July 7, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – Hold On Until Jesus Comes

Bless you brother Ken. And I appreciate and understand what you are saying brother. What I try and do in a situation like this (for any interested in Mr. Toads Wild Ride Blueprint to Surfing Reality and Hitchhiking the Universe), is I try to get as many different sides (some trusted, some not) on what they see as helpful or important in the assassination thing. And then, leave it at the alter. Not build an empire narrative with it. There is a difference. To me it is 0 shock value really any of it. I’m more interested in the WW3 part of the movie actually.

So my approach to assissination vibes is like a combo of due diligence to comprehend and then let God do whatever with it whenever if ever. My focus in comprehending is not to feed the salt craving for certainty. I see that is an I’ll that potentially plagues our age. The gnostic need to know, be in the know, and drive narrative because we feel we so well know.

Instead, I use occasions like this to gather this and that. Units of conviction. Load them in the back of the truck, and then take off for other adventure with all that wrestling about in the back with all the windy turns in the upcoming road. It is far more likely that having done some reasonable leg and ground work to at least get a reasonably informed soundbite snapshot of the moment, might yield potential considerables for future events. How and why would be total strangers. But I am ok with that. Because I am not interested in force feeding my narrative with salty fats that like fast food taste good and become salve for my “need to know” craving and desire to have it officialized or something.

My views are bizarre even to me. And even though I don’t tend to feed it fast food, I do tend to force feed my narrative though. Not so much the somewhat seductive delicacies of fast-food. Yet I do tend to still though feed it with all the wrong things it could choke on…lol. Kind of on purpose. But hey that is just how I roll. I am on a mission to destroy my own narrative. Because if it is a thing, it will stand on its own. It does not need me to pamper it and constantly come to it with gauze to stop the narrative hemorrhaging. I’m more interested to see if I can just leave it for dead. But while we make much about not focusing on Trump, no doubt, the church will constantly revive my “on its last legs” narrative. And there we go. Yet another huge Trump balloon in diapers (remember that from 2016?) will yet once again…and again…and again…emerge. So I kind of go out of my way to ruin my own view because i’m fairly sure it has merit–but always open to it not of course. The way I prove that is by holding its feet to the fire. And even though those feet are charcoaled ash by now, it would seem it constantly gets new skin grafts as we constantly affirm not being distracted by Trump as we can’t help but seemingly be by feeding those things yet further into a narrative. Or in my parlance…being distracted by Trump.

Making Trump a distraction or not is not at all a thing in my world. I am not interested so much in what I think about him. That is more a conversation I have with God. Like, “Lord what the heck is going on…lol. How would you like me to look at this or that or that or That or THAT…” and its a long prayer because the road called “Do not be distracted by Trump Hwy” seems to go on forever and there are very few offramps…lol. Boy this not being distracted by Trump thing is taxing. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Blessings.


Thanks for the clarification Tony @SkyTheSheepdog,

I don’t really watch anything about politics; watch maybe a couple hours of TV in a month’s time. Wouldn’t watch that except Hubbydude watches the evening news and I’m sometimes up.

At any rate… after seeing the convention stage, hearing their circling the wagons cry, “Make America wealthy again!” and now hearing a demonic prayer was allowed and respected……… I’m done with the political— gotta be nice— drama. Whoever wants it, can have it. THIS is fosho NOT my home.

:heart: gr


Yes for sure Ken. If Rev 4 is accurately a rapture mirror…then for sure it would seem the rapture would need to be before the end of Trumps next administration. And possibly even before he gets elected. The traditional pretrib view on that would suggest a rather narrow window. “If” and that is a big “if” Trump is the 1st seal, we have seen it now for 8 years. Like its vibe, what kings of algebraic like terms might be long to it. It would seem fitting in God’s Providence that He would give us not just a headsup…but a decade’s warning even…with full on political cartoons for us fed regularly.

But see if then it is the 1st seal with that much preamble…then to me it would also suggest “What is seen in its mirror?” And what we see is that no one on earth would see this as the first seal. Which implies that all the watcher prep could be quite a bit off. If demonstrationally over the years and years the watcher vibe be off like that, then it would be reasonable to conclude that rapture timing as it relates to Rev 4 could also be off. And maybe instead of “just before” the 1st seal, it potentially be more like, “in the eye of the 1st seal hurricane.” I lean toward that brother all things considered. But since we are dealing with irony dripping off the walls…it would not be out of character for the 1st seal to be NWO callapse after the rapture.

The one thing though that is strongest in my heart and mind if the 1st seal is something other than the AC, is that if we are this close to Ez 38, it would make far more sense that God use the 1st seal involving the church for Israel’s sake to rapture with us. Of all the potential puzzle pieces, that one makes more sense. That the 1st seal be used for such import toward Israel who does not have to go through the tribulation. We know they will. But they don’t all have to. When considering the character of God, being this close to everything, it just makes the most sense if God’s character is a hermeutic of sorts. Which would Trump (for lack of a better word) our eschatology. His character as greater than the church’s eschatology seems to resonate with me though. Does not have to be that way. I could be just whistling Dixie in the wind. But i’d have to say, that weakness in my view has us up front and central in the 1st seal. On que for rapture, but here for Israel’s sake…as well as any remaining gentiles too. Blessings.


