June 9, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – It’s Not Just Possible It’s Now Most Probable

We’ve gone further than that.

8.5 years ago (when i got born again i count the dates) my aims where , women, cash, strength, and knowledge.

Now my desires are peace, to feel Gods mercy for my sins - to live a day when i feel assured about my life.


Jesus’ Promise for Those Who Wait Expectantly

As saints eagerly awaiting Jesus’ appearing, we sail through uncharted seas. There’s never been a time quite like this.
Never before has there been so much evidence pointing to the nearness of Jesus’ appearing than today. At the same time, never in recent history has there been so much unawareness and disbelief regarding Bible prophecy as we now see in churches that claim to believe in the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture.

False teaching abounds. The most popular views of the end times contradict God’s Word by claiming there’s no Tribulation, no restoration of a kingdom to Israel, and no thousand-year reign of Jesus. Pastors either openly deny the Rapture or do so subtly with their emphasis on this life to the exclusion of any mention of eternal life.

The Good News

The good news is that Jesus sees our belief in His promise and there’s a reward for those of us “eagerly awaiting” His appearing (Philippians 3:20). There’s a specific crown for those who, according to the Apostle Paul, “have loved his appearing” (2 Timothy 4:8). Please know that this is not a salvation issue, but the promise of a special recognition for those who live in anticipation of Jesus’ imminent appearing, even if it doesn’t happen in their lifetime.
In our day, there’s an even greater cause for rejoicing. We live in an unprecedented time when a myriad of signs point to the soon onset of the Tribulation period and thus to the Rapture, which happens before it starts. Just three months ago, I wrote 11 Compelling Signs of the Last Days, which documents our nearness to Jesus’ appearing. Since then, so much has happened that provides additional evidence that the Day of the Lord is rapidly approaching.
Believers today have a valid anticipation of being alive at the time when Jesus appears. Paul wrote that when the Rapture occurs, Jesus will transform the bodies of the living saints into imperishable ones and them catch them up to meet Him in the air (1 Corinthians 15:47-55; 1 Thessalonians 4:17). Don’t let anyone tell you that all believers will die someday as is popular today; such teaching directly contradicts Scripture.

Jesus’ Promise

I love the promise that’s embedded in Jesus’ words to the church at Philadelphia as recorded in Revelation 3:10-11:

Because you have kept my word about patient endurance, I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell on the earth. I am coming soon. Hold fast what you have, so that no one may seize your crown.

The word “kept” immediately captures my attention. In the Greek, it signifies the idea of guarding something so as to keep it in its current state. It denotes a treasuring of Jesus’ words such as His promise recorded for us in verse 11, which accurately translated is “I am coming quickly.”
This is the Rapture. It’s Jesus protecting His Church from the time of testing that will come upon the entire earth, to test “those who dwell on the earth.” He does so by “coming quickly” to take us to the place He’s preparing for us.
The Second Coming is not a sudden event, but rather an extended event where Jesus and His host, which will include us, parades across the sky, defeats the armies rallied against Jerusalem, kills the antichrist, sets up thrones, and raises the dead Tribulation saints (Revelation 19:11-20:4).
In Revelation 3, Jesus promises to come quickly for us and reward those who hold on to His words until He appears. When the apostle began writing about the Rapture in 1 Thessalonians 4:15-5:10, he claimed that his words came directly from the Lord. Our anticipation of Jesus’ imminent return to take us to glory is based on Jesus’ direct promise to us (see also John 14:2-3).
Regardless of the ridicule. false teaching, and silence from the pulpit regarding our hope, our anticipation of Jesus’ soon appearing rests on solid ground. In fact, Jesus’ preeminence verifies our hope in His soon appearing. After we discussed Christ’s greatness Colossians 1:15-20 in the church that meets in our home, it occurred to me just how much His character extends to our hope in the Rapture.
Please read Jesus’ Preeminence Verifies Our Hope in His Soon Appearing as there I explain the direct link between the two.

Bible scholar and author, Dr. David Reagan, recently said, “We are living on borrowed time.” He is so right. How much longer can it be before the Savior appears to take us to the place that He’s preparing for us!!
Take heart! It’s not easy keeping our focus on Jesus’ appearing; so many factors war against it. However, Jesus is coming for His Church just as promised. And He will reward those saints who remain steadfast in watching and waiting for His appearing.
Our hope rests in Jesus, the great Promise Keeper. He is coming for us in the near future; He will not fail to keep His Word to us, recorded throughout the New Testament, regarding His appearing to take us home to glory.

Jonathan Brentner


Rapture Resurrection & the Global Nuclear War are Synonymous with Each Other! Almost Time!

Hi all. The three boys in this sensationalistic presentation have a lot to learn about worldwide nuclear war; limited exchanges do not exist. If Russia were to nuke the USA it would require a massive response from the US and numerous other countries that would wipe Russia off the face of this planet.
Since we have Ezekial 38 and 39, we know that Russia will invade Israel from the North, so Russia will have to be around to do this. The likelihood of a worldwide nuclear war prior to this is very unlikely in my opinion. But no matter what I do not think that we will be here to see it happen. Also, some very questionable people were recommended to follow on utube. Do not be deceived.


