January 9, 2022: Bible Prophecy Update


“But I am just tired of this game”

I was just contemplating that very thing yesterday after the PU! It is so strange to spend time with normal chit chat and realize ‘that will never happen’
Also, it kinda leaves me unmotivated. I would gladly share Christ with someone or encourage them one step closer but most are so caught up in this world and are in denial about the dangers we face; hence no clear direction except prayer. I know that should satisfy me, but I’m still trying to get a grip on that goal. Lord help. I feel like I’m in a holding pattern of sorts.

In other words I can definitely relate! What else can we do but go along? We have already been here longer than I thought; besides we don’t want our children to be unmotivated too-yet I don’t like the feeling of pretending either. It’s stressful for me. OR is there another answer?? If you discern it, let me know.

It sounds like you and your children are on the same page with where the world is, and that is a great blessing.


I as well have felt in a holding pattern for quite a while now. Many above have “gone along” with plans others are making for the future and the same here. I’m always looking for an opportunity to witness but rarely does the moment present itself. I’ll keep listening to the Holy Spirit for prompting. Thanks to all for sharing your feelings in the open like this :pray::pray::pray:


I see others have given you some good words but I will add mine.
It is not our Father’s will that any should perish but that ALL come to a saving knowledge of him. He loves our loved ones even more than we ever could. He loves us and only wants the best for us. We can BE SURE that God is doing all in His power to bring them to himself even right now. If the rapture happens before they come to Him, we can STILL KNOW that he will continue working in their hearts because He loves them and us and knows how much we have prayed.

Our prayers have been heard and they are according to his will so they SHALL BE DONE.

If they remain, they will hopefully be joining us in the first few seals. I don’t believe they will have to go through the whole tribulation unless their hearts are already that hardened.

That is my hope and my prayer. After we are gone, I do believe thousands will make a stand for the Lord and they will be the great multitude in heaven.







I completely understand and you make absolute sense! I am a grandmother with a high school granddaughter and 4 school age grandkids. I said to my husband just this morning that I have so much comfort knowing they will not grow up in this evil world. They are all being raised by loving Christian parents which blesses my heart also. I’m not sure if all their parents know how close we are to the Rapture but I sure do and when my 16 year old granddaughter talks about going to college to become a kinesiologist, I just smile and play along. I choose not to spoil her dreams. She is so beautiful and young and full plans for her future. But this is one Grandma who knows that God’s plans for her future are way better and beyond anything she could imagine. I am so thankful she is saved.


I saw the burden Pastor JD has for getting God’s Word to us. I pray for him - his strength in Christ, his love for all of us, his desire that we know sound, Biblical doctrine so that we are not deceived. I love all the Bible Prophecy Updates, but this one especially touched my heart. I feel exactly as Pastor was talking about - it’s not going to get any better, and in fact, I believe it is going to get much worse. Evil is blatant now, the evil one isn’t even trying to hide anymore. But God! God allows what pleases Himself to allow, for His Purposes and for His Plan. We are in the world, but not of the world! Praise God for His Word - we can renew our minds in Christ if we CHOOSE to (ref: Romans 12:1) - it is our choice to follow Jesus or follow the world. I choose Jesus, whether I die physically here on earth or I’m taken in the Rapture - I am still in GOOD HANDS! Glory to God in the Highest!


What next- seems like these companies will go to any extreme to try to sell getting nanoparticles injected into you… on the other hand I Dont think its too far of a stretch to say that this article may Indirectly prove that getting the Jab with its Associated nanoparticles is a step towards sterilization among men. Heating Up Testicles With Nanoparticles Can Work as Male Contraception. Here's How


Thank you for your reply. I too don’t want to tell them not to plan. It’s a waiting game. I just hope its soon.


When you believe…The Prince of Egypt (1998) - When You Believe Scene (8/10) | Movieclips - YouTube Watch with closed captioning!


Just in, omi omi omi, $$$$ and more tyranny!!! Is March Spring time?


Sung to the beat of the vid below for (omnicr)on, and on and on…


Hehe, reminds me of the old old fable, the witch asking the mirror scene

Anyway added the two new update in prev post:


Your words really resonated with me. My daughter is planning on getting married this June and I feel like I am pretending as we talk about the future, grandkids, etc when I know the time is so short. My heart hurts when I think about the life she won’t have since this world is quickly coming to an end. My high school Sophomore cried saying she may never graduate high school. She did have her first kiss…she was worried that wouldn’t happen either.

It is so strange to still live in the world while we expectantly wait to be caught up at any time. I feel as if I am just going through the motions. I know each day the Lord tarries could be that many more that accepted Him. I feel selfish wanting to leave if by faithful endurance others may be saved. My heart breaks for those who do not or will not accept him. I pray that we, who have our eyes open, May be faithful for the time we have left on this earth before the Tribulation. I am thankful for this forum. Otherwise I would feel crazy and alone. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, worries, and news updates with each other. May God bless each person as we shine His light in an ever-darkening world.


Amen (discouragement of the Ariston vid notwithstanding).


Yes! It is frightening for young people, even young Christians. It’s the first time in the history of mankind that the world is coming to a literal end. Even as we ‘pretend’ for our teens, I believe they can sense it. Even with the Bible promises they know, it’s hard for them to see that heaven is better than gettIng married, etc. It fear of the unknown. We need to be praying for our young people.


When talking to family, I have talked about the rapture and the assurance I have for my future home. Smiles and nods as a response.
Because there is only one thing that I needed to do to have that assurance and it is to accept the free gift of salvation that is offered to us through Jesus Christ outstretched arms.
Family know me and how flawed I am, point being is that I can’t earn my way there.
My prayer is, if they don’t accept that gift before the rapture, that they will realize when I am gone that it was in the rapture, (if I don’t pass on before then) and if that’s the case, that it will confirm for them that Christ is indeed coming and prophecy is true.


Yep… my oldest is in grade 12 this year. We talk about school, jobs, grad dresses, travel… she knew what she wanted to do 4+ years ago and, as this country is now, none of these things are coming together, mostly due to the vax restrictions. We also can’t just plop down on a log and wait either, we’ve been given this life and it needs to be lived FULLY for Jesus until He calls us home. But it’s really really hard, I can’t deny that. This is the age they’re supposed to be dreaming of what their life can be. It’s difficult for us as adults to live like we may be here for a while still AND for only a moment or two more simultaneously, how much harder is it for our kids? Pastor JD has kids in this “start of life” age too… maybe we need to ask and see if he’s gathered any nuggets of wisdom to share on this particular topic.


Dr Doom exposed again:


I have a 13-year-old and she is the last of nine.

I would dare to ask:
Why our kids, preteens and or teens see less of heaven than of earthly desires?
What are the statistics on Biblical Authority and how do our kids and teens view it?
How many teens are falling away from the Church and why?
Why are they so attached?
Do our children, pre-teens or teens believe the Bible?

I had an interesting conversation with my grandson. He is a junior in HS, public school and this was at Thanksgiving. We found out they are being told that truth is subjective in school.

“subjective truth is a truth based off of a person’s perspective, feelings, or opinions . Everything we know is based off of our input - our senses, our perception. Thus, everything we know is subjective.”

Guess what…The Bible to him was false, in some areas and he does not want to leave earth to go to heaven. He wants a family. The girls are easily offended due to transgender name changing and most do not want children now. Women empowerment!