July 7, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – Hold On Until Jesus Comes

Hey Deb @debh,

Not sure if that statement is sadder or funnier… probably sadder. They just don’t get it. God have mercy on 'em.



I agree. The broader context was the trauma that Trump has just been through, the country has just been through and how their observation is that he seems more subdued. That Saturday’s events were impactful and changed him. Similar to how Reagan changed after the assassination attempt on his life.

I’m hearing a lot of people giving God credit for re-directing the bullet - it was “divine intervention.” Time will tell if they truly accept Jesus as their savior and yield to him. As prayer warriors, that that’s an opportunity for us to pray for those that don’t have eyes to see or ears to hear. Now, we can go be fishers of men as the spirit leads.

I’m feeling very sad since all this started. I live in Pennsylvania. I think it’s because evil seems to be increasing exponentially and discernment is getting harder by the day.


Wow GR :heart:


Thank you dear sister for taking the time to address in some detail our dear brother Dennis. I often find myself thinking very differently. But i must admit i often enjoy his deep scoops of iced cream. Some of it is helpful for me in understanding some nuances within the general watcher movement. And some of it just helps me appreciate a different brother’s heart (a JDF true veteran). Plus, even though our views differ quite a bit, he produced the most profound research on John Nelson Darby. A priceless find. amen. And i mean that in spades. I mean Dennis might have provided me (for how my heart considers) the most profound find of the decade in that. No lie. The brother has grit.

I just wanted to chime in and say thanks for your full on redhot heart in our forum. And speaking from where the Spirit works in your heart. The most precious thing about our forum is that we so so so come from the heart. And that is such an awesome thing to be a part of…of course including JD, amen. And maybe even “especially” JD (as he shares weekly with us his awesome child like heart before the Lord…and we all know we all honestly plainly see that about the man). Even though we (me & he) do have different viewpoints, sharing from the heart so so matters richly. Amen.

So i don’t have a lot of time today but in catching wind of some of these things of late i just wanted to chime in in the sense of perhaps some things to consider aside from the concerns pointed out in your reply post dear sister.

. . . . .


DISCLAIMER – GR this is not to you or any one specific. But bless your heart it is upon your fervent angel like wings of expression.

As we move into the forward moving train we are all on, i’d suggest to consider along the sidelines of our thought some alternative potentials in regards to our current thinking. Sure we have our viewpoints and trajectories. And of course yes mine are a bit different than the staple watcher blueprint focus. For what it is worth and where God might find perhaps a place for it in front of the fire place, for better or for worse…here…we…go…

With talk about “this kingdom is not our home,” amen. I would like the forum to know i whole heartedly agree. This world is not our home. Whatever is coming next is not His kingdom. And yes, there are a lot of mixed up people thinking some form of His kingdom is coming soon to a theater near us.

What i believe is helpful to consider is outside the “either/or” box. Those that think His kingdom is being brought on by Trump and Christian Nationalism. And those that think He’s not. Of which i am a proud card caring member thereof. HOWEVER…i believe if we take a breath and get perhaps a greater room temperature reading…we might become aware of the nomenclature as signature of our age.

What i mean by this is Israel is in unbelief. The church did not have prophets (we did not write scripture). So it seems like it might make sense to see “God’s” lead through Israel mapping. Like they are the prophecy way shower via His providence. Not the church. And certainly not Israel proper in unbelief. But potentially Israel as His providential lead. Like Ezekiel 38 (huge map) and His providence with them. Being a much greater bellwether even like Christ is a much greater High Priest/King…then what Israel had for 1500 years in the temporal.

The Clincher – And this will hurt our sense of bias perhaps a bit…but if the above is true, then the church might be fancying ourselves a bit much in what she knows. And perhaps over qualifying for God a tad. Like a runaway train of sorts. A good question is: Does NAR present a big enough nomenclature signature mirror we could also see ourselves in as well? If the answer is maybe (and i believe there is certainly room for that) then what might that suggest? Is thinking the church sees super clearly on this might be part and parcel of the actual nomenclature? Like maybe its not the sober church vs the drunk NAR church. Maybe its God’s wisdom and supernatural providence in using Israel to eh hem…trump “the church” where we might tend to stary outside our office. We don’t have the office of prophet. But looking at youtube…you would never know that. Yet, we can clearly see how wrong it is when NAR wears that shoe. Perhaps not so much when we wear it? Cannot God be tapping us on the shoulder? Just saying.

If so I just believe it is humble and wise to think and believe this way. Otherwise, how do we not know where we might be spiritually tipsy? Have we not overstepped at times and in places? Do we easily dismiss inaccurate spiritual anticipations we won’t call “prophetic utterances?” Yes. There have been watcher community times like this (outside of NAR). And we have. As a church we have. If we are willing to look at that, to not consider the other side of that to me can be less than wise and less than prudent and less than vigorous of heart. Just saying. If we do look at the “other side,” it might look something like this…



What do we see?

