July 7, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – Hold On Until Jesus Comes

@dlcv Dennis,
I am still processing the information coming out from the religious groups. After seeing your post, and it sure didn’t take long for the cry of “all we need is love” and “God is a God of love … just love - nothing more”, I read two or three articles from RNS, which I’m thinking stands for Religious News Service.

A few random quotes from these articles.

  1. Faith leaders, politicians invoke God’s protection for Trump in wake of shooting.

  2. I’m glad Donald Trump is alive, and I’m quite confident God is, too. But my understanding of Christian theology makes me certain that God did not save the former president from assassination.

  3. Jeffress, a longtime Trump supporter, went further: “I believe God spared Donald Trump’s life for a purpose … for the purpose of calling our nation back to its Judeo-Christian foundation.”

  4. …God who is infinitely bigger than our imaginations — can be tricky. But in this case it’s not that hard to see that there is something wrong with a theology that says God intervened to save Donald Trump, which implies in an awful way that God redirected the bullet into the person who was killed at his rally, or the two people who were grievously injured.

  5. Jesus is unmistakably nonviolent.

  6. If the final product of our best theological attempts to make sense of the world leaves us with a version of God that is less kind, less loving, less just, less compassionate than we are, then there is something wrong with our theology.

  7. The nonviolence of God doesn’t get much more clear than when Jesus interrupts the violence of one of his own disciples.

  8. The early Christians got it. They understood that for Christ we may die, but we may not kill.

I was a young kid in the '60s when Flower Power and free Love was everywhere. Protests seemed everywhere, protesting against the violence of the Vietnam “Conflict” War. Popular phrases of, Love Not War, Peace, and Love the one you are with, made those sent by the mandated draft often feel conflicted and their families shut down from talking about any part of it. My two older brothers volunteered to serve their country. Both of them in Vietnam at the same time. I watched my parent’s anguish as Walter Cronkite gave the tally of our men and women killed in Vietnam on the evening news. One brother, a Marine and crew chief of the F-4 Phantoms and the younger one, Army, was a medic helicopter pilot.

The draft is all but signed into law again with mandatory or automatic military registry. Females are very close, if not already, included in the registry.

Instantaneous calls for love. Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan said, “against any acts of hate, intimidation or violence” that undermine democracy or cause harm to others."

They have spent 8+ years stirring people up into a lather against each other and now, for the Christians, if they make a peep of calling evil, evil, well, then they (me) will be removed from society.
Still watching for the LORD and waiting, topping off the oil in my lamp.



Thanks Dennis. Perhaps. The age of grace swan song I am partial to though is a supercharged America, and a secured and at peace Israel. Trump should have died based on the extreme shoddy protection Mayorkus escorted him with. I am often very encouraged by your brother, even if we may see differently. I would not see Jerusalem and Golan Heights affirmed for Israel a distraction. Rather, a compass. Guess we shall see. Blessings.


Great turn of phrase. :slight_smile:


Praying for your entire family Robbie,
God Bless you and yours.



“What we saw in the ’60s and ’70s with President Kennedy and, of course, Dr. King, that tragedy and that pain and the Vietnam War, and what happened?” Rizzo said. “People began to pray and out of that came a Jesus revolution and here we are all these years later and it’s still impacting our world today because we decided to pray.”



Any thots why?

Pray for discernment in these trying times. Ps JD reminded us don’t get “caught suddenly” like the phrase “thief in the night” situations.

Think there is much more behind the scenes we dunno.

Read the usual suspects are mentioned in the Politico article.

