March 10, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update -- The Prophetic Brew In The Satanic Stew

That could explain why new believers might watch them, but why should I watch them? :thinking:

When do we learn about what is happening in the Middle East? :thinking:


How does it help me? JD’s updates give me vetted information. I can then compare them to God’s word.
How does this get Jesus to people and people to Jesus? The lost are oftentimes guided into a pigeonhole without knowing it. What if something that JD spoke about, something that I was not aware of prior to the update, was part of their pigeonhole? Could I meet them where they are? I would be in a better position to do so.

Pastor JD is not my only source for information of today’s world. He is however, a very important part of my life.

If you find JD’s updates lacking in your standards, then I suggest some good conversations with God to see what He would want you to do.



He only covered first 2 in detail. I even have to find meaning of “stew” online, even I do cook simple dishes… :smile:

Stew is a delightful culinary creation that brings together solid food ingredients, cooked in liquid, resulting in a rich and flavorful gravy. Let’s dive into the savory details:

  1. Ingredients
  2. Cooking Process
  3. Historical Tidbits
  4. Types of Stews

Not listing in detail for brevity sake.


I will take a stab at this as I think I can show you the answer you seek.

It was not about telling people to not take the vaccines. Many had no choice if they wanted to keep their job and they needed it to support their families. It was more of a warning of the dangers of the vaccine as they were rushed to market without the usual long term human testing trials. Given what many who were able to get access to the actual vaccines and research they were showing to be more than the typical vaccine which is why now online dictionaries have changed the definition to what a vaccine is.

This is from Merriam Webster as an added definition that does not show up in my hard copy: a preparation of genetic material (such as a strand of synthesized mRNA that is used by the cells of the body to produce an antigenic substance (such as a fragment of virus [spike protein]).

Now this from my hard copy Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary copy right date 1975:

matter or a preparation containing the virus of cowpox in a form used for vaccination. a preparation of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms, or living fully virulent organisms that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease.

Note well that the old definition was being used to resist the mRNA vaccines as they were never fully tested before going to market. Note also that before the disease was called officially Covid-19 it was called SARS-COV-2. So in the blow back about the disease and subsequent vaccination many things changed over a short period of time, something that had never happened before making the whole situation suspicious especially because of the lock down and economic impact it caused. In short everything about COVID19 became very suspect as to whether it was what was being said in the MSM or not.

Since a lot of doctors of the old school education were questioning it, it was hard to push a narrative to get everyone to go along so definitions were changed, those resisting it were being called conspiracy theorist and so on.

Once things settled down and the lock downs were lifted so called booster shots were still being pushed heavily claiming rapid mutations which don’t follow typical biology norms. So suspicions still remained.

Then pastors with very healthy doses of skepticism started talking about it changing DNA as they got more information that the mRNA was doing just that to produce the dangerous spike proteins as well as finding out from laboratory test that the vaccinations contained things like nano size bits of graphene and hydrogel which contain some forms of plastic but varies across the various COVID type vaccines as they are not all the same. Once the fact of COVID and the vaccination started pointing to what Revelation 13:17 said about “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name,” it started becoming obvious that we were looking at the forerunner of the MOB in that people were not being allowed out of their homes in some places, severely restricted in movement in other places.

All that laid the ground work for what will eventually become the MOB. Since people mostly fear for their health and dying it is the most potent emotion to manipulate to gain control of behaviors. People are most likely to agree to things that they believe will keep them healthy and living. It then becomes much more clear that what worked once to some degree is likely to happen again maybe multiple times before the Rapture comes which provides a single world government under the command and control of a single leader to create a system that plays on people’s fears of dying such as in starving to death because they can’t buy food.

Add to that other various bits of info such as social credit scores found in China and the movement to a single world digital currency that cannot be counterfeited, and it starts becoming clear where this is all headed. Even so the control of the world population is not yet near enough complete at this time so another round of fear inducing disease whether real or not but at least claimed to exist is needed for the behavioral modification training needed to set up the MOB system.

