July 7, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – Hold On Until Jesus Comes

@YosemiteMountainMan Ken,
Terren posted a video of the shooting. Better quality than I saw earlier. You are correct that what the one SS had was the baseball cap. :slightly_frowning_face: Sorry, Ken.



I will be happy to pray for your father. God will be there with him and hopefully he will respond to the call of the Holy Spirit for strength and healing AND salvation.


From M Synder today: He is puzzled lol

Another from Jon R.

Strangely why T needs to delay his evacuation by raising his fist in the air for photo/video op? The SS ppl pushed him off the stage asap, shld be go to hospital for treatment right?

The Illuminati played their cards right to the dot, telling us they are in charge, not we the people, LOL.

In my free time I listened to JB Hixson on secret societies which satan is using now.
There are Parts 1 and 2 out. Lee B. interviewed him. Got Q&A as well.


Just an update on my Dad,
He had a heart attack. He is currently in a ‘partial coma.’ Before I found out about that,
I sent him some salvation scriptures via text.
I have preached the gospel to him prior.
“one waters…but God provides the increase.”
Thanks for your prayers Teren, Carol Anne, Dennis, Jon, Stacey, Brenda, Catherine, Myrrh, GR,
Kathryn, Sherry, and Blessed Sister-God bless you! Also thanks to everyone else who I missed
who prayed.
Grace and peace


Hi Kathryn,
There is really no need to apologize, I was not offended, but thank you.


Father in Heaven we pray that you will, by your Holy Spirit, meet Ed in this state of partial coma and allow him this time to choose Christ, to choose LIFE. Let him embrace the TRUTH that sets him free. May Robbie continue strong in faith that this is possible, for nothing is impossible for you! May he receive a blessed assurance that, no matter how healing comes, he will spend eternity enjoying fellowship with his Heavenly Father AND his earthly one. And for all of us longing for assurance of our own salvation, and that of the ones we also love . . . Father, let that blessed assurance come for us all. In the name of our Jesus, who was and is and is to come to our rescue . . . Amen


A thought just popped up in my mind about how we are waiting for the very last soul to get saved before we are raptured and Trump immediately came to mind, what if Trump IS the very last person to get saved before that Trumpet sounds…


What if he’s the last gentile? The last Trump? The last age of grace person God is waiting for. Would that not be amazing. Blessings. Thanks Stacey. :slight_smile: That would be kind of funny strange…we all waiting for Trump…lol. Come on already :scream:


Thank you for such a beautiful prayer, Brenda :smiling_face_with_tear: :smiling_face_with_tear:

My Dad passed away late last night.
Apparently his suffering was minimal. It was not a heartattack, but gastrointestinal bleeding. He had just mowed his lawn, and came in the house feeling ill.
So sudden.
Thanks again for your prayers and lovely thoughts.
Grace and peace :hearts:


You witnessed to him , prayed did all you could, hopefully Ed received the Lord in his last moments. May God comfort you and grant you his peace


Wow. This was so sudden. Thank you for sharing it with us Robbie. So sorry for your loss, brother. Blessings.


Just seeing this about the whole ordeal with your dad. @Robbie please know that I am praying for you at this time.


i’m so sorry Robbie. my prayers are with you and your family. :two_hearts::latin_cross::people_hugging:


@Robbie I am so very sorry for your loss Robbie. I am glad you were able to witness to your dad and share the gospel with him. I pray the LORD just wraps His loving arms around you and that you find comfort in His perfect peace. Keeping you in my prayers. :pray: :heart: :pray:


Oh, Robbie, I am so sorry. For what we do not know, God knows. I will pray for your peace of mind and comfort in this hard time for you and your family.:pray:


So sorry, Robbie. The pain of these goodbyes is so hard on our hearts. Still, I’ve no doubt that our loving Father knew your father’s heart and your longings for him. Hold fast to hope that he is home with the Lord and waiting for you there. :pray::two_hearts:
Grace and Peace,


In relation to what is generically turning into a lot of controversy, An0maly on youtube put out a pretty good (under 15 minute) video with some helpful weigh-in. Blessings.

Five Questions Surrounding The Trump Shooting (youtube.com)


16 July 2024

BlackRock Inc., the world’s largest money manager, has pulled an ad that briefly featured Thomas Crooks, the 20-year-old who shot and wounded former President Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania.

The company said Crooks was a student at Bethel Park High School and appeared in the 2022 ad with other unpaid teens.

You know what? This is one of the three D’s JD warned us about (Distraction), maybe prepping for black swan events!

@BABBAB58 , look at false prophecies galore!


Thanks for the update, Robbie. Praying, praying, praying that the seeds you have planted take root. To God be the glory!

And of course, praying your dad recovers… and restored in every way.

EDIT: Just read that your dad passed, Robbie. I’m so sorry for your loss and pray that Ed did believe and was born again before he passed.

Father God, thank You for making a way when there was no way. Thank You for walking with Robbie and all who are mourning Ed’s passing as they travel through this valley. Please comfort their hearts, Abba. Please use Ed’s passing to bring the lost to You, and give them faith to trust Jesus’ finished work on the cross that redeemed us from the wages of sin. In His Name, we praise you and pray.

:heart: gr