This one is almost similar echo:


What’s to stop us from assigning distraction though to thinking a US President might have been saved by divine intervention? Are our church pastors directly informed by God that He did not? Is that how the church works today? No when NAR does it. But yes when we do? And why would legacy significance like Jerusalem/Golan Heights affirmed for Israel, and potential significance of Abraham Accords (in our cultural moment) be so easily dismissed as distraction? Or the only way to see Abraham Accords might be what the AC might do with it? As uniparty status for the US is as old as 1964, and views of what US uniparty looks like today remains in this somewhat older school view of how to see US politics today, might our understanding be mistaken in how to view the Abraham Accords significnace? If they inform more about our cutlural moment today than they do about linking it to the AC development to come at the point of the tribulation (and us not knowing for certain), might not our standard watchers views of the Abraham Accords be a distraction as well? Just saying. Blessings.



I am so sorry to hear about your Father. I am praying for comfort for your whole family.


Yes, Robbie, I am very sorry about the loss of your father. What a sudden tragedy.
May our Heavenly Father be with you dear brother :pray:t2:


As dear Brenda said in her prayer, God is the God of impossible AND improbable, and so thankful He is. One more soul, one more life for His pleasure and that is what we pray for. Ed will be the new name written down in glory and oh what a day that will be. I am trusting for Ed’s healing both spiritually and physically. Let it be so, dear Lord!


Reminds me of the old Sunday School song, "Give me oil in my lamp
Keep it burning, burning, burning,
Give me oil in my lamp, I pray
Give me oil in my lamp,
Keep it burning, burning, burning
Keep it burning 'till the break of day!


17 July 2024

History and conquest of Sardis:

Early History and Foundation

Sardis, the capital of the ancient Kingdom of Lydia, was strategically located at the western end of the Royal Road, which connected it to the Persian capital of Susa. This location made it a crucial hub for trade and cultural exchange. The city was founded by the Heracleidae dynasty and later ruled by the Mermnad Dynasty, with King Croesus being its most famous ruler. Croesus was renowned for his immense wealth, which became proverbial.

Persian Conquest

In 547 BCE, Sardis fell to Cyrus the Great of Persia. The conquest was a significant event, marking the end of the Lydian Kingdom. According to Herodotus, the Persians captured Sardis after a siege, during which they scaled the city’s acropolis, which was thought to be impregnable. This victory allowed the Persians to control the rich resources and strategic location of Sardis.

Hellenistic Period

After the fall of the Persian Empire, Sardis came under the control of Alexander the Great in 334 BCE. Following Alexander’s death, the city became part of the Seleucid Empire. During this period, Sardis continued to thrive as a center of commerce and culture. The Seleucids invested in the city’s infrastructure, including the construction of new buildings and the expansion of its defenses.

Roman and Byzantine Periods

Sardis became part of the Roman Empire in 133 BCE when the last king of Pergamon bequeathed his kingdom to Rome. Under Roman rule, Sardis flourished as a major administrative and commercial center. The city was known for its impressive public buildings, including a large gymnasium, a stadium, and a theater. Sardis also had a significant Jewish community and later became an important center for early Christianity.

During the Byzantine period, Sardis remained an important city, although it faced several challenges, including earthquakes and invasions. The city was rebuilt multiple times, reflecting its resilience and strategic importance.

Decline and Abandonment

Despite its long history of prosperity, Sardis began to decline in the later Byzantine period. The city was eventually abandoned in the early 15th century, largely due to the shifting political and economic landscape of the region.

Notable Contributions and Legacy

  • First City to Mint Coins: Sardis is credited with being the first city to mint gold and silver coins, a significant development in the history of commerce.
  • Religious Significance: Sardis is one of the Seven Churches of Asia mentioned in the Book of Revelation, highlighting its importance in early Christian history.

Sardis’ rich history reflects its role as a major cultural, economic, and political center in ancient times. Its legacy continues to be studied and admired by historians and archaeologists today.



Meet deep state, fake Christian prophet Brandon Biggs. Brandon here magically predicts a Trump assassination attempt 3 months in advance with Trump getting shot in the ear.


