June 9, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – It’s Not Just Possible It’s Now Most Probable

Brother, it gives me encouragement, though, because Goodboy thinks so!! :grinning: That said, I will try to hold down my excitement. I think others will weigh in with the same sense that you have. I’m just hanging out by the fence.


on june 15th 2007 i told myself i would not remember this date. it was the day of my abortion. i told myself it would just blur into the many medical appointments ive had over the years and would not matter.

its been 17 years now and i never forgot this date. i shudder now understanding what actually happened to my 14-week fetus; my first child.

im making arrangements for my surprise plans for my husband for Fathers Day. its his first one.

in planning, i noticed what TODAY is, and i now feel so unworthy of this celebration. i don’t deserve my healthy daughter nor adoring husband. makes me feel foolish to be excited. i don’t deserve to live and yet my life goes on. i feel sheepish about facing my unborn child in heaven.

yet i know im forgiven. God knows where my heart was, and is.

forgiveness doesn’t remove responsibility nor consequences. it just gives you something to look forward to. ill always feel unworthy, but i was unworthy before the abortion too.

thank You, God, for all Your grace… i wouldn’t blame You if You’d let me die too. happy early fathers day to You. thank You for humbling me day by day and reminding me to forgive others too.


I do. I have no specific verses to point to. The current events right now are off the charts. Our world looks like The Bible said it would. So yes, I’m eagerly watching.
Be encouraged. :clock12:


We’re all there, ya know. Given His grace even though we are all so unworthy. No sliding scale. Be tender with yourself Alison. God says, “What sin?” He’s forgiven you entirely.🩵


As I read your post, Ambrosia’s “How Much I Feel” was playing in my head.
Maranatha! See you up there soon, Brother!


I feel the same brother. Everything is lining up !
Men will not endure sound doctrine …churches are becoming etertainment centres. Definitely living in the age of apostacy.

Come soon Lord Jesus


I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star. And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.
Revelation 22:16-17


True, and the rest of the signers of our Constitution were Judeo Christian in their beliefs.

All very well said, thanks

I believe that it was during the Obama administration that he announced to my dismay, that America was no longer a Christian Nation.

Dr. Ben Carson delivered an eloquent speech on America that I believe everyone should see and stand behind.

Approximately 16:00 min.

Starting at 1:42

Time for America to wake up, and it is starting.



True words’ of wisdom from the Holy Spirit that can be shared with those who still suffer. God Bless You alison


Rest assured @goodboy that the majority of the members on our forum all know that the Rapture is imminent, that is why they are here, and that is why God brought you here. Nice to see you around.


Man, oh man Dennis, I am so encouraged to go home now. Those articles are enough to make me hide under a rock. Oh, wait…I am already under THE ROCK, AMEN!!


What Should We Be Looking For Next

Matthew 24:7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
Mark 13:8 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.
Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.

While I have no biblical reference that this will be the next sign, as we are seeing the beginning of so many other signs I think one or more major earthquakes will be next. Not ones that will be in biblical proportions, as I think those will happen during the Tribulation. Just one or more that makes people nervous and causes some to consider seeking God. As you know we are not currently in the Tribulation, but we are seeing signs of things that show we are quickly heading there. I think one of those signs we will see before the Rapture is one or more major earthquakes.

I am not saying that this is what will happen, just what I think. By chance, I saw a Youtube video that spoke of all the crazy things happening in Germany, like large hail stones and such. The video said it made many Germans seek God for answers. That made me think that God may give a further warning before the Rapture, which I believe is one or more major earthquakes. If my thinking is correct as I believe the Rapture will happen very soon, so then will one or more major earthquakes happen before that.

I don’t want to create expectations that I am not sure of for anyone, so please don’t be constantly looking for or expecting major earthquakes. If there is one however, just get excited as God is just about ready to return for us, in my opinion.

God Bless!
Goodboy :blush:


Craig Bong and Janie Duvall
Most people don’t realize what’s coming in 2025


Brother, Amir posted about earthquakes this week… he reminded us how one of the Dutch scientists (I think) predicted last years earthquake in Turkey … and he is now predicting a big one I believe in that general area again… can’t recall exact details, but I believe he said sometime this next week. Some other scientists were mocking him. Amir brought this to light.


