June 9, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – It’s Not Just Possible It’s Now Most Probable

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11

In uncertain times, we have the security of eternal life. We have certainty. We can act on what we know rather than being paralyzed by what we don’t know. The times may change, but the promises of God don’t. His goodness doesn’t waver; “His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations” (Psalm 100:5).

Dr. David Jeremiah


Why have we diverged from talking about Psalm 83? In the past couple of weeks has this Psalm not jumped out of the pages? Israel is being attacked from all sides! I believe from the countries listed!

The rapture is close and I believe we can look at the coming war in Lebanon as a clue. Israel seems to be in a de facto war with Lebanon but when the real thing is declared…I believe a surprise is coming! Hezbollah is a formidable opponent and their strength for some reason keeps growing and growing.

I am trying to figure out a timeline because things do not fit nicely with a 7 year trib…and a people living in peace…unsuspecting for the Ezekiel 38/39 scenario without deploying the “Gap Theory”….

Any thoughts?

Please lets be nice as we are Christians trying to see where we are in scripture and what is ahead.


Forgive me if this has already been posted. I just came across it elsewhere. When I see this map, it definitely gives me goosebumps:

Source: Amir Tsarfati on Telegram


While God has given me the ability to understand scripture to some extent, I do not have the ability to understand Prophecy. So I leave that to those who have that gift and really have nothing to offer regarding that.

I assure you that if I had that gift, I would be the first to respond to your post. Hopefully, someone who does have that gift will respond.

God Bless! :blush:


I thought that Today’s Prophecy Update was very good!!! :heart_eyes:
I would suggest that anyone who has not watched it to do so!!! :+1:


Yes! I understood crystal clear everything Pastor JD said! Excellent Prophecy Update!!! :blush:


In respect and love I am not of the camp that likely believes in a modern day gift of prophecy. I appreciate Goodboy’s heart in the matter. There may actually be a gift like that. But in a general overview of the watcher arena, my vote is that there is no modern day gift of prophecy. I think we try and do our best. Some people might have more awarenesses of certain aspects of prophecy. But from what we have seen, in humble honesty, i would not wager that there is such a thing as a modern day gift of prophecy. In the early church, yes. In the sense of new revelation being written before the close of the canon. But i don’t believe its enforce today though. However, there might be like a gift of wisdom or insight that “helps” see some things.

As for Psalm 83, I was never really one who saw that Psalm as prophetic. Admittedly, those who have done intricate studies might have some insights that are helpful. Ones though i never really took the time to look into because, in love and respect, I understood Psalm 83 to be a bit on the sensationalized side. I’d love to know better how Zach 12, 13, and 14 fit (and where more perciesely). Is there still a lot of watcher press on Psalm 83 outside this forum? I don’t really keep track on that view though.

I would say that certainly there is a stage set where Israel hostility could enlarge. I would genuinely be surprised if Psalm 83 is prophetic. Egypt and Jordan would have to flip large. But Zach 12? Maybe that already happened though in 1948. If not, it could look somewhat like Psalm 83 but just be Zach 12. However, most theologians have that pegged for Armegeddon.

I don’t hold to gap theory. Although there could be one, granted. I just don’t lean in that direction. My recipe?

  • Israeli hostility enlarges as globalists allow terror into America through spores borders
  • America gets an Atifia/BLM like hazing from Hamas in our country as voting approaches
  • Trump win in November
  • Abraham Accords strengthened
  • Saudi normalization with Israel
  • I tend to view Trump as the 1st seal
  • My first seal view = Judgement against the NWO & Peace and Safety Animated Apocolyptic Overture to Israel – Reminding Them of God’s 1,000 Year Reign Promise to Them
  • Rapture
  • Ez 38 / As seal 2

I realize this is like a back alley deal version of prophetic potential. But its the only black market carton of goods (or bads) i’m slinging. This view could be innacurate. But if accurate I imagine rapture timeframeish 2026. But I must admit that of course the rapture could this year. Of course some rumors are saying even tomorrow. If the rapture absolutely occurs before the 1st seal…yeah…i’d say 2024 is a very reasonable guess.



LOL, well Pastor JD mentioned them today… These CN fighters are like Lot’s wife…
spending time, money and energy in politics!

The But God! Testimony is wonderful.


Just to be clear, I was not saying that there are or are not currently prophets who are always correct today. I just meant that some have the ability to understand prophecy better than others. I don’t have that ability.


Understood brother. I believe what you meant is that researching, detailing, comparing, and digging in deep to biblical prophecy is not your strong suit or edge of the spear focus. Which in a prophecy watch forum I believe is awesome. Your presence provides a forum like this with dimension and true family pulse. :slight_smile:

I took the opportunity on your mention of gifts of prophecy to highlight a difference (in general) i would have. I didn’t think you meant that though. But thanks brother for clarifying. Blessings.




as we watch this entire world lose touch with the realities that most CANNOT comprehend due to their willful lack of knowledge of the ‘Word of God,’ and therefore, it’s extremely difficult and unsettling as we go day by day waiting for that trumpet :trumpet: call to “catch us up” and finally be together and spend eternity in His presence!

