January 16, 2022: Bible Prophecy Update

Thank you Jaimie. I always appreciate your posts. God bless you.


Dear Muddy,
I am not a troll at all. I listen to JD all the time and just wanted to raise the issue of not taking the vaccines. I hate things like Facebook and twitter as it is so negative. All I have written is opinions on this vaccine debate. I also have no idea who Karl is. What I have noticed is the suspicion and rudeness from people who have read my comments and made assumptions on what sort of person i am. I am a father of 5 sons and 6 beautiful grandkids and all I wanted to do is join a blog and make some comments. I think you all need to have a good look at your motives for being so unfriendly.

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Well said my dear sister, I sometime recoil in horror as I see some of today men acting so feminine, that I wonder where have all the men gone.
But then reading Deuteronomy 20 and Judges 7 clearly show us that our times are not that different, there was then over 50% coward, as well as today.
We always seem to think that our generations is the worst, but scripture clearly show us that cowardice is a trait of fallen man.
The Lord is the one who make real men of courage, the devil make sissies out of men, and most don’t even know if they are male or female.
Sorry for being so blunt there, but truth must be spoken and expressed.

It’s interesting to note that COURAGE only appear once in the New Testament Act 28:15

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Does Forbes have ties to World Bank or United Nations?

Do they have sponsors or partners that connect them, like a puzzle?

I thought as you did but my eyes were opened. Look at the players and their motives. They do not glorify God, but man.

There is nothing we can do but pray for you to see.

If Hitler was giving you the polio shot, would you still take it?


dont take bait 2



Hi Karl,
Thanks I will check it out…but I also look at the source and have some serious doubts as to its veracity.


I thought it was good information - just copied and pasted so others could read - sorry - i will not do it again and fyi -

Quote from article:
“Kennedy said, “Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) epidemic that paralyzed 490,000 children beyond expected rates between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and asked Gates and his vaccine policies to leave India. NPAFP rates dropped precipitously.
“In 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) reluctantly admitted that the global explosion in polio is predominantly vaccine strain. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, Afghanistan, and the Philippines, are all linked to vaccines. In fact, by 2018, 70% of global polio cases were vaccine strain.” End quote

Catch that? ………….”the WHO was forced to admit the global explosion in polio (aka, flaccid paralysis) is a vaccine strain.”

Hmmm. A vaccine strain, huh? So he maims 490,000 children and many more millions worldwide….and these satanic vaccine-worshipping mor-on-shills cannot see what is right in front of their face?

Of course not. Counterfeits tare bound for hell, where their father satan is going.

Please don’t allow pharma shills who worship vaccines to trouble you. Read Psalm 37 with a cup of tea.
Here’s why they roam about more than ever seeking whom they may devour with their total lies and drivel.

Quote from the article:
A look at the Nazis and Blood Cement
The Corona Fascists are caught together in the web of their wickedness; on this road, it is hard to turn back. This brings to mind the idea of “blood cement,” where oppressors become “blood brothers” — bound together by criminal acts. They are tied by mutual guilt, mutual blackmail, and mutual fear of retribution from those they oppress.
The Nazis, who are very similar to the Corona Fascists, applied Blood Cement. By examining this idea historically as used by the Nazis, perhaps we can better understand the mentality of our oppressors today.” ----------End quote.

(Disclaimer: the site vaccines and Christianity has great research on the history of vaccination proving men of God and brilliant doctors throughout history have come out against this false-premise death science of vaccination. But I don’t agree with their “take back county govt. now” dominionism approach though.)


So true.

watch what comes next. We will doubtless hear a variation of “…oh that is just debunked hear-say.”

Psalm 37 and a cup a tea. :heart: :pray: :pray: :pray:


I sensed that as well as we watched Pastor JD’s last update. We agree and stand with you and others praying for him and will continue to trust God to give JD what he needs. God bless you. :pray::two_hearts: Love from the “Venturas”


KVentura and EliseAnne,

Joining you in prayer.

Dear Abba Father, in the name of Jesus we thank you for keeping your mighty hedge of protection and blessing on pastor JD and all within his ministries and online groups.

Father please bring each precious soul your peace, stability, strength, healing, and wholeness to all in need right now. Thank you father for your love and grace, for leading and guiding us into all truth, watching over us in your gentle care.

Thank you Father for strengthening your children in joy and faith today, through the many promises you gave us in your Word. We know your word is truth, and we put our trust in you. Help us Father to remember to turn to your word, the Lord Jesus Christ, first and foremost in our lives, and to place your Word above all that we are seeing and being told in these last days. Help us to find rest in you in times of need, and to not be overwhelmed. Help us to feel a check in our spirit when or if something does not line up, that we can know the right way to go.

