June 9, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – It’s Not Just Possible It’s Now Most Probable

Yes you have it! The devil wants to bring WW3, only up to The Restrainer to do it.


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there was a clip from years ago as a senator was giving a speech, he said you (americans) will be fighting in russia. Then ive seen how this stuff is pre planned decades in advance. I would share it but seeing as we have empty internet now with everything been a venner i cant seem to find my old stuff any more.


Hi Fred. Thanks for your post comment. You are replying to perhaps one of the more wild card positions on how to look at the New World Order (NWO) in our current era. Most of those interested in end time prophecy view the current NWO as that which takes us into the tribulation. As reasonable and maybe even obvious as this take is common, I don’t share that view. I am open to it and believe it is reasonable and of course possible (maybe even probable). But I don’t believe it is the actual path to the tribulation that directly links to our age of grace era.

One of the “main theme” differences in how I view the NWO currently is that I view the age of grace and the tribulation as extremely separate periods. No doubt there will be crossover. Let’s use an ocean current wave to demonstrate the difference of the common NWO view and my view.

In this view, the NWO is seen as an ocean wave traveling toward a beach shoreline. It is constant. And its path ends as it washes upon the shore naturally.

In this view I would see the current rushing toward the shoreline but crashes against a reef before reaching the beach shoreline. As the wave shoots up and spills into the water on the shore side of the reef, in that way would I see a later re-emergence of the NWO. But after it first crashes against the reef. The reef in my view being the division between the age of grace and the age of tribulation.

So I believe that the NWO trying to drive us into WW3 is prevented by global peace that groundswells into the Ez 38 war. Which, then, at that point, is the gateway into the tribulation. So while our eyes are on the WW3 natural outcome of our era, I would see WW3 potential as a contrast made visible for the contrast of peace stopping it.

. . . . .

So I would see what we have in our age of grace era to be dormant compared to what will emerge as toxic later in the tribulation age. The difference is that there is far more interest (and to an extent, reasonably so) to make what is happening in the age of grace to mean the same things as they will in the age of tribulation. Bitcoin I believe is a good example to demonstrate a contrast as I see it. Most common NWO views see Bitcoin as a trap and snare to digitize and enslave humanity. I do not. For the simple reason that we are in the age of grace functioning on age of grace operating system…God’s grace to humanity. The tribulation in contrast is God no longer withholding His judgement. And since God’s activity upon the earth is the main differential…everything else on earth is subject to how He defines their tribulation value. Right now I would see Bitcoin as the opposite of digital enslavament and a currency mode for liberation, not enslavement. But the only way this makes sense is if we see the age of grace having different values associated to it…different from how those values will function in the age of tribulation.

In the above short Pastor JD provides a backdrop to his concern of blockchain and bitcoin. He sees the technology we now have as bait to what the real currently existing technology to entrap us is waiting to do after we get used to it. In theory this is reasonable because of the Facebook example developed by CIA to enventually have most of the world online to manage and control the world diabolically easier. Whereas my view is that in the grace of God he has permitted mandkind to remain only capable of so much evil and insight. Therefore i would see bitcoin as a self evident science that is literally not centralized. And likely that which takes down central banking. I don’t see it as a trap…but as a liberator because it is operating in the age of grace. We are not in the tribulation yet. But during the tribulation, we will have enslavement digital systems. So what is to be used in the tribulation age i see as an entirely different value during the age of grace. Because…it is “the age of grace.” If that makes sense?

As backdrop to a sense of my view there is a good video on bitcoins decentralizing power found on youtube if interested: The Greatest Bitcoin Explanation of ALL TIME (in Under 10 Minutes)

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In regards to Ukraine/Russia I would see that as a bit different as well. If we look at the newspaper version of the USA and the West backing Ukraine and Russia as the opposition, we will likely see what is coming to pass this year as bording on WW3. At a deeper level though, the Ukraine is the main money laundering NWO hub. And Russia is defending its border against a NWO power grab over Russia via NATO. So in theory, the USA is the NWO in that equation. And Russia standing for the old system of nations vs. globalism. The USA = globalism in that equation. So the USA is the fabrication maker in order to bring on the global reset through the disguise of WW3. Which i believe will be blocked by a Trump election. Which (if my theory is correct) would empower the Abraham Accords, the Saudi normalization with Israel, and the peace and safety condition for Israel to be cued up for Ez 38–and that against the backdrop deception of the NWO WW3 propogation. In this view, the deception would be in believing a WW3 horizon exists (as it would be manufactured by globlalist). In that same sense, I would not see the Abraham Accords or Saudi normalization as part of a deception–but THE pathway to prophetic Ez 38 theater construction. Those events would be the “reality” necessary for “peace and safety” conditions for Israel…prophetically aligning Israel up for Ez 38…would be the sense there. If that makes sense. Blessings.


really love this bpu!! reminds me of all the hope we have. i have at times regretted having my baby daughter because of the times were in. but when i focus on jesus’s promises, all that fear and worry melt away. thanks pastor jd.


woweee brother - ill have to go over this


100% biblical.

