June 9, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – It’s Not Just Possible It’s Now Most Probable

Hey Teren,

Do I see the heifers as indicative of the temple about to be built?


The third temple will be built by people who refuse to acknowledge my Savior. Yes, their eyes have been blinded, but every stone laid upon another, every attempt made to stay immersed in the old covenant and follow the Law, every drop of an animal’s blood— whether to consecrate priests and temple or as an actual sin offering— imho will be an afront to the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. This much anticipated temple is destined to be part of the end times but, in reality, it has nothing to do with born again Believers. And I do not think it pleases YHVH at all.

The animals will be sacrificed in vain, and those who trust in that sacrifice will believe in their redemption in vain. All in all, it’s an incredibly sad deception. And the heifers herald that deception.

Can you imagine Jesus, after all the abuse and pain and separation He suffered— physically, emotionally, spiritually— enduring His chosen people, His brethren, forsaking Him yet againin favor of an animal sacrifice? I can’t imagine Jesus could be more injured and insulted. Add in all the Believers who are excited, who are praying for and donating towards raising this temple. It breaks my heart… and I didn’t sacrifice myself for anyone.

Maybe I’m looking at this the wrong way… but after all Jesus has done, after all He has given, this temple seems like the ultimate insult. How much and how long does Jesus need to suffer?

:heart: gr


DISCLAIMER – The following is a passion fruit of the heart in sincerely connecting with GR and relating an echo of a generic difference I come to notice during certain high tides. I wish to clarify upfront that I believe it is a very precious thing to be excited about His word unfolding today. And even in however different i might perceive on some fine points, I do embrace, or try, the potpourri of how He has shed abroad upon our hearts the free and open gracious range of experiencing Him in these last days. And very blessed even in differences of what i am drawn to and where i might be experiencing even a case of assorted dissonance or two. For i see in the contrast, a flowering pearl of great price. Blessings.

Thanks for sharing your heart Georgia Ruth. Actually I think that is the better way of looking at it. Like in how you have shared of such lovely heart dear sister. In “some” ways i see ambers of sentiment of in general “my eschat view,” in contrast to the generic thunder and lightening end time motif generally shared and not just excited about…but in a sentimental romanic sense (if you will) kind of feels exploitive at times and in waves and ways. Exploitive must be to some simmering degree how some of this excitement over the temple could feel to you. Like if it were not bad enough the Jews would dig their heels in stubborn unbelief over it. But then we have Christians “turned on” actually over it…kind of…in ways.

I say that to share a flicker of sentiment with you dear sister. Not to sound crude. But does it feel that way to me in like a more blanket overall all things considered way? This breeze of eschatolo–gee? Yeah kinda. But there is this reciprocal thing that happens…

When i first thought about us being the final generation, i immediately felt really sad for Gen Z…then Alpha. Like, "Wow these people have no freakin idea what insane world they are entering into. How unattached from the sound life preservers our generations wore while afloat in our own dysfunctional genre and social seasons. We kind of have a rope around our waist tied to an anchor nestled in some degree to the modern meets post modern testing of souls. Verses the neo postmodern meets…WHAT?..and the drum roll has a knot in our throats. But i found an article that actually seems to have grabbed hold of a…pulse.

What Comes Next: The World After Postmodernism - Literary Yard

So in this article i was surprised to be reminded of something. What we presume cometh after postmodernism would seem to simply be cataclysmic apocalypse. Yet right under this bridge, the river current underneath seems to have glisteningly become…sincerity. Wow. Like the world takes a breath.

As i look back at how the internet has massaged us into a more honest rapport, I don’t think it strikes everyone the same though. Like when people think of twitter or faceback they think of one liners and gotchya’s. Ways to be a superhero antagonist behind a screen hidden. Yeah there is that. But when i first sampled youtube, i was expecting commercial fakery in people. During those years i was a part of a church that often leaned toward niceties and polite society. Almost like we were acting with one another in cookie cutter fashion. The church i belonged was ultra conservative and known for being a training and breading ground being very “impressionating.” So when i ended up checking out youtube…i was shocked…to find…genuineness of heart. So beautiful was she.

So i took a stroll through that garden because there is that yeast if you will (I am of the school that sees Luke 13:21 & Matt 13:33 as a good leaven) that expands from within the soul of humanity that seems to be in some ways, taking a breath after the dark age, enlightenment, modern, postmodern ride. To me it is akin to smelling the flowers. That which God means His creations heart to be about (as Job although sinned was honored by God before Jobs friends for being real with Him). I’m not saying that being genuinely unbelieving is good yeast. Rather i mean to use the axis of this stroll to describe something. How differently my take of flower here may be to some degree as much a shock as the flower itself in my tale had been to me…so in neighborly contrary fashion be my “sentiments” as puddles splattered about somewhat even perhaps as a different kind of apocalyptic pooling or collection of the peoples sweat and tears…not to mention His.