All of this comes from basic psychology understanding of human behavior and how modifying it can be accomplished. Militaries do it, parents do it with their children, court systems do it with criminals and so on. It does not come with only one instance. It takes multiple times to make it stick. Think of sports folks. They get good because they practice and build up muscle memory as well as skills. Experts become experts because they do the same work over and over. It is simple psychology of learning.

So that that means is we have seen only the first round of training and the next one according to much of the material that Pastor JD has been providing is pointing to another round that is likely to come later this year. We can expect that even more so since it is an election year and parties are vying for attention from the voting public and what better way to get that than to promise as always something that people are in fear of losing and that being mainly their life to some disease rather real or fake. The disease may not even actually exist but we won’t know that till the time comes but rest assured vaccines will be created again, rushed to market and forced. They have to do that to further set up the MOB that will come in the Tribulation time.

I hope that is all understandable as it is really a complex set up and series of coming events that all point to Revelation’s MOB information as well as a one world government in the Tribulation period. Thankfully those that believe in the finished work of Jesus on the cross and his assured resurrection and our salvation by grace through faith we won’t be here to deal with it. Hence Pastor JD emphasizing the need to get the Gospel out as much as possible, reach as many as we can so they can be saved and not lost.


You are not being forced to watch them. Maybe you can take a break for a while. Go to another source that may be doing more on what is happening in the Middle East and come back when Pastor JD moves to that arena later on.

That depends on when things happen there. If it will help I will give you something that has not appeared on to many radars yet. As of Saturday 3/9 a US Army vessel departed Ft. Eustis, VA. It is headed to the eastern Mediterranean Sea with the job of setting up a temporary pier in Gaza along some part of its beach area facing the sea. The importance of this has to do with creating yet another avenue of delivery of humanitarian aid. Seems the recent attempts ended up in disaster as several people were killed attempting to catch falling pallets loaded with hundreds of pounds of aid. The overland route through Egypt is not working out so well as it does not seem to get aid to the north end of Gaza at all.

Now the problem with this mission and this comes from people who were in the upper command structure of our watercraft battalion is that it appears to be hastily put together and seriously lacking in logistics planning to make it a successful mission. It it turns out to be that will be a miracle. So here is the problem, the system being used is called a floating causeway. It consist of a series of small barges tied together and then floated out of the vessel and pushed onto the shore. In normal circumstances even in the case of war it will require someones to be on shore to anchor the shore side of the causeway so it stays connected. As far as what has come out so far is that no US boots will be on the ground on the Gaza beach. So that begs the question who will anchor it to keep it from drifting or breaking away completely.

Then there is the problem of force security. Going into a non-regular possible combat situation how will the vessel protect itself from attacks. That is a valid concern given the actions of Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis since this all started. In short the potential for this operation to go seriously south and US troops get injured or killed is very high at this time. Now that could change if CentCom who is in charge of the region realizes this and makes the necessary preparations before that Army Vessel arrives. As it stand now its only force protection is a couple of .50 cals, maybe a half dozen auto firing grenade launchers as well as what ever other small arms are issued to those on board. Without some kind of additional assistance from the Navy or AF things like drone attacks will nearly impossible to defend against. Then there is water based attacks as well being the type of vessel it is, it has limited ability to protect if small vessels get in close.

So unless there is other considerations for completion of the operation to make it sustainable and the necessary force protection is handled before they arrive the overall expectation from people who have sailed on this vessel and done similar types of missions albeit in friendly areas it will have probably bad consequences.

Now given the sailing time from Virginia to Gaza vacinity will be a couple of weeks we are likely not to hear much more till they get there. Then if the news is up on it and watching we may get better information. For now all of the people I served with that were in the command structure are all saying the same thing, this looks like a recipe for disaster.

This is from the BBC speaking to the mission.


Thank you very much, excellent explanation.


Praise the LORD! Keep praying for both Kellie and JD. The enemy is clearly harassing them.


I can resonate with your question @goodboy. There are sufficient past updates that clarified the shot problem successfully. We can all go back and re-listen if need reminders or share them with friends who happen to not know that this is the bio-technology described in Revelation.