This is news update on other stuff in the midst of distractions…


I’ve been watching the GOP Convention. It’s so obvious (to me) that, though they invoke Godly references, I don’t think many are familiar with Him at all. Should I make visible public comments, I could be seen as an armchair quarterback. Is my worldview so biblically acute that I can’t relate to the objectives of the conservative majority? If our feet continue to walk this earth, surely I want America to be “great again” but more importantly healed spiritually (2 Chronicles 7:14) The focus, even though the Republican platform is more centric to biblical worldviews and common morality than the Democrat platform, is still unfocused. Nothing can be great, safe or prosperous without God’s blessing. It would seem that the nation is trying to circumvent that reality.


Hey there Kathryn,

Thanks for the summary. I’m thinking this RNS definitely doesn’t know the Bible… or Jesus. True love cannot exist without justice and sometimes justice demands violence.

#5 is kinda comical. Ya think the vendors in the Temple the days Jesus swept it out with a whip thought He was non-violent?

#7 Jesus did tell Peter to put away his sword and then restored a guy’s ear just before He was arrested, but before that, Jesus actually told His disciples to buy a sword.

Luke 22: “35 And He said to them, ‘When I sent you out without money belt and bag and sandals, you did not lack anything, did you?’ They said, ’No, nothing.’ 36 And He said to them, ‘But now, whoever has a money belt is to take it along, likewise also a bag, and whoever has no sword is to sell his coat and buy one.’”

There’s a lot of speculation about the meaning of this passage (and there’s more to the passage). I admit that I don’t understand it completely, but Jesus did tell them to sell a cloak (that had to be returned every evening if the owner used it for collateral)sell your cloak and buy a sword.

Then there’s the whole end-of-the-world violence known as the wrath of God. God might reserve violence as His last choice, but He is well able to use it to accomplish His will if need be.

Personally, I think that’s how every person should act— resist violence, do whatever you can to live peaceably. But if you’re forced to act, be prepared to do so. …and now I’m flagged as one of those threatening Christians…
God IS in control. And I am His. No worries.

:heart: gr


Right there with ya, Tony! :heart: gr

”This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 2 Timothy 3:1-7 KJV

Written like Paul was at the convention……


You just gave me perspective and a chuckle :face_with_hand_over_mouth:. That’s a gift. Thank you! :grin:

(I’m seeing it from Paul’s perspective now)


I choose No 3 on history context.

Jesus is not out to overthrow Roman Govt and having lots of swords will attract unwanted attention. The time was not right for Him to establish His kingdom. Only His second coming will do.

The passage where Jesus instructs His disciples to buy swords appears in Luke 22:36. It’s a thought-provoking moment, and biblical scholars have offered various interpretations. Let’s explore a few perspectives:

  1. Metaphorical Preparedness:

    • Some believe that Jesus’ command to buy swords is metaphorical. It symbolizes the disciples’ readiness to face persecution and spiritual battles as they spread His teachings. In this view, the swords represent spiritual preparedness and steadfastness in adversity³.
    • Similar to how Jesus used metaphors in other instances (like the leaven of the Pharisees), He may have wanted His disciples to think beyond the literal meaning of swords. Unfortunately, they took it quite literally.
  2. Symbolic Significance:

    • Jesus explains further in verses 37 and 38 why the swords were needed. He says, “It is enough,” after the disciples mention having two swords. Why two? Because Jesus was to be “numbered with transgressors” (plural). The swords symbolize His identification with those who would oppose Him, leading to His arrest and crucifixion².
    • Essentially, Jesus was emphasizing that challenging times lay ahead, and His followers needed to be prepared for the spiritual battle.
  3. Historical Context:

    • Luke likely included the saying about buying swords to demonstrate to his Roman readers that the early church posed no military threat to the Empire. Despite having swords, Jesus discouraged further violence, as seen when Peter used one against the high priest’s servant (Luke 22:49-51)¹.