For anyone that’s sad and lonely, this will give you some encouragement and hope what to look forward to in Heaven.


For anyone that’s just not happy within themselves for whatever reason. There’s hope to look forward to in Heaven.


i appreciate your vids on what to look forward to in heaven. i did not view them. your general comments in posting them, is what i want to touch on. ive been so filled with dissatisfaction and envy throughout my life and ive gotten past most of that. but every year now for almost a decade, its like each year is worse than the last. i gave birth less than a year ago, and my daughter is the only perfect thing i see. her health, etc is the only silver lining i can think of that God makes personal to me. everything else seems to be falling apart. i get afraid over what my daughter’s life will become, as her needs grow and i might find myself unable to fill them. what keeps me going, on both dark days and happy days, is “knowing” what Heaven will hold for me. anything great that i perceive on earth, is way better in heaven than i can imagine. no matter how good or bad anything is, i at least have eternity in heaven to look forward to. my years might be getting worse as they go, but even if that trajectory continues, i believe in the delights of heaven that await me. i pray for my daughter. without her id be much more sad. i admit it. the Lord is my blessed hope above all, but my daughter feels like a special gift from Him, a perfect slice of heaven, to keep me from going completely insane. suicide has come to mind many times lately with total lack of hope ahead, in an earthly sense.

why should i feel entitled to good treatment, or decent treatment, in life, when i have many ancestors who were brutally murdered, totally unfairly? why do i keep hoping ill have a better life “later?” why do i expect justice?

so thats another thing keeping me on an even keel- remembering that while things are fair IN THE END, they arent always fair leading up TO that. i could be slashed apart tomorrow and killed, and it wouldnt be fair, but no matter the route, it all leads to heaven… its sad to have to compare my life to such atrocities, but thats how hard its been. if i focus on heaven, though, its easier to be positive about where im at, or at least content, instead of fearing the future.


That’s a good way to look at it. Also, offering a “sacrifice of praise” begins to change us and cause us to be satisfied in Him.
I’m praying for you right now. :heart:


I don’t know family. Information, even on the subject matter that Jesus told us to concentrate on are whizzing past us in ways I couldn’t imagine ten - no, five years ago like bullet trains back-to-back.

Things not really noteworthy in themselves keep popping up. I think it was Terren that mentioned once about a number that kept showing up in different places for a while.

1 Timothy 4, Paul relates the dictate of not eating meat by those with a seared conscience. Meat can mean meat or nutritional food of any type because every creature of God’s is good. We will have supplies cut off in many areas soon enough. I’ve been thinking about their obsession of not wanting us to eat beef. Why beef over say swine or lobster? :smirk: A certain Billie boy has thrown the devil’s money at a drug that will stop cows from expelling gas. They invent new ways of evil all day long. Could it be for an additional “goodie” in their eyes?

While looking for a passage, I came across Solomon’s dedication for the new temple. He sacrificed 22,000 bovines, and 120,000 of the flock. Just like a red heifer is needed for cleansing, it might come to the minds of Israel to repeat Solomon’s dedication, at least in part. (The 23rd of Tishri was called out in 2 Chronicles 7. That happens to be a joyous celebration, traditionally.) No beef, no dedication? The same with sheep. Bugs won’t work. Touche? How about GMO beef … 3D printed? Israel leads the forefront in 3D printed food.

Evolution is making a comeback with a twist. We have heard of one species after another becoming extinct because of poor earth management. This is true in certain instances. Now, boys and girls, thousands of New species are identified every year. Snakes-a-plenty. Species that were once thought to be extinct are showing up again. What? You don’t say. Then is the earth’s condition getting better and the evolutionary process magically* sped up? Wow! Maybe some of that green go juice will speed up our evolving? Transhumanism? How’s that going to mesh with the “change”? They are brilliant in their minds. They will figure it out. HAR!

I sure am happy that God has the train schedule! He will make sure everyone with a ticket is on His train. Until then
:train2: :train2: :train2:

P.S. Greg Smith, the red-headed “witness” must have been identifying as a man wearing a fake wig and hat the other day. Also, if it were me and I started recording a man where he ought not be, I wouldn’t record more of the ground than him. They may have been distracted, sure. Just saying.


Fosho!!! :grin::+1:t4:


Things on the political landscape are changing by the hour now. God’s moving. One only has to pay close attention. Wow. I believe that everything that happens in the next several days will be extremely significant.


So much is happening at lightening speed … hoping Jesus comes for his Bride soon and very soon.


