January 9, 2024: Prayer Meeting -- Powerless and Hopeless

:bible2: Prayer Meeting – Powerless and Hopeless

Pastor JD talks about how we’re all prone to think that prayers reduced to powerless and hopeless moans and groans are feckless when it’s actually the opposite that’s true.

Watch at JDFarag.org

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More recent services can be found here!


This was so good and so encouraging just as Pastor JD always is! ( even in the midst of his difficult time) When you have time brothers and sisters, listen; you will be blessed!

I’m so glad God’s faithfulness isn’t dependent on me. I too am prone to want the credit for the outcome ‘bc I prayed’. Hmm…. God was speaking to me about that this morning even before I heard Pastor JD.
Praise You Lord!

Pray for Pastor JD and his beloved wife. To God be the glory!


I am so grateful for JD’s return. My heart grieves for him and his family. I felt a foreboding about Kelly’s health based on dear Kapono’s tears in worship and Pastor Mac’s delivery of the messages on belief and building faith through trials. I am so sorry, and I am praying with the family and all of you that God will do what only He can do. Come quickly, Lord Jesus. Your bride is weary.


Thank You Lord for this sweet, sweet time of prayer that brought Your loving comfort and restful peace. We yield our power and might to You as the only power source. These petitions and all our needs we solely give and ENTRUST them into Your Mighty hands.And by releasing our senselesss and powerless might, we find Your power source.
We surrender our/MY will for I am powerless.
To God be the Glory , Thy will be done!!!
Lord each need mentioned and also those unspoken, we give to You. In Jesus magnificent name Amen


Hey there Pastor JD…it was sheer joy to see you back behind the pulpit! We missed you so much


“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God” Phi.4:6
“I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” Phil.4:13
Grace and peace to you.


Watching this…at that time would be Ps Leitu…


I was diagnosed with 2 types of cancer in 2018 (Colon Cancer Stage 3b, Thyroid) and God has been with me every step of the way. He carries me through every test and financially has provided for us in miraculous ways. JD your prayer meeting message hit home more than you can ever imagine.

It took me moments to realize that I was called to be a witness of our Lord after my urgent surgery. I was placed in a room with a Christian next to me and had a wonderful fellowship. He then removed her the next day and put a woman that was mad at God. He was preparing me and filled my heart before facing an angry breast cancer patient because she felt God did this to her for punishment. It has been an amazing journey! The opportunities to share God’s Word and pray with others every step is ONLY a GOD thing. To the point where mistakes along the way have been made, in the medical field, for a witness window to open up. Your wife is going to used by God in ways she never knew. Her FAITH will grow a thousand times more. You and your wife will be a witness to everyone around you. Cancer patients, in my eyes, have the opportunity to be bold to share God’s word… we have nothing to lose. Unfortunately, we should all be like that, but most are not. We have an opportunity to say goodbye to loved ones and create journals of our walk and leave messages to our children when we are gone. Yes, we get sick, yes there is pain, but God will give us strength to endure His will. Do not waste the cancer! She will be able to comfort those around her during her appointments because others will see the light of Hope and have no idea why she is smiling. Our time, here on earth is determined by God not statistics. Since Covid…my PET scan was denied in 2021 and has been an ordeal ever since because I am unvaccinated. I live in California; do I dare say anymore. My cancer has progressed, I was told by a physician that cares for his patients, to spend every moment with family. I am a vessel of our Father; a child of God and He has a plan for me and my family. He will use me even after I am gone. I know, if I leave today, my family will not be far behind…the rapture is close! I also know that since I am here today, there is a possibility the rapture happens: like NOW! This journey is not an easy one and I feel blessed to have been chosen. My husband, like you JD, it hurts, and his tears come and go. I go up and down with emotions, but God always picks me up and comforts me. There are Bible verses that I have memorized, that help me get through those moments. Jesus loves you and loves your wife! He will never leave you nor forsake you!

Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.
Isaiah 46:4


Chicken skin!!! :heart:


Father, Your Greatness is so awesome, we humans can not fathom. The more I know You, the Greater You are to me. I am so honored and grateful to be Your child…in my soul, it is joy unspeakable!
As I said yesterday to You, I need to say it again for today. I want my focus and my heart to be in the right place. So Lord please enable me to let go, let go and keep letting go of my own strong will and might. . May I keep moving aside until there is nothing but a clear path for You to carry out Your will.
Please forgive me in thinking I needed to pray more and that my works would be favorable to You.
Bless the Faraq family as only You can do.
I love You even more today. The more that flesh is removed, the more I love You and the Greater You become.
Tis so sweet to trust in You Jesus. For it is in Your merciful and mighty name I plead, Amen

Jesus, we give You front center stage!

Praise Your Holy Name!

And Lord, I am noticing since my blindness, I am proneto and find a real comfort zone in being a "hearer’ " and less of a “doer”. Lord pull me away from my comfy spot… i Want to do what You’d have me DO. I need Your help and Your leading tho



Praying for complete healing of Kelly and for God’s comfort for Pastor JD and family.


Jeremiah 30:17 For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the Lord.

Please, please, please pray for Kiera ‘Kiki’, a ten year old girl with an inoperable brain tumor. Kiki lives on the North Shore of Oahu and is in great pain from her tumor. She has lost voice and motor functions and frequently has seizures. This is equally hard on her family as they watch this disease (DIPG) take her from them. Your prayers are greatly appreciated :pray:t5:


Oh No, I hate hearing of children going through such things. It is so painful to my heart that it brings me to tears. God, please bless this poor child and ease her pain and suffering and the suffering of her family. Please heal Kiki and give her family peace, In The name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen



I second that Joe. Amen. So sorry to hear Janet. :pray:


I pray The Lord hold her and her family close and grant them peace, hope, and joy beyond our understanding. Please be with her dear Lord. Heal her as only You can Lord. In Jesus name I pray, amen.


Oh Heavenly Father, your Word tells us that YOU are the God who heals us . . . Jesus told us to bring the little children to him. . . And so we do . . . Loving Father, hold Kiki in your hands, ease her pain, calm her and quiet her, and bring healing miracles as only you can! Comfort and guide her family. May they just KNOW that you are at work in this, that you are providing for their every need, and that your name will be glorified in and through this. Oh Father, we know that Jesus wept, and we are weeping now as we hold Kiki up before you. The pain and suffering of the little children breaks our hearts and yours. We pray your infinite love and mercy pour over her, and over all those who love her. In the name of Jesus, oh, all of this or something even better than we could ask or think! Blessing upon blessing, we pray. Amen


Thank you so very much for your kind sentiments and for keeping Kiki and her Ohana in your prayers. :pray:t4: Amen


Thank you so very miuch for keeping Kiki and her Ohana in your prayers. Amen


Thank you so very much for keeping Kiki and her Ohana in your prayers for healing. Amen