll recommend you get a vaccine even after testing positive for exposure just to help give your immune system more of the target (without more live virus) to ensure you get antibodies rolling faster and in higher quantities so that you recover faster. But that’s going to be between you and your doctor. There’s other factors involved like your medical history
But an antibody titer could help make that decision easier. If you have a protective titer of antibodies… no vaccination needed.

Welcome Jzinn. I see you have met Jay. Wow…what an introduction to our forum. He knows his stuff. :slight_smile:

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Noah was a picture of Israel
Enoch was a picture of rapture

The tribulation is for the salvation of the Jewish nation. There is plenty of Biblical proof for pre trib rapture if you take the Bible for what it says. For example the 144,000 in Revelation have nothing to do with the church. It says 12,000 from each tribe. If you have any other view than that, then you adhere to replacement theology and now your Biblical Hermeneutics are in disarray. A consistent literal approach to the Bible will show you plainly that there is a huge difference between the rapture (blessed hope) and 2nd coming (Wrath of God)