I don’t know if it is better here or there, but one thing I do know, we as THE CHURCH deserve to get a letter from Paul. Not sure if it would be good, but guaranteed we would get a serious “talking to”. :grin:


:latin_cross: :pray: :+1: praying for the return of our Blessed Hope - time to fly :smile: MARANATHA


Everyone has their favorite. I want to meet them all. Right after meeting Jesus, and family, I want to meet Paul. He should be in good spirits … pun intended. He was a man of contrast. Stoic, unflinching in his faith that drove his pursuit to save all that he could with the gospel. Fueled and tempered by the Holy Spirit’s guidance he was able to do most anything. Shipwrecks excluded. Then in prayer he cried, and I think until his heart nearly gave way.

The words the Holy Spirit directed him to write speak the most directly to me. One moment I’m getting a hand on my shoulder with a “wadda you doing?!”, then the next he is adding the other hand to the other shoulder and saying with a smile “we good now?” Yep.

A letter to the whole church? :grimacing:



What’s the blackrock video?

Didn’t make note of who, but mid-January someone posted this in the forum. I shared it on Biblefactsnetwork— Ken Johnson’s site. He’s our Dead Sea Scrolls scholar— has written almost 40 books on them.


He was kind enough to send it…and it’s not good.
It’s all about the apostate church…He explained it in detail to Timothy. …And then John also later explained it.


Morning Kathryn @BABBAB58,

I, too, look forward to meeting Paul (along with so many others, especially Ruth). Hard to believe at one time I would actually say (at Bible studies), “I don’t care what Paul said. What did Jesus say?” The saddest thing is that NO ONE ever took me aside and said, “Look GR, …. “ Was never corrected in public or in private.

Nobody should be that polite. I should have been corrected; wish for all our sakes’ (the people I studied with) that someone would have been strong enough in their faith to lovingly point me in a better direction. Hope— pray those people have grown as I have.

Another person I really look forward to visiting with is Matthias, the Apostle who …? Who wasn’t? Who was forgotten? His selection is one of great curiosity. And a story I want to hear! I mean, how do you go from the high (and weight) of being an Apostle… and then — you’re not ? Or are you still an Apostle even though Paul says he’s been called, personally, by Jesus? Wonder how that played out in Matthias’ mind and life. Did Peter come visit one afternoon and say, “Hey Matty boy, I think I may have been a bit premature…”? I am SO curious!

The closer we get, the more vivid my imagination becomes. And the greater my curiosity. I find myself wondering how we’ll be grouped— in the uptake and after we arrive. How will we find each other— ancestors, Bible notables, friends we have never seen? When will we be able to visit and finally meet face-to-face? Will our robes all be the same or each a bit different, like snowflakes? When we first meet Jesus, will that be private or in a group? What will our first meeting with our Lord be like?!? What will dinner for an innumerable amount of people look like? Not the food, but the people groups, the dining hall (for lack of a better word)? Silly things— but the closer we get, the more real the future becomes. And I am soooo curious! I can hardly wait!

Looking forward to seeing y’all there!


such big questions. once again i think of my dreams when these type of questions surface. i had a dream maybe 15 years ago that is one of the very most impressionable to me. i was not following the Lord back then, but had been questioning my way of life lately. i knew i was self-destructive, etc. but hadnt really done anything to turn things around yet. so i had this dream one night (i was like 20). in it, i walked into some VERY grand room with a very high ceiling. the floors and a beautiful staircase were made of marble or ivory or something like that, light colored, very grand. the post at the bottom of the staircase/banister was extremely beautiful and detailed. the room was void of personal artifacts though. and despite all the beauty, it was HIGHLY damaged. the ceiling beams were hanging down. hard to remember all the details of destruction now, but it was a picture of a lot of dust, a beautiful chandelier in disrepair, dirt, like the room had been neglected a long time, had been abused, and was on the verge of complete destruction. the post in my profile picture is from a damaged home i used to live in, and i use that pic because its the closest visual i have to that dream. its the main reason i wanted that house lol. anyway, in the dream, i simply looked around and noted how this once-beautiful room was now in practical ruins. the beautiful post standing strong in the middle of it, wouldnt last long in these conditions. i suddenly understood this room was the very state of my heart and soul. God had made a gorgeous place for me, and i was ruining it… i said these few words, “im going to clean up this mess…” then i turned around and walked down a dark, winding staircase of plain wood, down into darkness, as though down into the dark depths of my soul, to get started on the work it needed… i woke up… thats one of 2 visuals ive ever had of some SEMBLANCE of what waits for us, and it was beautiful, and ive always hoped to see it again. i might not until i die, and im looking forward to seeing the room restored.


I love how Zac ended the video: do not be afraid, God is watching over all this and CANNOT exceed His permission! Always remember that as we lean into the Gospel with greater intensity, we are nearing the finishline :heart::raised_hands:t2::pray:t2:

Scott Townsend