Would be akin to throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
“Bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas when you come—and the books, especially the parchments.” 2 Tim.4:13
The parchments were the Scriptures-they did not have “Bibles” (in book form).
The books were books-secular. Paul was well-read in the literature of the day, which helped allow him “be all things to all people.” Some of these books were written by Greek sophists and heretics.
But I sense and appreciate that you say this as a safeguard and warning in brotherly love.
Thanks Ken.
Grace and peace


Thanks for the encouragement to listen to the BPU. It is a blessing to share in Pastor JD’s being refreshed. And that it is really nice to have him back. How the ABC’s never get stale for him to share…as he is always with a child like heart in helping people who don’t know Christ, believe. Blessings.


Though the days sometime seem to drag on there’s still this underlying sense of potentiality that something’s eventually going to happen. A happening. Though the dragging and the underlying expectations cause quite a bit of tempestuousness, we can always take the posture of Jesus asleep in the boat; as a man….trusting; as The Lord……in complete control. We’re not in control, but we can stop all that’s going on in our heads and trust. Until that glorious day…. :star_struck:


Well said Robbie. If I extend that out to the strange universe of mine…hehe…I would like to gently and lovelingly also ask a favor in return of you as well (as an example for Ken and all of us–ok…yeah…that was milking it…I admit).

I understand there is conscern of America having been founded as masonic. I don’t argue Masons were involved. But I try as much as possible not to see how life looks and understand how it works through the “fall” first. But rather through His grace first. When I do that, what I believe is back ended and timed released governmental nutrients from antiquity (even to America) is both the simultanously Greek ideas of democracy as far back as 507 and King Cyrus…whom, eh hem, preceeded democracy by at least 23 years. Both ideas borrowed heavily via the foundating American fathers. It is kind of a secret in plain site that Cyrus (via Xonephon–a contemporary of Socrates) approaches to democracy was baked into the constitution (the Cyrus Cylinder discovered late in 1879 to confirm Xonephon’s earlier claims).

In light of this BPU, I do not mention this for politics sake. Or for arguing left vs. right. But as a mere consideration that America could be understood possibly as a country that God used to bring about humane government (since we have seen what it looks like when humane governments get rabbis). And that the great American trade off (symbolic of the great gentile age) to Israel (being her superpower ally in the middle east) perhaps be considered as being in play yet still to this effect.

I’m of the weird science conviction that Daniel’s chapter 7 animals are end time nations (or kings/kingdoms). Ok this is a guess. But here is what they look like to me…

  • The Lion (America) – Written after Nebuchadnezzar was dead (something yet to come)
  • Bear (Russia)…maybe ribs = Iran, Turkey, and Syria (or Sudan or something)
  • Leopard – United Nations perhaps upcoming timing (although the dragon with 7 heads “continents” and 10 crowns, “the 10 nation ruling confederacy” looks maybe like a better United Nations fit?)

I am pretty sketchy on the Leopard. I know these animals are normally theologically = to Daniels statue: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome. But we also know that dragon (although resembles the iron teeth of Rome) is antichrist kingdom at the end (matching the statue feet). But what is interesting if the bullets are accurate is this:

  • America – protected Israel for decades
  • Russia – Becomes Gog in Ez 38 war perhaps the tribulation doorman

If true that would mean those two countries would have 1st and 2nd mention as they relate to Israel on the end time stage. Protector and Protagonist. Anywayz…wow…i would think being this close that something like the 4 animals in 7 would be something more clearly agreed upon if we are to fly so soon.

In any event brother, yeah i guess just riding your bathtub coattails. Hoping you don’t through me out of it :slight_smile: Blessings dear brother. :+1:

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same, it amazes me that his abc schpeel is always fresh somehow!

ill be open though and say that i didn’t listen, i read transcript lol.


