July 7, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – Hold On Until Jesus Comes

Hey Carol,
Hugs to you dear sister. Robbie, Dennis, Stacey, and Alison have shared their thoughts with you … and they are all good ones.

As I think about our Creator knitting us together in the womb, I understand that He has masterfully designed us to be who He wants us to be (but with free will), how we will affect His will here on earth. I hope HE doesn’t mind me saying this, but as I read your comment, the words, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. We have talked on this forum and JD in sermons about how we will have responsibilities in Heaven in alignment with what we are learning down here. If you will, God didn’t just form us as He desired for here, but too, for Heaven. He made the whole package for eternity. He determined who our lineage was made up from, who we would or would not be married to, who our children, if any, would be right down to the second. Maybe as close as a gnat’s eyebrow. :wink:

Our Abba loves us.

I feel my sharing a treasured moment with you (all), if I can put it into words, might give you reassurance that our time with Him will be complete in all ways.

This cemetery sits in the bottom of a beautiful valley among the tall Appalachian Mountains. Particular to this setting are how the mountains sit in a scallop, one rising up as the one before moves downward, like a hugging embracement curving slightly around the valley.
It was late in November, and the sky was coated with winter’s gray clouds. The air was chilled as it swirled around us. The pastor had just concluded the graveside service for my husband. I held in my arms the folded American flag with twenty-one bullet shells tucked inside. Family members had spoken their condolences and moved onward to their cars. I laid a rose on the top of his casket as thoughts raced through my mind. Now, as I walked away from him, alone, a beam of pure white caught the corner of my eye and I turn slightly to it. The beam came from a stand of trees far off. This beam was equal in height as I, not from above, but was meeting me where I was. It grew in width to fully cover me - just me. I had to shut my eyes it was so brilliant. The most exquisite feeling of warmth and peace came over me. I felt at home, our Heavenly home. Content to be at home with the LORD, never wanting to leave. A feeling filled with love. He held me in His light for several moments and then withdrew to the source and gone.

When I think of my family that have died in the LORD, I am blessed to also know that every moment with Jesus is continuously saturated with His love, as I felt, and more so even. No more tears the LORD had John to write in His Revelation. I don’t think we will have a memory of those who are not with us in Heaven. For those of us who will be with Jesus, I am certain that we will know each other by our personalities … in waaay better bodies. I think of a brother in Christ that had a laugh, an unmistakable contagious laugh that made me and others laugh too. I told him that in a million people that I would know right where he was the first time that he laughed.

Philippians 4: 4
4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice;
5 let your forbearance be known to all men; the Lord [is] near;
6 for nothing be anxious, but in everything by prayer, and by supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God;
7 and the peace of God, that is surpassing all understanding, shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.