  • Providentially in scripture Ez 38 as biggest detailed prophesy
  • Israel gets a country
  • Israel fights and conquers (saved ALSO when Nixon supplied support)
  • Israel gets world economic boom
  • Israel small country great wealth and technology
  • Israel gets Jerusalem and Golan affirmed

…you guys…looking at Trump either way is a mistake i think. I believe we let Trump be our distraction while thinking we don’t have one. Its him ya’ll.

I look at the same things family. Trump does not bait me into thinking we are going to have God’s kingdom on earth. But if we are tempted to assign ourselves “seeer” quality even slightly and think we know for sure God is not using him, or saved him from death, that is kind of bat spit off a bit and scary like cultish almost, no? I object…lol. YOU DO NOT KNOW GOD IS NOT BLESSING TRUMP FOR HIS PURPOSE. If so do a miracle. Raise the dead. Do something a prophet would do. Other than that its merely street heresay. And worse if in His name and IT IS NOT. Just saying. We aught not be tempted to play at church. We are no less for not having written it. If we thinking we got the big prophet guns i’d say God may turn from the uninitiated and wonder in a hard gaze just what the heck it is we think we all doin. Not sure how to say it any clearer. But family…its about to get real. So its probably a good time to say this.

If God wants Trump to bless Israel that is not the churches business. Too bad we cannot figure it out if so…or grant God this view. And too bad it we think we know His hand better than He does. DANGER WILL ROBINSON. Just saying.

I think Trump is the 1st seal. Will empower America to strengthen Israel so they have peace and safety. Lining them up for Ez 38 their intro into trib. If that is what God is doing…the church is kind of in the way at many times and all like kids running around and underearth His legs and all…whew…and at times even with our smack. I fully 100% say i can be wrong and prove it by remaining on this forum for years (in great consideration–and still do)… But can this Grand Illusion of Watcher World may be wrong? Maybe? Like little? Tiny? Itsy wisty bit? Can we the church say we might be wrong and mean it so it shows in how we look or consider things? In many ways we have family, dear family. But it just feels like we are getting a bit of ourselves when we stack the card deck with Illuminati seer cards from the 90s. Lions and tigers and bears, oh my. Makes me sad. Don’t make me sad…please? lol Ok but make me a little sad because that is good for the soul though too. MUCH Blessings (with totally good faith intention here).

ps – if God is using the end of the age of grace to MIRROR “hello is this thing on?” What Israel should be reminded of? You know the promise when God grants them temporal earth fulfillment of Davidic/Abrahamic Covenant? His thousand-year reign is “temporal.” If God wants to “encourage” Israel to have a taste of that through Trump…tap tap…why is the church making it about ourselves and our views? To me, leaving on a goofy note :crazy_face: it sometimes feels like a slot machine on Las Vegas strip with all the shiny lights. Just saying. GOD IS SO BEAUTIFUL…i think He’d bring that with Him at the close of His own age of grace provided. Just a saying. Hea…chew. Blessings.


A vendor that had been at numerous Trump rallies said that when he was setting up the day before, something seemed off. Security was lax at this event compared to others.

I think the Blackrock video is revealing and the timing too … something is rotten in Denmark (as they say).


Sorry for your loss Robbie.



I am sorry for your loss and for the loss your family is feeling with your father’s passing.

If you have doubts of your father’s eternal rest, think on God’s compassion. As I had recently shared such a time of compassion from our Lord, I will again do so.

I laid a rose on the top of his casket as thoughts raced through my mind. Now, as I walked away from him, alone, a beam of pure white caught the corner of my eye and I turn slightly to it. The beam came from a stand of trees far off. This beam was equal in height as I, not from above, but was meeting me where I was. It grew in width to fully cover me - just me. I had to shut my eyes it was so brilliant. The most exquisite feeling of warmth and peace came over me. I felt at home, our Heavenly home. Content to be at home with the LORD, never wanting to leave. A feeling filled with love. He held me in His light for several moments and then withdrew to the source and gone.

Our Atonement for sin, Redeemer, and Advocate in prayers to the Father, felt compassion toward many people during His lifetime. We read a few examples, and I think the Spirit selected choice ones that were deeply felt by Jesus in different ways. It isn’t recorded, for clarity of Who Jesus’s Father was, when Joseph died. There isn’t any reason not to think that Jesus mourned Joseph’s passing in the flesh while knowing in His Spirit of Joseph’s rest.