You completely lost me hereTeren, what was the example that I am supposed to see here as it relates to Mike Adams?
I do believe that he and his new age teaching should be put into the bathwater and tossed out.
If others want to read him they should do so understanding what he is.
Side note. Don’t forget that the Freemasons use the Bible as the centerpiece in their Lodges. That is how our founding fathers came up with many of their ideas for our constitution.


:no_entry: Major European retailers will no longer allow card or cash, as costumers will have to use their face or fingerprints instead.

From @trumpetnews1
Rumble / YouTube


JESUS said it NOT me.

If you watch for him you will KNOW, even the HOUR of his coming.

Revelation 3:3
“Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and REPENT, If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not “KNOW” what HOUR I will come upon thee.”

To add, we will see THE DAY approaching

Hebrews 10:25
“Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see THE DAY approaching.”

Not only that, but THAT DAY will not overtake us as a thief.

1 Thessalonians 5:4
“But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that THAT DAY should overtake you as a thief.”

And Jesus says this!

Mark 13:37
"And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!”

John Traczyk


In Mark 13:23, Jesus said:
“Watch out! I have warned you about this ahead of time!”

ONLY CHRISTIANITY serves THE GOD that graciously chose to WARN US of what the world would one day look like through His Holy Word!

He wanted us to be AWARE of what was coming,…
We wouldn’t be fearful and so that when these things begin to happen…
We WOULD KNOW that our race was about to be OVER!!!

My friends…WITH ALL THAT IS WITHIN ME,… based on the validity of GODS Word and current world events, I can say with :100: % that our race is about to be OVER!!!

MW Breeden


15 June 2024


Bible Prophecy Update, Why Jesus Said To Remember Lot’s Wife In The Last Days - Sunday, June 16th

Pastor JD explains why it is that in a peculiar passage, Jesus says to remember Lot’s wife when asked a prophecy question about when the end would come.


This documentary illustrates #1 - Instead of getting Jesus to people and people to Jesus, professing Christians are getting people to vote in this political theater.

Making same mistake as Pergamos Church in Rev.

Documentary reveals how Christian Nationalist leaders have spread fear and anger for decades, distorting political issues into Biblical battles between good and evil. Financed through the secretive Council for National Policy, Christian Nationalists have succeeded in taking over the Republican Party, turning it into a powerful weapon to demolish democracy from within. Discover the origins of this organized grasp for power and the grassroots coalition of secular and interfaith leaders bravely confronting the unholy forces threatening democracy.

Watch out for this guy in the film, he’s the one convinced Christians to get involved in politics.


Another puzzle solved, pls forward to JD for reading:
The main potential harmful effects caused by this illicit human experimentation with nanobots in society include:

Mind control, memory deletion, torture, permanent espionage, theft of private information, extortion, sterilization, psychiatric disorders, suicide, and digital slavery.


My friends, I want you to realize just HOW CLOSE WE ARE to the return of our Lord!

“The Jewish News Syndicate”:
“Israel fighting on 7 fronts!!”

Jerusalem is NOW SURROUNDED!
This is one of the MOST prophetic headlines I’ve EVER SEEN!

Over 2000 years ago, Jesus said this in Luke 21:20:
“And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.”

THAT IS HAPPENING NOW, and soon coming events will show many of these armies attacking Israel…

Read this INCREDIBLE REPORT from from Amir Tsarfati:

“Three IDF divisions (25,000 ground troops) are expected to maneuver into southern Lebanon once the place is first destroyed from the air and is empty of civilians.
300 fighter jests are awaiting the command to start a massive preemptive strike on thousands of targets mostly in Beirut and the Beqaa Valley.
July and August are expected to be very difficult months!”

Brethren, this is but ONE of the many signs (over 20) that Jesus told us to look for knowing His return was soon!!

Then, this one will be next FOR US:
“And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh!”
(Luke 21:28)

MW Breeden


Well brother my comment in reference to you was kind of stated in parody. Why? Because what my post is doing is asking Robbie “really” to model himself before us what he is suggesting to you. So in actuality it really did not have to do with you nor the issue that you are concerned with.

I actually have no issue at all with your loving and caring concern for the source Robbie had used. I don’t follow circles related to Mike Adams. So I really don’t have a comment. Other than dear members like yourself and Blessed showing concern. And it would seem that Robbie testifies to recognition that a genuine concern is valid. So what i would say to that, is Robbie, myself, and any others that post sources on this forum know we have stand up brothers and sister who will call out in love and voice concern. Which is awesome.