So…like…what does that have to do with Judaic unbelief and seemingly Christian fanfare with it? As we can be amazed at the dark arts, the shifting hearts in our unbelieving world drifting to the shallow end of the pool, it is a beautiful thing that your heart senses so much. Feels so deep. Experiences the moment by moment weather of His actual living grace…above and beyond the forming eschatological social artifacts. Wow. Look, i well understand and empathize with finding much joy (yes much joy) in seeing His word come true and alive in our times and before our eyes. But, to have the roots of our hearts sinking deeper into His heart. How things look from His inner place (beyond a story board puzzle unfolding) is of tender royalty of heart. And i find its blood flow so very richly alive. Bless your heart dear lady. :heart:


Morning Brother O Mine,

What an astute observation… and a haunting and beautifully painted picture of our lives!

This too! You must’ve been eating your Shakespeare & Van Gogh wheaties this morning! :wink:

What a treat to be serenaded with such poetic thought over coffee this morning. Thank you, Teren, and God bless you. Your ability and willingness to think— no matter the tangles involved— makes me smile and does my heart good.

Just to be clear, even with the pain it must cause our Lord and the destruction we see coming, I rejoice to see His Word manifest! It is evidence of His deity. He IS God and there is no other. And of course, our God knew (and has probably in some sense) felt that pain since before the first day of creation. He is well equipped to handle AND transform everything sin has caused/will cause. May He be praised always! :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3:

EDIT: Just now reading linked article. The author might have been eating the same flavor of breakfast cereal as you, “ from sticks and stones to mobile phones.” Wow. What a great amount of history is contained in that little phrase! Enjoying the article even though the English teacher in me cringes a bit.



Hey Teren!

So you see this as gramma baking a delicious chocolate cake (devil’s food, anyone?ha!)for her grandkids?

It sounds nice; but then what do we do with the fact that she ‘hid’ the leaven (keeping in mind this is a parable, and leaven is always a picture/symbol of sin [eg, Beware the leaven of the Pharisees]?
Thayer’s describes ‘hid’ as to conceal; to ‘mingle’ with one another. This reminds me of the wheat and the tares; and also of Daniel where the clay & iron will not bond/mingle with one another.
btw, the Greek for ‘three measures’ is ‘treis saton.’ A counterfeit of God’s triunity?
I just found these interesting, and thought to share for your consideration. I am not hard-line 100% on the precise interpretation of that parable.
Soon we shall know all, and be with the One who is all and in all[especially us all who have forsaken all other ways to heaven, since there is only One Way).
Am enjoying reading the posts here that I have missed lately.
Happy Summer!
Grace and peace
p.s. guy goes to the doctor, “Hey, Doc, did you ever find out what’s wrong with me?”

  • The doctor says, “You know, I have tried and tried, but have been unable to find out what is wrong with you; but I’ve got a feeling that it is due to heavy drinking.”*
  • So the guy says, “Oh, that’s OK Doc-I’ll come back when you’re sober!”*

Hey folks.

Where in the bible is the “red heifers” thanks.


Numbers 19:1-22


Hi brother Robbie. The leaven reference I used was not meant in the saved vs. non-saved tradition. It was just meant as a metaphor in respect to mankind and era in general. Thanks for sharing your findings. Interesting to note. I understand, the tendency to see leaven as only sin is very familiar to us because you are correct that the preponderance of usage overwhelming is sin. However, where it is used that is it is not is a pretty interesting contrast. In Lev 23:17 we see the wave offering for the feast of weeks to be two loaves of “leavened” bread.

A wave offering is an offering in which the priest either placed his hands under the hands of the worshipper who was holding the sacrifice to be presented and waved them back and forth, or the priest himself waved the offering123. This action represented a presenting of the sacrificial offerings to Jehovah1. Wave offerings were parts of peace-offerings and were waved by the priests in token of a solemn special presentation to God3.

The interesting thing is it would appear this to be in connection to Pentecost. When viewed in this respect, i believe the offering of Pentecost lends huge overshadow to Matt 13:33 and Matt 13:31-32 (the mustard seed). When a comparison of “His” kingdom is referenced I tend to see it good for obvious but unpopular reasons.

