June 6, 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

It’s so predictable that the FDA will rush approval of these “vaccines”

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Bless your heart :heart:. I’ve been there too with an unbelieving husband :(. It’s so hard when you have children together, I remember. Ours are grown now, but it was rough raising them being unevenly yoked. I didn’t have to face what you are now, however. Prayed for you and your family :heart: Stay strong, the Lord will make a way for you and your kids. He will never leave or forsake any that are His. We may walk through the fire, but He promises to walk with us. I can’t wait until we are out of this mess down here. It will all be worth the wait!



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Praying along with you.:heartpulse: I share your grief in this, although I don’t have children and my husband does not believe in the jab (yet). We SO want our spouses to hear and believe…and soon! :revolving_hearts:


Galilean Wedding

Jesus Christ used a Galilean wedding & it’s elements in His metaphoric explanations to His followers re His kingdom. He knew they well understood a wedding & that familiarity would facilitate their understanding of age-ending things about which they asked Him (Matthew 24.)

The father (LGA—Lord God Almighty) of the groom (JC) selected a bride (Church—gospel believers) for his son. Father & son would present to the prospective bride a written proposal (plan of salvation ) that delineated responsibilities (savior will live without sin, teach us how to do that, die horrendously so His blood can pay for our sins, resurrect from death & provide eternal life to believers) in the marriage.

The woman (all of mankind) would have the opportunity to accept or reject the proposal & groom. The groom would offer her a ceremonial cup of wine & she would either drink from it (accept) or not (reject.). Acceptance was legally binding & they were considered married absent sexual consummation. They were betrothed for ~1 yr. If the woman violated the proposal during the betrothal, the groom could divorce her. (This is what Joseph considered when he learned about Mary’s pregnancy.)

Her decision was followed by a ceremonial naked but separate cleansing in a pool of fresh water (like our Christian baptism. ) The proposal process was very public & required 2 official witnesses. With the parting words, “ I will not drink from this cup until I drink it again with you in my fathers house where I must go to prepare a place for us .” The father would decide when preparations were complete.

After ~1 yr. @ ~midnight, the father would direct his son to go get his bride for the wedding & 7 days of feasts & celebrations. The groom
& his entourage would depart with a shofar (trumpet) to inform the village that the wedding was about to begin & @ the “last trump” the groom would call for his bride & her entourage (parable of 10 virgins) to “COME TO ME !” The groom does not go to her. She is lifted up & carried to him. In the virgins parable, because they were not ready, half of her entourage was late; the door to the wedding was closed & they were denied attendance even though they were invited. Begging to get in , he told them, “I don’t know you.”

With some digression & opinion, I think the above illustrates the rapture of the church ( 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18 and 1 Corinthians 15:50–54.). This conjecture is founded upon Jewish tradition re Galilean weddings rather than Holy Spirit inspired biblical scriptures. The bride of the Lord goes to Him, “caught up to meet Him in the clouds” to attend the wedding & 7 days banquet. My hope is that the 7 days symbolize the last 7 yrs of human governments, the 70th week of Daniel. IMO this is a completely separate event from JC’s return to earth as King; HE COMES TO EARTH (Revelation 22: 12). He comes with His reward, the Church that went to Him in the rapture.

Another thought relates to the 2 witnesses described in Revelation 11, @ the 7th seal. The temple has been built; else, the apostle John would not be able to measure it. The 2 witnesses prophecy 3.5 yrs after which they are murdered by the beast “from the abyss.” It is unclear to me if this betide is the beast from the sea or land or a unique demon

from deep in the earth. I think these 3.5 yrs will be the first half of the 7 yrs peace agreement confirmed by the “lawless one” spoken of by Daniel (9: 27.)

After 3.5 days they are resurrected like JC & then they answer the call to “COME UP HERE” in a cloud as their enemies watched; just like the disciples watched Jesus ascend.

The eye-twinkling transformation of Christians @ rapture will be instantaneous just like JC in the tomb. It seems that ascencions into clouds will be visible; however, if, like the Galilean wedding; they occur near midnight, the dark part of the world may not observe. Jerusalem near midnight will be well lit like all cities & cameras will be everywhere, just like today.

Paul taught that resurrection bodies like Jesus’ are necessary for ascension & eternal life because flesh & blood bodies are perishable (1 Corinthians 15: 50.)

I conclude that the rapture of Christians & the 2 witnesses are the same event. If that is so, then the rapture betides @ ~ the midpoint of the 7 yrs. peace agreement @ ~midnight Jerusalem time. Yet, only the Father knows the day & hour. Come quickly Lord Jesus; we can hardly wait for our wedding & banquet.

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Are we there yet? Almost that’s for sure!

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I was tracking what you were saying until the end. I’m sorry, maybe my brain is just befuddled this morning and I’m missing it, but how did you reach the conclusion that the rapture and the two witnesses are the same event rather than two separate events with similarities, such as the Galilean weddings being a picture of the church?






I cannot reconcile that JC would come to the clouds twice to "call up " believers prior to His “return to earth as King.” In my mind that’s too much coming & going. (ALL IMO). The 2 witnesses’ rapture (resurrection) & ascension are for those in Jerusalem to witness; they will not see rapture from other continents. So, I’m popping the corn to watch the pre-midtrib show which I think has begun (not the 7 yrs trib. which requires a formal peace treaty.) Israel recently attacked Damascus initiating the Gog of magog war. Pray for the souls in Damascus.

This is a heads up and a prayer request that we do not fear the loss of employment or the traps the enemy has set before us.

I have been keeping my eye on this case and just found this article this morning. I live in Texas as well and Texas is a “right to work state,” so I kind of figured it would get thrown out.


heeding the prayer request, thank you.

I have an unrelated comment.

it appears you use duckduckgo’s search engine, right? (I do.) because that article is from Business Insider, but when you click it, its an msn link. it has really bothered me that a search engine claiming to care about our privacy, ties ALL of its news article links to msn. like why? makes me not trust them. it seems there’s no internet search engine or browser to trust anymore. yet I keep using them. like a good little slave. :[


I actually have msn on my computer at work and just cut and pasted the link to my private email where I could post it here.

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On that note…

David Heath, USA TODAY

Sat, June 12, 2021, 9:42 PM

HOUSTON – In the first federal ruling on vaccine mandates, a Houston judge Saturday dismissed a lawsuit by hospital employees who declined the COVID-19 shot – a decision that could have a ripple effect across the nation.

The case involved Houston Methodist, which was the first hospital system in the country to require that all its employees get vaccinated. U.S. District Judge Lynn N. Hughes said federal law does not prevent employers from issuing that mandate.

After months of warnings, Houston Methodist had put more than 170 of its 26,000 employees on unpaid suspension Monday. They were told they would be fired it they weren’t vaccinated by June 21.

The hospital already had made it clear it means what it says: It fired the director of corporate risk – Bob Nevens – and another manager in April when they did not meet the earlier deadline for bosses.

In recent weeks, a few other major hospitals have followed Houston Methodist’s lead, including the University of Pennsylvania, University of Louisville, New York Presbyterian and several major hospitals in the Washington, D.C. area.


lol, coincidence. well I guess I needed to vent about duckduckgo anyway.

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