Martha, more reserved with showing her emotions had spoken with Jesus. Jesus wants to see Mary before approaching the grave. Mary openly showed her feelings. Both grieved. We grieve differently and grieve all the same. Jesus groaned in the spirit - little “s”, just like us.

John 11:32-36
32 Mary, therefore, when she came where Jesus was, having seen him, fell at his feet, saying to him, `Sir, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died;’

33 Jesus, therefore, when he saw her weeping, and the Jews who came with her weeping, did groan in the spirit, and troubled himself, and he said,

34 Where have ye laid him?' they say to him, Sir, come and see;’

35 Jesus wept.

36 The Jews, therefore, said, `Lo, how he was loving him!

Lo, how He loves us!
Blessings Robbie


Hmmm indeed. Claiming that Trump survived the assassination because the hand of God intervened can come across as arrogant as well as serving a political purpose to rally the supporters behind Trump for the upcoming election. I’m not saying that it wasn’t the hand of God, but I think people need to be careful before making bold claims that it was the hand of God. Many Christians are claiming the hand of God saved Trump.

Kathryn, I think you also pointed out that other people were injured or died and asked a very pertinent question about God’s intervention with that result. As Dennis said, we need to heed pastor JD’s warnings about the three D’s.


Did you see the video above that I posted last night of the guy on the roof with people trying to report it? Freaky :flushed:

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Morning all!

Lots of responding to do and I will try to make one post. I just want to tell you each that I love you and value you as a person, and I value your contributions to building up our little family in the body of Christ. Sometimes we might hurt another’s feelings but we generally seem to make up and learn from each other. I cannot tell you guys how much you’ve helped me grow over these years… how much comfort you’ve given, how much strength you’ve rallied, and how many laughs you’ve prompted, or how much you mean to me. God bless you for your love one for another (and for me!) and for your faith in our Father, His Son and His Spirit.

One of the best things about getting called home, imho, will be finally seeing you guys face-to-face! We are a blessed bunch!

BTW-- Please say a prayer for Jack @BayouBushi. He had a heart attack. Is doing okay. He posted in the thread for prayers and updates for Dallas @DallasT.

:heart: Georgia Ruth

Onward to my responses:

My Bro Teren @TCC,
Thank you for your responses (parts 1 & 2) to my response to Dennis and for your very good advice throughout your posts. Sometimes I have a bit of trouble following your train of thought. But these were crystal clear. Some wise words you shared there. And much needed, too. I think my distress over people making Trump into God’s anointed was showing — and not in a good way. Amen?

I mean, I know God can use anyone; He used Balaam’s donkey. Maybe He is behind the bullet missing. Maybe not. BUT may be. At any rate, it’s impossible for us to know as of 17 July 2024. I still maintain that Trump wears expertly tailored sheep’s suits. But he is able to be saved if he seeks God and believes in Jesus’ finished work on the cross.

Morning @goodboy,

Thank you for that lovely reminder video. Soon and very soon, we ARE going to see our King! Can’t wait!

Morning Deb @debh,

I have to agree with your perception that something is off about this whole situation. Something is off with the world, lol. Not. I am grateful to Dennis @dlcv for his faithful research. He digs in places I don’t even know exist! The Blackrock and Blackstone connections seem to reinforce what Pastor JD says about both parties being two sides of the same coin. But, as Teren wisely pointed out, adamant refusal to pay attention to the distraction and deception might be a distraction in itself. I am praying for wisdom and help in seeing what our LORD wants us to see.

Morning Kathryn @BABBAB58,

You have such a way with words, with comforting. God bless you for sharing the beauty of your soul with us. The post you wrote to Robbie on his dad’s death gives me hope that maybe-- just maybe-- my father might also be numbered among those saved at the last moment in life. I prayed for him for years; stopped after he passed, knowing my prayers were no longer needed. As horrible as the man was, God was not willing that he perish. I am not either. Thanks for the ray of hope.

Morning Catherine @catfaire,

I appreciate your balanced POV and well worded response to Kathryn on the Trump situation. We DO need to be careful before making any claim about what God does or does not do. His ways are not ours and we cannot know the mind of God, except that which is revealed in Scripture.

And finally dear Dennis @dlcv,

I cannot even remember how much I’ve benefitted from your faithful research, but I am aware and do appreciate your contributions to us all here and your faithfullness to our LORD and to this forum. I hope you did not take my response on the Luke passage personally; I was speaking to the scholars’ notes you posted.

Except for the AI comments-- and Dennis I pray for everyone who uses AI. I think it’s evil and I worry about everyone who thinks it’s a tool they can employ. I know we all use technology and I know God can use anything for His will and to benefit us-- this forum is a good example. But the Internet is called the Web for a reason. And AI is, by definition, artificial. I happen to believe it’s also demonic-- that saying, “the ghost inside the machine” is on point, imho. So, though my comments on AI might have felt like a personal attack, they weren’t. My ideas reflect my concern about AI itself.