My cake recipe view is kind of neighbor to my Laodicean age view. In my understanding on that is that today we likely have pretty significant Laodicean like influences that seem to “leaven” throughout, to me, in general. I see we can tend to place teacher A as good, and teacher B as bad. But because of influences today, it is likely several different shades of gray. In like fashion, i would see grace toward us in our end times views. Wrong or right is not so much a thing I measure because i would believe there is wrong in it all (including mine). Seeing it this way, for me, lends empathy toward the views of others. Thus a cake is baked :slight_smile:

Thanks brother for your interesting and provocative reply. :+1: and i like the joke style ending…and the joke. Something like that somewhere in life i am sure had a real conversation knd of go like that. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Happy Summer to you as well my brother.


Excellent points, Robbie @Robbie. And the joke… had to share it with Hubbydude for a morning giggle. Thanks.

God bless you and yours.
:heart: gr


Hi Robbie. I just wanted to add some backdrop to the hidden yeast thing. It got me thinking. Thanks. So in this link this observer would understand the influence of leaven from the 1st century the way I do. But one thing that could also be barrowed on this is its Old Testament mirror.

This is not in the article that I know of. But lets use this same principle of yeast that led us to the first century:

  • Abraham – 1 man, gets old, still has child of promise
  • Melchizedek – Not of Levite, a king priest, hidden in his example of the King Priest to come.
  • Jacob/Esau – Younger shall rule (inverse)
  • Israel – Out of him comes the tribes (including Judah)
  • Joseph – hidden to provide shade and relief & a type picture of the flowering (or hidden potency seamingly insiginificant) Messiah. Or the Messiah whom is “the Flower.”
  • Moses – Baby (hidden from Pharoah). Killed Egyptian (hides in another land). Hidden from those who make a golden calf (still on the mountain). Hidden in the cleft as the train of God’s robe passes. Healing hidden in the bronze serpent–all you had to do was look. Victory over giants in the promised land “not acknowledged” kept Moses out of the promised land.
  • Judges – Hidden in the judges were pictures of Christ – particularly in Sampson – where His parents visited see a prefigurine of Christ as offering hidden in angelic visitation.
  • Ruth – Hidden in Ruth was the back drop back yard story while Judges was going on. All this pomp and circumstance with sparks and fireworks (Judges as pictures of a redeemer to come), while the previously attached to the book of judges story of Ruth is the “rubber meets the road–less fan fair story” [hidden or downplayed] literal lineage of THE MESSIAH HIMSELF.
  • The Mosiac System – The Christ to come as sacrifice hidden in the mosiac slaughter system for 1500 years.
  • Virgin Birth – to the commener, Mary had premarital sex.
  • John the Baptist – Hidden certainty from his father till he could speak.
  • Jesus Christ – Hidden in Him the very actual essence of God – “Who do you say that I am?”


Abraham / Isaac (hidden In his picture of sacrifice–The Christ) / Jacob (flowers into a tribe) / A tribe flowers into a nation–Israel / A nation to witness to the world "King Solomon’s Temple…

Just from that point we have Abraham (a wonderer) leavening into Solomon’s Temple to bring Queen’s from foreign lands to witness.

Or ragtag people from Egypt led into the wilderness to leaven into ritual performing art (the sacrificial system) for 1500 years.
. . . . .

In this coverage of the old testament we can see how it started with a wondering dude. And progressed, developed, and flowered into – a Messiah (promised to come). Of which all the leavening / flowering progress along the way would testify to and picture (prefigure) this flowering messiah all along the way. Hidden in thousands of years of history. Still hidden currently from Israel.


PART TWO – Matt 13 Leaven…

Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges

  1. leaven] Except in this one parable, leaven is used of the working of evil; cp. “A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump,” Galatians 5:9; 1 Corinthians 5:6; and “purge out therefore the old leaven,” 1 Corinthians 5:7. So, too, in the Rabbinical writings. This thought probably arose from the prohibition of leaven during the paschal season. But the secrecy and the all-pervading character of leaven aptly symbolize the growth of Christianity, (1) as a society penetrating everywhere by a subtle and mysterious operation until in this light—as a secret brotherhood—it appeared dangerous to the Roman empire; (2) as an influence unfelt at first growing up within the human soul.

