June 6, 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

To piggyback on your comment regarding Duck Duck Go, I have noticed less wide range hits with it, as well. What’s really been bugging me, lately, is the ads associated with Brave browser. Their home page is always showing crypto, block chain, and now climate change photos on the home screen. Aaaand, I have developed a bit of a distrust with ProtonMail.


thanks for your input. UGH I do use Brave and protonmail as well. no safe place!! other than to stay off the internet altogether. and even then… when we are hunted, we will be found, unless God… and indeed, not a wide range of hits. same types of results as Google’s.

what do we do from here lol? do you plan to stay on these or do you know of another alternative?


Just found this
MODERNA updated their range of vaccines


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I know, I know! Well, I will definitely stay here for as long as I can. I only visit one other spot, and that is Gab, but I don’t care for it over there. In case you aren’t aware, that venue carries a heavy load of antiSemitism and the CEO is very OK with that, as he subscribes to Replacement Theology and personally reposts things that certainly feed the antiSemitic crowd.

ETA: oh, duh on me! I just realized what you were asking. Yes, I am sticking with ProtonMail and Brave for now. I have heard of Swiss Cows browser, but don’t know much about it.


Wow Jack. This is very significant. Points to how close we are to His appearing as well. Thank you for posting this.

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Does proton mail use a floating vpn for security to your knowledge? From what little I know, duck duck may have an ad blocker program that may help.

Grace and @Faith1 joining you in prayer in regard to spouses and family. :heart: :pray: :pray: :pray:


To little to late don’t we think?’
They knew this was coming and mismanaged all the way to nothing.
Can they really be that creditably stupid.

They mismanaged the forest to make sure it burned.

More of the same driving us to the great reset.

Its the rich not the people that are causing all the destruction at least for now. But lets not for get things will be coming from space and not just aliens fakes. An that is affecting much including the magnetic North pole going to Russia.

The 7 seals will provide the catastrophes that they blame us for and many of them know its coming



@wren, I know there is a vpn option available with ProtonMail, but that completely goes beyond my functioning, so I just go with the easy account. As for ad blockers…Brave does that even with their free app. :grin:

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Hope it is ok to post this on here , I’m finding it very uncomfortable and pray silently in work at present as June is pride month and my work place supports this with a pride walk pride party and dress up day to be an ally of the LGBTQIA+ community , posting a lot on work Yammer about killings of their community that they are humans too and deserve equality , that some churches refuse to bury them or let them serve , about their mental health and suicide . .

Being a Christian in work we don’t have any celebrations or activities we are out numbered and seems it’s getting worse and lonely , while every other belief getting stronger .
I keep shining very bright and regularly drop God into everything conversation that I can …
But sometimes it’s like please God come take me home :pray::pray:
It just aches children being born into same sex marriages they our innocent how will they grow up with such confusion being called them , genderless , etc ooooo the heart aches :pray::pray:


Oh, and thank you so much for your prayers. I, in turn, pray for all loved ones among us, who yet need the Lord.:revolving_hearts: Meanwhile, the spiritual tensions increase, I feel, at least in my own household. It is difficult to brave up and not take day-to-day impatience toward me personally. I have to believe that it is the tensions of the times at play. Anyone else?


Oh, @Cara, how uncomfortable… :cherry_blossom:


wow, you might really stand out when you don’t support this. praying for you. don’t know how many of your co-workers will stand with you. but I’m praying for your protection and witness. may your love shine in the midst of this, despite not standing with them. this will be a real test. whatever happens, I’m praying that you will be able to endure it with no regrets. that you will be found without fault. they will be looking for fault in those who disagree. but may you be guiltless, full of love, whatever happens. <3


I believe this scripture reveals Satan’s tactic to separate the believers by twisting scripture and using it in his own image.

Matthew 12:30
He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad.

Yeshua Bless and Keep you Sister

On this side of the 7 the saints are winning so hold on to that.



One thing I’ve noticed not one from their community ever ask my view on their lifestyle as from a Christian stance , as I’m very open about my faith :pray:


Thank you Bless you :pray:
I’ve a lot of catching up on reading in forum as have not kept up last few days :crazy_face:

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if I were in their position, there’s a chance I would be hoping you can see how fine it is to be gay, by seeing the way I live my life. and not wanting to make waves by asking about it. hoping your Christian status doesn’t mean you are against homosexuality.

if any of them feel that way, they will probably get to confront the question through this company-wide event. whether they ask you or not. they will see how you respond to this event, and in effect to their homosexuality. it will no longer be a mystery. it will be so important to express yourself with love and understanding, with the wisdom that comes from the Lord on why you don’t support it. the simple question one might ask, “why aren’t you being part of this?” could be answered so many different ways. you haven’t expressed any concern about how you will respond to them, and that’s good, I do not want to give unsolicited advice. just want to make the main point that I’m sure they’ve wondered what you’re thinking of them. may the Lord give you grace in each interaction you have that regards this event. it will be needed. the elephant in the room will come into full view. I’m covering you with prayer as preparation. <3

also, if you have ever in your life had some experience with gayness or whatev, that could be a powerful witness, being able to explain that you understand the feelings and yet have come to different conclusions. I encourage you to be free and real if you have any stories like that.


You could… wear a rainbow, and every time someone said something just say I’ve always loved rainbows… and in your head say. Because God sent it as a sign…


My son is gay. I keep praying to the Lord that he changes his heart and mind and that my son calls upon the Lord. I’ve given him the ABCs. Please pray for him.


I just want to add a link to an article I saw today after watching the newest Prophecy Update (June 13,2021). Scientists Used CRISPR to Engineer a New 'Superbug' That's Invincible to All Viruses

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