In the name of Jesus Father, we ask that any and all that is not of you, not of your Holy Spirit, nor within your will for us, be now bound and inoperable, silenced and ceased by your protective loving hand. That no darkness may ever prevail here, but rather your Light and the Truth.

Thank you for helping us have eyes to see and ears to hear, for the eyes of our understanding and discernment to be and remain alert. Help us to detect any wiles of the enemy and not be distracted, derailed, nor harmed by any of his devices or lies. Let us be steadfast, wise as serpents, harmless as doves.
Help us dear Lord to remember the Ephesians 6 armor you gave us, that we put this on every day, that we may stand firm and have courage in you, no matter what we face on this earth, till the Blessed Hope arrives.
In Jesus name, Amen.


Thanks for the reminder! It is just a matter of practice.


Peter, I never called you a troll. I posted a legitimate study twice, asked logical questions, and gave my opinion of why I view what has been done through lies. If you found that to be “unfriendly,” perhaps it is your own biases are getting in the way of seeing the truth. Maybe the problem is much of this information you have not been ALLOWED to know and coming here to this forum feels shocking, unbelievable.

Under the law EUA cannot be used if there are other safer known therapeutics available. There were, there are, and all that knowledge has been actively suppressed.

I will add this study here at this point. Again, this study is from JAMA in July of 2021 (6 months ago). This study concludes the use of Remdesivir actually PROLONGS recovery. Many in other forums have been telling people to deny the use of the drug. It PROLONGS a person being stuck on a ventilator until they either die or recover. LOOK at the recovery rate once a person is on a ventilator. We have all heard nurses and doctors saying once a person goes on a ventilator they are most likely not going to make it. YET…they have not changed the treatment protocols. These ‘experts’ are killing people in the name of their god science.

Who is the father of lies?

COVID-19 drug remdesivir may prolong hospital stay, researchers claim | Fox News


Thanks for the reminder Jonathan…I also was ministered to by Pastor JDs teaching on prayer yesterday. I hit me right where I needed it.


If we are debating whether someone is saved or not using anything BUT the gospel then we are losing sight of what is happening and what the author of confusion wants us to do. Be confused.

If we cannot accept that all believers make mistakes as we are all sinners and some have been injected BUT are still believers we create division. Another problem which we allow the author of division to have a hold over us.


Here’s my thought provoking wisdom to add to the “folderol” goings on in here! :wink:
It’s very profound so you might wanna take notes! Ready? See those dots on the bottom? God is writing…soooooo just wait!


If you are fairly new to the forum, perhaps you might want to try the search feature at the top of the page. There is over a year’s worth of discussion and links on this and many other topics that might be of interest to you such as this one with a video link on polio.

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HI Alison
I had the chicken pox, mumps, measles ( twice, once as an adult), rubella, scarletina, and while it wasn’t pleasant because being sick seldom isn’t, I fully recovered and am immune for life now.
I remember listening to one of the programs on vaccinations etc. were a doctor had indicated that there is some basis for the thought that, those who had all of these various illnesses as children, had a stronger heart as a result because in childhood something was triggered in their system that further benefited the heart muscle which would never have occurred had they not had these viruses as kids.
I also received the polio vax as a kid.
My children were all vaccinated including the hepatitis vaccine. I knew very little at the time of what was in the vaccines.
We did have a lengthy discussion on their origins in a previous prophecy forum.
Apparently the vaccines are made differently now then they were back then.
Anyway, I do wonder about their impact on my grandchildren.


Hi Karl,
I snipped this from the article:

“The vaccine itself doesn’t stay around, but it “shows” the immune system a few copies of spike proteins. The vaccine itself doesn’t stay around from SARS-CoV-2, the Covid-19 virus, and the immune system remembers. And, I should note, a similar change to your DNA happens if you’re infected by the Covid-19 virus itself.”

“The vaccine itself doesn’t stay around”

It has been proven that it can and does stay around, and it can go into areas that it was not meant to go.

"I should note, a similar change to your DNA "

It changes your DNA as I originally said to make the spike proteins .
The article demonstrates this while down playing the adverse effects.

Two days after injection, spike proteins killed a 10 year old from a heart attack. There are now thousands of children in the US suffering from heart problems due to the vaccine injection.

One America News had frontline doctors and nurses on explaining all this. It will be on again, look for it. It is what the US government is hiding.

And Forbes? (Completely of this world)
The article was well written, completely misleading and void of all the facts.

Look for that special on One America News on the town hall with frontline doctors and nurses explaining to the Senator the truth of how we are killing people with the vaccine. It was first on 1-25-22
Thanks Ken