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Pulpit Commentary
Verse 33. - The parable of the leaven. Parallel passage: Luke 13:20, 21. The growth of the kingdom regarded in its quiet and secret influence. This is to be ultimately complete and universal. The prophecy is partially fulfilled with every fresh recognition of Christian principles in public opinion, or customs, or laws. For “every thought” shall be brought “captive unto the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5). Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven. This is the only passage where leaven is spoken of with reference to its permeating qualities alone, without any trace of the notion of defilement, which the Paschal and other regulations (Exodus 12:15, 18; Exodus 23:15, 18; Leviticus 2:11) so readily suggested. Even in 1 Corinthians 5:6 and Galatians 5:9 this connotation of evil is not altogether absent. In Talm. Bab., ‘Berach.,’ 17a, it is used as a figure of the “evil impulse” within us. Hence some have interpreted it in a similar sense here, and have understood our Lord to be referring to the spread of worldliness in the Church (especially after the conversion of Constantine); but

(1) this is opposed to the prima facie meaning;

(2) it is unreasonable to insist that a symbol must always have the same connotation;

(3) it is opposed to the idea of deliberate purpose underlying the action of the woman;

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Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers

(33) The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven.—The parable sets forth the working of the Church of Christ on the world, but not in the same way as that of the Mustard Seed. There the growth was outward, measured by the extension of the Church, dependent on its missionary efforts. Here the working is from within. The “leaven”—commonly, as in the Passover ritual, the symbol of malice and wickedness (1Corinthians 5:8)—causing an action in the flour with which it is mingled that is of the nature of decay and tends to actual putrescence, here becomes, in the mode of teaching which does not confine itself within the limits of a traditional and conventional symbolism, the type of influence for good as well as evil. It can turn the flour into human food—this symbolism is traceable in the leavened loaves that were offered on the day of Pentecost (Leviticus 23:17)—can permeate the manners, feelings, and opinions of non-Christian societies until they become blessings and not curses to mankind. In the new feelings, gradually diffused, of Christendom as to slavery, prostitution, gladiatorial games—in the new reverence for childhood and womanhood, for poverty and sickness—we may trace the working of the leaven.

Descending to the details of the parable, it is at least open to us (as an application of it, if not as an interpretation) to see in the woman, as in the parable of the Lost Piece of Money (Luke 15:8), the representative of the divine Wisdom as working in the history of the world, or of the Church of Christ as embodying that wisdom. The three measures of meal admit, in like manner, of many references, of which we cannot say with certainty that one is more likely to have been intended than another. The descendants of the three sons of Noah, or the Jew, the Greek, the Barbarian, as representing the whole race of mankind, or body, soul, and spirit, as the three parts of man’s nature, which the new truth is to permeate and purify, are all in this sense equally legitimate applications.

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Benson Commentary

Matthew 13:33. Another parable spake he unto them — With a view still further to illustrate the progress of the gospel in the world, and of true religion in the soul. The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman hid — That is, covered up; in three measures of meal — Which seems to have been the quantity that they usually baked at once; till the whole was leavened — For although the leaven seemed lost for a while in the mass of dough, it secretly wrought through it by a speedy though almost insensible fermentation. Thus shall the gospel spread in the world, and divine grace in the souls of men, influencing and assimilating their spirit and conduct.

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Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary

13:31-35 The scope of the parable of the seed sown, is to show that the beginnings of the gospel would be small, but its latter end would greatly increase; in this way the work of grace in the heart, the kingdom of God within us, would be carried on. In the soul where grace truly is, it will grow really; though perhaps at first not to be discerned, it will at last come to great strength and usefulness. The preaching of the gospel works like leaven in the hearts of those who receive it. The leaven works certainly, so does the word, yet gradually. It works silently, and without being seen, Mr 4:26-29, yet strongly; without noise, for so is the way of the Spirit, but without fail. Thus it was in the world. The apostles, by preaching the gospel, hid a handful of leaven in the great mass of mankind. It was made powerful by the Spirit of the Lord of hosts, who works, and none can hinder. Thus it is in the heart. When the gospel comes into the soul, it works a thorough change; it spreads itself into all the powers and faculties of the soul, and alters the property even of the members of the body, Ro 6:13. From these parables we are taught to expect a gradual progress; therefore let us inquire, Are we growing in grace? and in holy principles and habits?

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Barnes’ Notes on the Bible

The kingdom of heaven - The meaning here is the same as in the last parable; perhaps, however, intending to denote more properly the secret and hidden nature of piety in the soul. The other parable declared the “fact” that the gospel would greatly spread, and that piety in the heart would greatly increase. This states the “way” or “mode” in which it would be done. It is secret, silent, steady; pervading all the faculties of the soul and all the kingdoms of the world, as leaven, or yeast, though hidden in the flour, and though deposited only in one place, works silently until all the mass is brought under its influence.

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Revelation 1:7 ?

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@Will ,
Not exactly jumping out of the pages, but The Holy Spirit has been putting this moment of Psalm 83 on my heart.
If you care to, you can go to the July 28, 2024 PU The Lukewarm Church Is Alive And Well Today. My post is #44.

I am open to comments and corrections.



Hi - BP earthwatch has a decent video on AI wanting to be God. Might give you more jigsaw pieces! And its not a long video lol

God bless you.