Now that is kind of altogether differently “entirely” other than where i was coming from. As any can imagine i might find details in a bunch of different sources. And if you might think some of those sources might not be the soundest (i did say “some”), you would be right. For there are some sources (either because its their context and how it is displayed…or just because they are that source) that i would never bring to this forum. So i try to see if that same data is better presented somewhere else. But the reason i do that is because i regularly bring controversy. So i’d like my controversy to stay in its designated lane, and not explode all over the kitchen floor. However Robbie (although brings some definitely thought provoking stuff…amen and amen) he is rarely controversial for questionable cause. I am aware at times my orientation can regularly skate along that border…and even (hopefully only marginally) trespass beyond the controversy line. But i can’t recall Robbie ever really doing that. Like i said Robbie has some high octane pretty amazing angles he might come from. But they tend to be quite a different brand or breed than things i might bring to the table.

Why is that important? Because me telling Robbie that I want him to be an example in light of what i just said above is kinda parody too. I mean on one hand, sure it could be a straight forward challenge. But being that i can tend to live in my own quagmire…it is almost cartoonish of me to come at Robbie like that…if that makes sense?

. . . . .

Recently I posted a video of a reformed brother over the topic of politics and voting. That brothers views sided with this forum in what to me was a hugely refreshing way. So i was excited to post that here. Like letting you 'all know i hear the heart concerns afresh in regards to politics and voting. That brother is controversial in his own circles (which might make him less controversial to us). And although i believe Calvinism to be false teaching, I posted the video because he did not come with reformed perspective. So i thought it would be ok to post.

So what i was saying to Robbie is that if he is willing to see in his Mike Adams videos something helpful to share (using the verses Robbie did), I was wondering if he might do that with the American collapse issue (where there might be takes outside common references that can help paint a different picture). Really it was more a ribbing than actually wanting him to do that. Kind of like brotherly banter. Seeing America beyond the scope it seems to have taking in watcher arenas is a pretty tall order. It would not be something i would expect someone to check something out and change their mind about overnight or something. So in that sense it was meant tongue-in-cheek.

. . . . .

As to the mason thing, so what i did was watch Parable Productions high end teaching on “Is America a Christian Nation.” It was two hours. i only got through the first hour because based on what was presented, i had literally (no embellishment) 40 hours of research and notes just from that. At that point i could honestly rule out doing another hour. I found myself agreeing with the videos affirmation that America is not a Christian nation. But for slightly different reasons provided in that video. But what i did find is that the majority of signers were not masons. It was merely a handful of signers. And what impressed me far more than masonic influence was Greec and Cyrus. God called Cyrus His shepherd for how He used him for Israel. And also the world (for he seems to predate Greek democracy by 23 years).

I have seen many attempts by Parable to assert masonic angles into the constitution. What that did look like was more like what occurred in France and the Reign of Terror. What i find ironic with the Cyrus influence is that the US constitution is the only government constitution that says we get our rights from God, not government. The only one. To me that is a Cyrus echo.

And even though America has a deep state, a globalist bent, and pipes adult materials to areas in the world that had no internet via Elon Musks Starlink satellites (not to mention the clogging of internet arteries adult content saturates in our nation), we still get our rights from God whether the constitution says that or not. Which it currently does still say. Viewing through those eyes tends to form interesting observational potential points in prophecy, I believe. America could tank nonetheless. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Blessings.


Its almost comical…listening to the Pope on AI…lol. Now that should be a movie :scream:


PROPHETIC clock, 5 minutes to midnight, projected on Jerusalem’s Old City walls. Bible verses mentioning midnight: “Thus says the LORD, 'About midnight I am going out into the midst of Egypt. . . .” (Exodus 11:4) “At midnight there was a shout, ‘Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.’” (Matthew 25:6)
“Therefore, be on the alert–for you do not know when the master of the house is coming, whether in the evening, at midnight, when the rooster crows, or in the morning.” (Mark 13:35)

Christine Darg

Don Stewart shares the latest breaking news every morning and every evening if you want to follow his channel to see where we’re at in Bible Prophecy and how close we are to the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ.


I usually don’t do this, as I like to back up my thoughts with Bible verses. However, without anything additional to contribute facts or otherwise, I do believe the Rapture is very, very soon. This is what I feel in my spirit. :thumbsup:

As I am one of the first to tell people not to trust their feelings, please don’t trust my feelings and think the Rapture will happen very, very soon because Goodboy said so. I am only just letting those who know me know what it is I am feeling, nothing more. I certainly could be wrong!

I am kind of wondering though if other Christians are feeling the same? :thinking: