July 11, 2021: Bible Prophecy Update


Billy Crone is one I do recommend to. He has some very good insight about satanism, artificial intelligence and other things and is not shy to say how it is.


I hope you are wrong there Ken. As much as I have many issues with the man, I would hope that one can be saved also having a head filled with a lot of garbage (by the grace of God there go I). But that would be so strangely ironic. Like watching your favorite domesticated like series where life has problems but is fairly hyper normal…until Martin the Martian came to town…dun dun dun dun DUUUNNN!!! :scream:

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Things Calvinism can do to ones mind :frowning:

I believe the point there was the wife by her life and attitude be the gospel. At least the focus on the life. Jmac says a lot of things. Some in context are very helpful…others are annoying…and still others…rather frightening. The point is, I believe, let your light shine before men…not an argumentative spirit or perhaps some women wanted to shame their husbands into believing too. If that makes sense.

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No, it was in refence to your saying this…

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I didnt want to, but it seems I have to post this. It seems that John Mac Arthur is a freemason. MacArthur’s great grandfather, Rev Thomas Fullerton, was a high-ranking freemason, attaining the 32nd degree (the highest level a freemason can reach in the Scottish Rite, with the 33rd degree often given as well but only by invitation). He was Grand Chaplain, 1907-10; Senior Grand Deacon, 1911; Deputy Grand Master, 1912 and Grand Master, 1913, plus he is designated PGM – Provincial Grand Master.

There are other disturbing things about MacArthur, like that he said that you can be saved if you take the Mark of the Beast, the satanic festivals he and his church were doing during the summer (tarned as a christian festival with satanic rituals like dancing aroung a swine head!) and other things that makes you think twice about this man.

I will leave you some links. Its up to you to read it and think for yourself. For me, its a possibility that he is a freemason.




These Images were taken from the festival MacArthur and his Church were doing during the summer!

Dancing around a swine head - like the Druids do!

Dressed like the “Joker” from the movie, which is a psychopath and loves murdering people.

And of course lots of Devil Handsigns.

No one can argue and explain to me that this is a christian festival for the youth! Its satanic!


Oh, my!! Thanks for the link, @TCC. I don’t think that I had seen this further development before now. No matter what anyone thinks of Roys, this behavior on Johnson’s part doesn’t sit well.

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@Kris !!! Oh, wow! The photos, alone, seem convincing that things don’t add up as they should. Thank you. I will take a look at the links because I just have to. Thank you.


I was shocked too. I have a study bible from him in my home! But it reminds me also, that I only can trust the Lord. We will see after the rapture who was a follower of Christ and who was a wolf in sheep clothes.


There have been so many names that I have had to cross off my list in the past couple of years. God used many of them them, yes, but as you say, we will really see who’s who in His Time.


Regarding the message on the wife of an unbeliever, nodding my head with you. :+1:

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Ahhh, gotcha. It is probably difficult to explain. Maybe it is just that there are some things that just don’t fit in a box.

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Hi Kris. I can appreciate the concern. But having been well intricated into the GCC subculture, I would suggest that only 50% of what you will find at the watchman wakes would be reasonable to consider further. It is a mix of interesting facts that do need more of an explanation and tabloid journalism. Overall it is not a trust worthy site. There was a far more reasonable 36 page website that was an Ex-Members of GCC forum where much better data could be found. That site has not been up for years. But the cartoon and inflamed image of GCC that website depicts I believe actually serves the problem rather than what we should be looking at. When it comes to GCC, it is like entering an Indiana Jones temple…you are no longer in Kansas. And whatever rules apply across the board, one would have to suspend in order to remove enough social biased to begin to understand what one is looking at.

For starters the first picture is a version of “hang-loose” like Hawaiian, style. It is not the horns.

On the second and third horned pictures I agree they look troubling. There are some things I ask you to consider. I am not in defense of Jmac. I am not longer at that church and had a variety of concerns while there. For example: the blood, changes on eternal Son issue, the mark of the beast, handling of Calvary Chapel at the Strange Fire Conference, using arguments convenient for them but don’t extend the same consideration adversely, Martin Luther King Jr.'s death, allegations of intimidation, supporting CJ Mahaney, it’s stance on Calvinism, its a rather long list that keeps going. I do not feign protection of this church. For I disagree with its mode of ministry philosophy. I am one of the very few that have been able to see and understand this ministry at the level I have. Not because I am bright or special, but by being in good standing while also being in trouble with them for years opens doors you would never otherwise see. Due to church discipline, I was able to see behind the curtain (in conjunction with deeply reviewing sermons to understand their biblical ministry philosophy (a slippery thing…yet there actually is a map to it).

Sometimes horns are symbols of universities. Not everyone that goes to that event are from GCC. There are many churches that go to that event in New Mexico. It is a way to invite churches from around the world to go to a Jmac camp (good to keep in mind). Some might even come from other countries for the event. Horns could be school symbols (my niece for example was with Texas long horns for example). Then again, perhaps their are games where one team are the saints and the other team are the devils (like in whatever games they play there). So it could be that they were flashing the horns as a symbol of the team they were on (in one of the events).