Brother, Mike Adams spouts doctrines of demons. He does that with a loud voice and platform. Regardless of what one calls him his doctrine should be avoided


@Robbie Mike Adams is a heretic.
Mike Adams has proclaimed “that the souls of the Tibetan Monks that were slaughtered by the Chinese Communist party have gone on into another realm to do amazing things.” This is promoting reincarnation, and it makes Mike Adams a heretic.
The Word of God makes no exception for the souls of the Tibetan Monks that were slaughtered. If they died without Jesus, they go to Hell. They do not go on to do amazing things.
So I have to agree with our sister @Blessed.
Don’t waste your time on Mike Adams or on anything he says.


If true, wouldn’t think make Trump now in favor of a one state solution? For not dividing up Israel, though?

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Hi Ken. I concur that Ez 38 is highly likely on the radar prior to WW3. But I would suggest (from generic research) that WW3 would likely become an increasing theme for 2024. Me thinks it is likely heavily tied to this election cycle. If true, the reality of WW3 would likely be far much more huge in news cycles than anything seemingly related to Ez 38. For example, WW3 concerns would be a helpful reason to stall elections or cyber flag falsly the voting system…making the putting off of elections perhaps a theme. I just say that in the event that WW3 seems to be at the door step. Because it does look like there has been increased interest by some players to be all up in WW3 for global reset purposes (since COVID did not get us there). Blessings brother. Good to see you about :slight_smile:


14 June 2024

And @TCC , is this true about your ex-pastor JMac?


This article lays the foundation for coming documentary:


End Of Empire: 59 Nations Seek BRICS Membership, As Leaders Further Quest To De-Dollarize And End US Hegemony At BRICS Summit



Thank you brother Ken for sharing your thoughts on this, i still plan to listen to their videos, i’ll just take what i like and leave the rest. God bless. :slightly_smiling_face:

p.s. i don’t know much about wars hot or cold wars the meaning of how serious it is or not… i’m just watching and learning as best as i can.


This is an Amazing interview with this sweet lady! I just hope they told her that Jesus Christ the Messiah is alive and well today and gave her the ABC of salvation.


Don Stewart shares the latest breaking news every morning and every evening if you want to follow his channel to see where we’re at in Bible Prophecy and how close we are to the soon return of Jesus Christ.


Wars and rumors of wars will mark out time period as a sign, a birth pain, that the end of our world is near, and that Jesus is about to return to our world to set up His kingdom.
Mat 24:6-8. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.
7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.
8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.


Hi Stacy. Keep in mind that I am compelled to point out false teachers, false doctrine and the dangers of watching what I call the (Dreamers Clan) who promote false teaching and sensationalism in their programs, when I see it appear on our forum for the benefit of our visitors, and the brethren. The problem with “ I’ll just take what I like and leave the rest” is that you don’t know when you will innocently pick up something harmful. In any event this is aimed at exposing them, and it has nothing to do with you; we all know your heart.


Do you mind telling us the meaning of term “Dreamers Clan”? Just for clarity sake readers here. Thanks.


Amazing report! A Must Watch!

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H Dennis. Jmac actually did sermon/video denouncing Freemasonry. The way that comes across though to me is maybe to distract. His lineage has masons in it. But he’s done a great job at bypassing that.

Jmac’s church is an anomaly. They are extremely sophisticated. What they appear to do is sample the best strategies like military, political, the legal field, FBI, CIA etc, and use the best operating systems (what works well in those organizations) and implement them into ministry philosophy. In that sense, I have noticed some ministry philosophies that mirror some freemasonry traits. But the kicker brother is that they somewhat tend to pride their branding on borrowing attributes from other social orders…and do them better. So organically i do not believe Jmac’s church is connected to freemasonry. Rather, they would tend to barrow elements from freemasonry and…do them better…kind of thing. But his family tree has masons in it.

Jmac did a sermon once that made mention of his family heritage and that Jmac affirmed himself as a recipient of a long family heritage of preachers. What he kind of leaves out is some of that family ministry fruit was masonic. Thanks for asking brother. Blessings.


Hi Dennis, for clarification.
The “Dreamers Clan” is the term I use in painting with a “broad brush”, the many individuals and groups of people who are posting all over the internet, their dreams, visions, and revelations. They believe that their dreams come from God giving them special insight into the future. They are often very convincing in what they say, and often sound very Godly. Some of them seek donations on a go fund me account to support their ministry.
On another note. There are groups who have similar end time dreams who bounce them off one another and claim that because God is verifying the same or similar dream through so many people, that it must be true, and they run with it.
Side note. Anytime you have a group of people who are intensely studying, and immersing themselves, in the same narrow subject over a long period of time, they will start to dream about that subject. Christianity is no exception, and wishful thinking and imaginations come into play.
The problem occurs because we know that all Biblical Prophecy ended when the Apostle John penned The Book of Revelation.
We also know that whatever these people state, it can not disagree with the Word of God in context, and most of the time it does.
Hope this was helpful, Blessings


I was just gonna post this. Didn’t see you had. Wow. Thanks Stacey. An amazing thing…these cows were not disqualified from ear tags (all cows get at birth) because of COVID…the tagger was sick and it happens they never ended up being tagged because of COVID. Wow.


USA is basically at war with Russia via ukraine as proxy - the globalists are deffo making WW3 happen. Theatre of war - i do wonder if that saying is more true than we realise.