And we were sharing with a young man last night named Max who identifies as spiritual. He said since 2015 he has felt a real shift in the world and believes something big is happening … so I got to share with him what is happening and our blessed hope. I said God is trying to show you what is going on and get your attention. What a blessing when this happens! He was very grateful for our conversation praise God.

I sense the rapture is soon but I have to admit, I have been excited before and so I am a little guarded about it. I do love Stacies post above from John T with the scriptures showing us to watch and we will see the hour and day… I love that. I do think I need to be spending more time in the Scriptures as of late I have been a little off with my husband losing his job and having to do some things I wouldn’t normally do.

Blessings to you and the others for encouraging us with what your spirit is sensing. I believe we are to be watching and expecting. Do not grow weary brethren!! :two_hearts:


I have a similar story. We feel unworthy and yet we are forgiven. I can tell you
many, many people struggle to forgive themselves for past sins. Thankfully
Jesus has forgiven us. Blessings Sister


Hey Alison,

Please listen to Pastor JD at 56:20 timestamp all the way to the end. Anytime Satan whisper into your ear reminding you about what happened on June 15… tell him to Shut Up and leave now in the name of Jesus!
God forgave you and He forgot about June 15 He remembers it no more!


Thanks Ken so much for this short video :slight_smile:

I appreciate your heart in considering these things. I have never considered America a Christian Nation. But we most certainly had strong Judeo-Christian ethics and beliefs in starting up this country, amen.

Thanks for sharing this video and your thoughts. At the end of the video it said:
“Home of the free because we are brave.”

How does that dovetail with America “IS DONE” …the show is over folks? Too much focus on patriotism = you are fleshy and earthy and don’t love Christ. that is the vibe i get.

Today the issue we have in the church is Christian Nationalism vs Don’t Fight A Losing Temporal Battle and Let America Go. I am not in either isle. I am of the view that we should


focus on Christ most and first.

And we should


honor what the bible says beyond any church creed, pastor, end time leaning whatever: Care for our neighbor as ourself. Love the world for Christ’s names sake.

And in a country that allows the church to be a part of its conscience…we would not be throwing away supernatural care upon our nation. I believe we should care in deed, action, prayer, intention, vote, whatever. To the extent we can in good conscience we should SHOULD should.

We should not throw America away because we think it is end times…well…at least i believe that though. This forum to a degree holds that position. However I know Pastor JD’s interview with his friend Bud considers the wisdom too in considerations that dont just go with Christ OR our neighbor.

I believe we can AND SHOULD do both. End Time leanings are SECONDARY not primary.
When we lose that sense of high end order in Christ, the lines and intentions and attitudes can get blurred, confused…and worse. But have no fear…lol…i am here. That’s a joke. But i think you guys know where i am coming from. Its just “ok” i believe to not have a divided perspective between what God is doing or allowing and leaving it all behind. In Him and His supernatural ability, i believe both are possible. I still hold dear in the understanding of our family that have little to no interest in politics and/or voting. As I noted i was truly touched by Underdog Theology’s perspective on politics and voting our forum holds. So to each his/her conscience. Its just beautiful to see Ben’s very real accomplishments to his fellowman and heart very for all the people. And i believe it is good to take the things he said to account.

. . . . .

INTERESTING TAKE FROM THAT VIDEO: Is CRT a distraction from adult content slavery? Pretending like their is LESS slavery today then when we had the civil war. A magic trick?

In any case Ken i think my marrying your video and becoming engaged to the good Dr. Ben’s daughter, suggests where my heart lands in all of that. BLESS YOUR AWESOME HEART DEAR BROTHER FOR POSTING IT :+1:


Hi Dennis. Thanks for posting. Hope you’re doing well!

Re: CN
So many misguided folks who might want to err on the side of caution and take a more
conservative approach to deciding who God wants in the Whitehouse. And if He does raise up their “chosen” leader to do so, it quite possibly won’t be for the reasons that they are imagining!

The BPU with the lead in about Lots wife has me intrigued. Will have to watch.



Teren I just realized that after all this time I thought you were hanging from a ledge but in fact you are standing on solid ground.

Literally not figuratively :grin: