July 7, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – Hold On Until Jesus Comes

Thank you for sharing this beautiful story. Beauty for ashes. The oil of joy for mourning. The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. . . Reminded me of a story of my own.


Thanks brother Ken :slight_smile: Blessings.

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The apparent lax attitude of secret service seemed to be rather odd. But being that a shot from that distance hit a man’s ear does not seem like he was not skilled to some degree.

We live in a world of MK Ultra. Parents letting their adolescent children decide to be a different sex. A large part of the liberal left world surprised to find out Biden might be mentally challenged (while the rest of the normal world can see it plainly–even while media runs cover for it). On top of that, many cities in America a wearing down, like San Francisco, where homeless communities trash neighborhoods. Social media hype influencing all manner and mental level of individuals out there. This is the state of the nation.

Furthermore, new math (teaching kids in school to become idiots), insisting on pronouns for people (whom many on Tik Tok are fuzzy animal pronouns). Let’s just leave our borders open (if we don’t think thousands of terrorists are not in the country, we might want to rethink that…not to mention other country’s unwanted from prisons and mental inrstitutions). Irrational Christian Natonalists wanting a debautched age to confirm to Chistianity on a national level. Many are giving prophecy after prophecy of things that don’t come to pass. This is the state of the nation. We’re a mess dear brother, where although reasonable, your logic works in towns outside of Green Acres. Unfortunatley, last time I checked, we kind of live in Green Acres. Where the logic you use is respectfully surrounded by insanity and unfortunately sadly outdated.

Someone filled with conviction and mentally/chemically challenge is pretty much all you need. And it would seem our national room temperature is perfect for breading thousands (if not 10s of thousands) of the new dumbed down global citizen approach to raising a nation. There by the grace of God go any of us. Blessings.


Deranged gunmen don’t think about the consequences when they are in the moment of their act; he may have seen himself as a hero / martyr. A product of our WOKE educational system.
Time might tell if an honest investigation continues.
(That is if you believe the dialogue)


Looking at the videos from different angles, there is one that pans back after he is down with secret service. I said that I heard a delayed scream. I now have a better understanding of what was going on. Watch the direction of the attendee’s heads when the woman screams. It’s is from the opposite direction than the shooter. The person killed and the wounded may have been in that area. I’m keeping them and their family in prayer.
The roof top SS was already aiming in the opposite direction, away from the crowd.
I’ve shot rifles without a cool looking rig or scope. Maybe if I had them I would understand the rocking horse stand. :thinking:
The shots from the SS seem to line up with the shooter. Weird.

One SS has in his right hand a bright red cloth pouch as her is helping T-man up. He has available in another shot a white cloth and doesn’t wipe the blood from his mouth?

Am I being overly picky or did he do a particular regime’s salute before leaving the stage and lipping “fight, fight, fight”?


They were reacting to those killed and injured in a surreal panic. The counter sniper team had already neutralized the shooter before the screaming started.

I believe that it was Trump’s red MAGA hat.

He has been doing a raised fist justure for years at rallies.
There is no particular regime’s salute to this.
That is intential disinformation.


Hey Dennis,
Thanks for the info & comments.
Wholeheartedly agree with Dr Jane-why is McCullough still promoting vaccines?!
As for Artur Paslawski, I will say that he displayed courage, indignation, and was a tremendous inspiration to many, especially when he drove out the police from his church sanctuary during the lockdown madness (“Get out! Get out!”-and, they left!). :canada:
Grace and peace
p.s. regarding The Donald, and “let me get my shoes” reminded me of when Dubya was told of the 9/11 strikes, then proceeded to continue reading his storybook to the children.


Yes, they were reacting. The people turning their heads in the direction of the woman’s scream is a natural response. That was after T-man was surrounded by SS.

Yes, the shooter was already supposedly neutralized.

What I saw being held in the man’s hand was not a ball cap.

I know about the first pumping. Before that he is going to do a gesture as he looks straight ahead.
How is what I’m observing intentional disinformation?


I’m not gonna hold my breath for that


Many believe that the raised fist associates Trump with Nazies or other radical groups. That would be disinformation.
I have always taken it as power to the people as Trump often states this in his rallies.


Hi could you remove my post from your quote.
Id rather not be involved in any discussion on this subject at this time.

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I can try to remove your quote from my post, Will that work for you? You would have to remove your entire post though.

Yeah sure.
My post isn’t showing for me on my browser lol
What the heck is going on.

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Mods might have removed it

Robbie I am extending a total virtual bear hug. I’ve even got on my fuzzy bear claw gloves and me beafy bear claws (edible mind you…yet please don’t eat my feet, sir) little booty slippers on too to emerse most sentimentally in the big bear grab at ya. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thank you for remembering the name…the name. Yes I remember at the time it was so different than what any would be used to. And especially for Canada. I’m actually glad for the moment and appreciate actually his moment. I mean its nice to know there are people out there that are not exactly sheep.

As I have friends in my old Jmac church, Pastor James Coates in Canada (Masters Seminary Graduate) was also having his church fenced off and push at from Canadian government. Coming from the Jmac camp he handled it a lot differently. Similar to Hibbs and JD. More cordially. I did appreciate the drama though with Artur.

I also salute that you are of heart to speak your mind and in a forum that will largely look at Artur like having rabis, speak your heart anyway. I respect that. Even if on that one I would actually side more with the JD view on it.

As for W and 911, being a part of the Bush family with intell they knew and relationship with Bin Laden’s, he might not have known when. But I guess he would see it as part of the job. The tower downing I mean. Still it makes sense to not overreact for the immediate publics sake though me thinks.

Disoriented, having no shoes goes with his loud statement about bleeding. He probably was afraid of stepping on broken glass. The ninny. :crazy_face: I thought he said, “My vermouth. Get me my vermouth.” lol. Wow…he hid that from everyone for so long pretending to not be a drinker. The second he gets a pellet gun popped off, he cries for his booze.


ROFL through the whole post! aaaaaaaaaaaahahhaa!!! :rofl:
Vermouth floored me, man!
You are a delight, Bro.
I’ll put some organic coffee on, you bring the bear claws over, and we will thank God for all things bright and beautiful.
One last thing about Paslawski: he came from communist country (I forget which one), so he knows what it is like. I am glad we are not all the same personality, even though our goal is to be of the same mind.
p.s. Great BPU today. My favorite takeaway being when he defended our blessed assurance, which the enemy (sin who puts thoughts to us via the flesh) attacks whenever he can.
"By grace you have been saved…"

Brothers and Sisters,
Please pray for my Dad. He is 78 years old, and was just admitted into hospital.
His name is Ed, and I do not think he is a believer.


Will pray for dad. Keep us posted :pray:


No mention of T-man today.

Quote from Daymond Duck PU tdy:

I do not know what they will do or who they will get.

I just know:

  • That there is an outcry for a leader unlike anything I have ever heard before.
  • That it is 2024, and the globalists want a New World Order (world government) by 2030 or sooner, if possible.
  • That God raises up leaders, and God brings down leaders.
  • That God gives some nations weak leaders and other nations strong leaders.
  • That God will decide who becomes president of the U.S.

And I don’t know, but it is my opinion that the person God chooses could be in office when the “man with a plan” arrives.

We know that he is coming, and it looks like the stage is being set for his arrival.


Hello Robbie,

I’m sorry your dad is (probably) not a Believer and that he’s been taken to the hospital. I am praying for Ed’s salvation and that our Lord bless his healthcare team with His wisdom and compassion. In Jesus’ Name.

Will you be able to see your dad soon? I’m praying our Lord softens and prepares your dad’s heart to receive the good news, that our Lord gives Ed faith to trust Jesus’ finished work on the cross to redeem us and be born again. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Like Teren asked, please keep us posted. Thanks!

:heart: gr


That was so healing. Thank you for sharing that video, Stacey. JA has some very powerful and thought-provoking videos. He is being used by God to strengthen and encourage; I believe. It sure helped me.