Something that is important to understand, Calvinism is like the age of Enlightenment (Calvin was actually instrumental in that). They like to break church traditions and keep up with the world trends. In some ways this may not be evil. In politics and entertainment there will be believers. If a person has a trendy hair cut or wears something fashionable or has a high paying job because of insight, character, and due diligence, then this is how Calvinists see to be a witness. There are some strange pockets and observations the world would have about the church. Being as “normal” as possible is kind of their witness bent. In some ways it is endearing. Some believers watch movies some don’t. Some dance some don’t. Some play video games some don’t. Some consider public discourse debate and discord, some see it as discourse. Sometimes lines can certainly be crossed. But what you see in these pictures is for teens to have fun. Dancing around the pig head is a game where the pig head represents sin and was a game they discontinued but it had some symbiology of keeping away from sin.

Some of the things you did not display is animal blood and parts emptied into the water (water that you swim in like the nearby lake. This would be similar to those camps that work with cobras in order to prove that snake bites won’t hurt them. It is extreme, yes. But the ideology is to be biblical. In GCC parlance that = memories that will shock you and stick with you. Lessons about sin. What you see in those photos is make up and strange animal parts that serve as a freakish remembrance of how evil sin is. Better a young one be grossed out by an animal part that sleep with the neighbors wife later on kind of thing. Something hopeful for kids to remember throughout their life times. GCC is aggressive in this way. Holding people’s feet to the fire metaphorically is a common church practice of daily discipline in that church. To them, it challenges growth, trust in the Lord, sanctification and maturity…but like in an intense way. They are an intense church. And even though I don’t agree with this ministry philosophy approach (for in ways it reminds me of Darwinian’s survival of the fittest and natural selection principles at play). But what you see is not pagan worship. Please keep this in mind.

Now there is a game you don’t see where teens compete for the rescue of a cup. This cup has an emblem that is Catholic like. So there are overtones. Now on something like that my antenna goes up. Pig heads don’t bother me, but Catholic memorabilia would.

As far as Joker, the way I understand this is again it is an extreme church. This looks like it would be a team that plays against another team. It is like acting. And what GCC wants to do is create vivid memories that stick with a person throughout their lifetime. I once knew a man who was a Charismatic believer. He was an honorable man and lived frugally and love the Lord deeply. Because of how he looked he got movie parts that would be evil people. Yet the man in reality was a gentle giant who evangelized constantly. Playing evil people in movies was his living. But his life demonstrated genuine Christianity. We may agree or disagree that that person should do that. But it is similar here at this event where playing evil is not the same as being pagan. All believers have different levels of maturity and conviction. Paul tells us in Corinthians and Romans to have our strong convictions but also to be careful toward others. These camps rarely have photos. It is kept out of the way in New Mexico. Not meant to challenge people’s convictions.

There are many troubling things about Jmacs ministry. This church aims at ministry philosophy you will not find anywhere else. To me the ministry philosophy itself is not unbilibcal but the administration of it is because it competes, I believe, with what the spirit wants to do in the body Himself. That is where I would find the concerns. Hope that is helpful. Blessings.


I personally appreciate this, Teren. You can provide context that we don’t otherwise have available to us. Meanwhile…


Macarthur’s father publicly baptized Roy Rogers. At the time Roy was a Mason. But it was not a big deal in those days. John’s dad had a regular friendship with Roy. Roy never recanted of FM. And Roy was burried in a tomb, marking him as a 33 degree mason.

This is why John would come up with the story about a man from the congregation who researched his ancestry. So it would look like John did not know. This is marketing 101. It does distance Jmac from his ancestors by doing so. The public bought it. Like I said i don’t think Jmac is a Mason though. GCC ministry philosophy is more sophisticated than the masons. Blessings.

I just read this today about Roy and Dale. :cry: I know there are low rung Masons who never took it seriously, but 33rd degree is serious.

So, here’s the thing about some of the truth being revealed, as far as I can see:

John publicly bore false witness…OK, he publicly lied. He’s human, but this sure goes against “putting away sin” as is taught from that pulpit. That’s what saddens me the most, that accountability is lacking.

Ahhh, and so we move on. God knows. John knows.
And God knows my own issues, too. Yep, He does.
Lord, may I own my own stuff and fess up where I fail. :notes:Oh, to be like Thee…

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Yes that is a part of the problem. With Lordship Salvation…well…where’s that fruit John? I would see the following impediments to that:

  1. Marketing strategies to downplay his families history to such an extent most of the dumbed down world would not know if knew would not care.

  2. Sell up the image of “The Trustworthy Pastor.” And when we can say, “Don’t take the mark” but won’t because our public image of what we SEE in the word is the salient thing–just look the other way…we can’t be that wrong about the word ya’ll…right? I mean…come on man.

  3. Jmacs story conflicts with Medgar Evers account in how Evers learned about MLK assignation. Jmac wears that story as a trophy…that he stood on the toilet from where MLK was shot the same night of. TRANSLATE: Relevant pastor you want to look up to as not one with white priveldge. From the Pastoral Image Casters Inc. showcase.



He would always say Be a Berean Acts 17:11


That makes me so happy to hear! It’s no coincidence that we love both of these men of God. There is a beautiful spirit of humility in JD that was also in Chuck Missler. And the obvious unconditional love for the Lord. Someday, maybe very soon, we will knee at Jesus’ feet.