I apologize if it seemed like I was insulting or attacking you. Please forgive me if I hurt you. That was not my intent. You are a valuable member of this family and much appreciated.

:heart: gr


Yes to all that you point out. We can’t claim distraction or divine intervention. We just don’t know. We need to wait and see while we continue to watch.


Just heard the GOP convention was closed with a prayer to a pagan god last night. God have mercy. God have mercy.


It was actually the night before. We were cringing. Not sure who orchestrated that. But, heads up, the Republican party is trying to widen it’s audience. How they’ll do that and remain Christian conservative is a mystery. Trump is gathering supporters from all walks of life. Amber Rose for example. You’ll have to google her.

Every little thing is a significant component to the pathway leading to the doorway…out.


Wow - I didn’t see the video until just now. Wasn’t able to open from your link but found it on the FOX News site.

It’s so sad that there were warnings that weren’t heeded. Strange.

Thanks for sharing …


Regardless, it can be a conversation starter as we go out as “fishers of men.” As JD has said, I’m no longer clinging to the idea of saving America. It’s lost souls we must be looking for and walking alongside with the light and love of Jesus.


Everything in everyone’s life (saved or unsaved) is by the hand of God, and by His Devine plan for us.
That is to say that everything that is either good or bad happens in our lives by God’s intentional plan, and by His Will.

There is a horrendous amount of disinformation coming out about the assassination attempt on Trump, everything after the fact.
Try not to become distracted.
Many other things are happening at the same time to cover up the heated rhetoric by the Democrats, walking back their comments.
Words are like weapons. Once released they can’t be walked back no matter what excuses are made.
This will become worse before it get better.
It may take years for the truth to completely come out, and the Biden regime will be long gone.
Our time is better spent elsewhere rather than on Trump and what happened.


GOOD! That means we have to be gone.


Thanks GR for your kind words. I am glad that my posts are clearer. Sometimes I hesitate because with clarity can come unintended bias or bad ways of putting something. I appreciate you taking it in the spirit of concern and good faith. :slight_smile:

I believe there is an incredible amount of irony surrounding Trump. Which to me, echoes “Esther.” To me, head of the Megillah, possibly the last Old Testament book to be canonized, and perhaps somewhat in that respect a hyperlink reminder for Israel. Like picking up where they would see themsleves…the last word of God written to them (as head of the Magilllh and possibly last book canonized).

There is a lot of conversation of not letting Trump be a distraction while making him one. Irony. But I don’t think that irony is for us so much (except where we might otherwise like to peek behind the curtain…to sort of speak). But it just makes total sense that if we look at how prophecy might unfold, it may be helpful to consider how it looks to Israel more than how it looks for the church to gain authorial traction. A humbling stance that it might not be to “us” first. But perhaps a more sober filter to use.

In any event, I think we are going to make Trump the distraction while thinking we are not in spades to come. So I guess don’t let Trump be a distraction while we make him one anyway. Its not that I don’t empathize with would be temptation. To see NAR, the world, and even believers make much of him, would naturally infuse our defenses. But “our defenses” are not necessarily hermeneutical. It might be a hard thing for the church to realize that our orientation to the word and who we see ourselves as in these days might be glazed over in soupy bias more than hermenuetics. Coming to a place where we might be open to ourselves doing that at least provides opportunity to be less effected by our cultural moment and perhaps more in tune with the Spiirt who transcends our cultural moment.

On that I would just say the way we might trend to consider is that all the over-the-top statements or consideration of Trump might be more about “highlighting” than our need to put out bad theological hysteria. By highlighting I mean that I would see both Trump worship and Durangement syndrome to be kind of one in the same…perhaps someone God wants us to realize is prominent figure to keep an eye on as “He” not Trump, moves. If we view how the varying sides view Trump as a way to make him anything but a distraction for the purpose of calling attention to him, and we can survive our own pet biases in understanding that might be a providential “thing,” it makes sense. If there are no prophets today, we are left with in part a sense God might animate in providential theatrics. I’m not saying the church should not warn against Trump worship. We should. But not at the expense of throwing out the proverbial providential obvious in our face potential that God as governor of Providence might have a louder voice in this than our virtue. Something a selfie generation could consider is all.

Thanks for your kind words also toward Dennis. He is a very cherished and loved brother here. And often has exciting things to consider. I love Dennis. And am encouraged by his being so faithful to the family forum. And quite a sport with a presence like me wondering around the forum plumbing. Sometimes I’ve had just about enough of myself. I can only imagine what it might be like for some on the other end. Blessings.