What a day that will be!! :dove::crown:
In the meantime, most if NOT all of us are experiencing the painful hardships of life where many of our loved ones and friends are still lost and don’t want to listen to us as we struggle to get them to understand how to be saved
SO they don’t stay behind.

Many of us are enduring other situations, pain, trauma, sickness, sufferings and hardships that we have NO control over, and therefore, we can fall into despair when our prayers are NOT answered or met in our own timing… :pray:

We may NOT understand this side of heaven, BUT take heart because it will NOT be that much longer…

With the way this world is at present, and where this world is headed, we can only continue to pray BUT know that at any moment that trumpet :trumpet: WILL SOUND and we will be rescued from utter darkness and the horrors that will engulf this entire world according to His many promises: Revelation 3:10
— SO we will lift~up our heads because our redemption is literally at the door! :trumpet::trumpet::trumpet:

God’s blessings, provision, and protection cover each of us until in His perfect timing arrives and we fly away! :dove::pray::heart::crown:

Sally Ann Medina


@goodboy @Will
Excellent write up Teren except that I do not necessarily associate any of the seals with Trump, or the second seal as Ez38.
There are no modern-day Prophets who are revealing future events. Our Bible is complete.
Knowledge comes from reading the Word of God in context.
Godly Wisdom is the application of that knowledge from the Word of God in context.
There are those among us that have the Spiritual Gifts of knowledge and wisdom and who for the most part can explain most Prophetic events.
Zach 12. However, most theologians have that pegged for Armageddon. Yes it is the return of our Lord chapter 12 and on.
It would be great If our government would use existing laws and expel protesters who are not American citizens back to their country of origin within 48 hours.
I would bet that protests would thin out and disappear overnight.


i have some home vids of my husbands from like 2002. his parents had taken him to the mardi gras parade in st louis. he was like 13. wow i can see why my parents never got in on that! it was disturbing! there was a drag queen in parade. at the time he seemed outlandish but by todays standards it was nothing. the crowd cheered hard for him. i just don’t really have anywhere else to share this. in 20 yrs things have “progressd” so far beyond what’s seen in the vid. drag queen story hours would have never flown back then. as a kid i didn’t mind the explosion of public sexuality, but now im disgusted, and seeing old vids like that shows me how it has infiltrated the popular culture incrementally. thx for letting me vent.


Pastor JD mentioned he saw those LGBTQ’s in New York when he brought Sabia along years ago in the PU. Enjoy the anthem…

A quick news clips…for all

And USA is going to war soon here:

On Friday, June 14th, the United States House of Representatives passed a resolution that automates the Selective Service process, which means men aged 18-26 will be automatically enrolled for the draft should one be declared.



Hello Fred @callingitout,
Maybe this site will help….


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Hello Teren,

Just saw this post and thought I’d set the record a bit straighter as far as cows and tags are concerned. I live in Texas (where red heifers are from) and we have cattle. Cattle are not required to be tagged at birth. Tags are used for two reasons— 1. to easily “see” cow/calf pairs in large operations/auctions and to help with bookkeeping AND 2. they’re also a wearable pesticide. Not sure where this “cows must be tagged” rumor originates (have heard it other places, too), but I can tell you the facts, as far as Texas goes.



Thanks Georgia Ruth. I guess it is possible they might have been. But didn’t. But also seems possible that many don’t and they likely never would have. So maybe they just said it in the video to make it sound more dramatic?


Morning Teren,

Have not watched video. (Not really interested in those heifers… but have read of their origins per the man who sourced them). By what you have said, the video must be the source of the tagging rumor— which makes me wonder what else is wrong or dramatized in that video. As for me, in these last days, once I hear (what I know is not true) being touted as fact, I stop listening and judge that source as no longer reliable. If the source is mistaken, they’re not doing their due diligence, rendering them unreliable. If they’re dramatizing, they’re lying outright. A half truth is a whole lie.

But many will still listen. Times of deception: go ahead and lie, whether it’s necessary or not. smh

:heart: gr


Morning all,

EDIT: Seems women will also be included in this draft.
EDIT #2: Aged 18-26

”Automates” is the key word here, but why?
Talked to Hubbydude about this. He’s 62; had to register for draft when he turned 18. Not sure what else is in this bill concerning draft, except age range is different and registration will now be automatic. I did read an excerpt of bill. My paraphrase: automation is to keep those who don’t register from legal woes. Sure it is. Cuz we all know how concerned politicians are for the People’s welfare, lol. :rofl::joy::rofl:

I’ve read commentary that the bill has many other democrat-displeasing points and Schumer has said it will not pass in Senate. It’s all smoke and mirrors…. Question is, what exactly is being hidden in plain sight?

Daze of Deception… Who’s ready to go home?


So you would not see the red heifers as indicative of a potential 3rd temple consideration?