In summary, Jesus’ words about swords serve as a powerful reminder of spiritual readiness and the challenges His disciples would face. Whether metaphorical or symbolic, the message remains relevant: Be prepared for the battles ahead, not with physical weapons, but with faith, prayer, and unwavering commitment to His mission. :pray::sparkles:⁴⁵

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 17/07/2024
(1) Scripture Where Jesus Tells Apostles To Buy Swords. https://christian.net/bible-facts/scripture-where-jesus-tells-apostles-to-buy-swords/.
(2) Why Did Jesus Tell His Disciples to Buy Swords? - Make Peace With Jesus. Why Did Jesus Tell His Disciples to Buy Swords?.
(3) Why does Jesus tell the disciples to buy swords?. luke - Why does Jesus tell the disciples to buy swords? - Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange.
(4) What Did Jesus Mean When He Said, ‘Sell Your Cloak and Buy a Sword … What Did Jesus Mean When He Said, ‘Sell Your Cloak and Buy a Sword’? (Luke 22:36).
(5) Why did Jesus say “to sell his garment and buy a sword”? - BibleAsk. Why did Jesus say "to sell his garment and buy a sword"?.


GOP Convention: I heard a FOX News commentator in the 5pm hour say, “we believe in God but aren’t overly religious.”


Not surprising.


Appreciate your view, Dennis @dlcv, but if I need to protect myself or any other person (even an animal) whose life is being threatened… spiritual warfare is probably not gonna be my first thought. Yes we battle on our knees and the victory is the Lord’s, but a threat of violence will be met in kind. I’m not saying you have to be willing to use violence if attacked, I’m saying I am.

Let’s look at the quotes you chose individually, with the understanding that you are quoting others.

1. Metaphorical Preparedness:

Yet Jesus did not say, “Guys, you misunderstand. When I said swords, I meant it symbolically."

Although Jesus did not come nor intend to overthrow the Roman government, the swords were not spoken of metaphorically in this passage. (Debating the scholar who wrote your quote, not you.)

Look at verses 37 and 38 “For I tell you that this which is written must be fulfilled in Me, ‘And He was numbered with the transgressors.’” To which Jesus said, “[Two swords are] enough.” And this leads to #2

2. Symbolic Significance:

Agree that Jesus needed to be numbered with transgressors-- not sure He meant to be identified with His enemies… I tend to think the transgressors spoken of are the ones protecting Him. But I’m not a Greek scholar; could be wrong on that count. That said, those swords had no bearing upon His arrest and crucifixion. Not according to Scripture.

As for Jesus using the swords to ‘emphasize challenging times ahead’ so His followers would understand their need to be prepared for the spiritual battle. IMHO. whoever wrote this was way off base (and yes, I’m being polite). These two swords are not connected to the Sword of the Word. They are metal weapons, and no indication is given to see them as anything else. This is why you shouldn’t trust AI… these scholars are … lacking.

3. Historical Context:

I’m sorry this is your choice for interpretation, Dennis. I think it’s probably the worst example you gave. I’m gonna go out on a limb here and question this scholar’s belief – actual belief-- in all Scripture being God-breathed. "Luke likely… " Seriously? So does this scholar believe God wrote Luke or Luke helped God out? Cuz we all know how those situations turn out…

Jesus discouraged his people from violence because His time had come. Jesus was not making a statement that from that moment on all who follow Him should become pacifists.

In summary, yes Dennis, we WILL face challenges, and yes, we must be ready spiritually. But that does not negate protecting yourself or others from violence. Again, I’m not advocating violence in any way, just saying it’s a reasonable response if one is threatened by violence, and I see nowhere in Scripture where that is forbidden or discouraged.

I notice you have been using AI for a bit now. I haven’t said anything because I didn’t want to be a Karen, but I will say something now since you included it in and used it in formatting an answer to me. Be very careful with what you allow into your life Dennis. You may think it’s beneficial maybe even harmless, but time will prove it is of the devil. If you must use AI to respond to me, I’d prefer no response at all. I mean no ill toward you, but I don’t want that evil anywhere near me if I can help it.