I personally have it very clear in my mind that the shot is a precursor to the future MOTB. I do not need to spend more time re-listening to updates on the shot.
I would rather listen/read updates on the Middle East, Europe, and relevant world events. Maybe in the next update there will be more focus on these.


Wow! OK I hold my tongue then, peace! Hehehe


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11 March 2024


What is UN “Our Common Agenda”?

“Our Common Agenda” is a report by the United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, outlining a vision for a renewed global multilateralism and a sustainable future for all. It sets out a series of proposals for transformative changes in the UN system and beyond to address the challenges of the 21st century.

Who did this work?

“Our Common Agenda” was primarily drafted by the Secretary-General’s High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism. The board consisted of 17 eminent individuals from various backgrounds and regions, including former government leaders, academics, and civil society representatives.

When it started:

The work on “Our Common Agenda” began in 2018 with the establishment of the High-Level Advisory Board. The board met regularly over the next two years to deliberate and gather input from a wide range of stakeholders.

Key Proposals:

“Our Common Agenda” includes proposals for:

  • Strengthening the UN system through reforms and increased funding
  • Creating a new global governance architecture to address global challenges
  • Enhancing crisis prevention and peacebuilding
  • Promoting sustainable development and climate action
  • Protecting human rights and strengthening gender equality
  • Empowering youth and addressing inequality
  • Fostering science, technology, and innovation for global good

Release Date:

“Our Common Agenda” was officially launched by the Secretary-General on September 10, 2021, during the opening session of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly.


The Convergence of Thinking
By Daymond Duck
November 1, 2021

Copied and pasted his thoughts on this Common Agenda.

Concerning the convergence of thinking, the stage was set for leaders of one mind on Sept. 25, 2015, by the unanimous vote of 193 nations to approve the Transforming of our World: The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

– Every government is now required to support the seventeen UN Sustainable Development Goals (they are required to think and act alike).

– Every government agrees on abortion, gay issues, mandated vaccinations, climate change, immigration, etc. (They are thinking alike.)

– This convergence of thinking is God’s doing, and it shows that God is setting the stage for the appearance of ten like-minded kings.

– God is causing leaders all over the world to think alike because He intends to transfer global leadership to ten people that will agree to surrender their power and authority to the Antichrist.

Here is another example:

On Sept. 13, 2021, it was reported that UN Sec. Gen. Guterres released a document titled “Our Common Agenda.”

Notice this: The Bible says God will cause the ten kings to have one mind, and now the UN has a common agenda.

This is not a coincidence.

God reveals the future before it happens.

– “Our Common Agenda” is called a New Agenda for Peace. The Tribulation Period will begin with a covenant for peace in the Middle East.

– “Our Common Agenda” calls for a new UN-led world order. The New World Order will be a UN-led world government.

– “Our Common Agenda” calls for a new financial system. A digital one-world currency that allows the tracking of all buying and selling is on the way.

– “Our Common Agenda” calls for Global vaccinations. A mandate to force every nation on earth to obey a world government.

– “Our Common Agenda” calls for a strengthened global government in our “troubled climate-change-suffering world.” A small group of very rich and very powerful people are seeking to gain total domination of the entire planet.

– “Our Common Agenda” calls for a new, more relevant UN. In his words, “multilateralism with teeth.” Guterres wants leaders from several nations to be given power to force globalism on the whole world under the false teaching that the world is suffering from climate change.

– “Our Common Agenda” calls for world leaders to hold a “Global Summit of the Future” in 2023 (a little more than a year from now) to study ways to strengthen global governance and make sure global policies are being enforced. This means forcing the U.S. and other nations to follow UN policies (not the Constitution of the U.S., what a nation’s citizens want, etc.).



Huh? You don’t think anything is happening in the Middle East? :thinking:


Good suggestion! :+1:


Amen and amazing!


There is always something going on in the Middle East just as it is happening in the rest of the world. It is just not everything rises to the level of concern of prophecy. Oct. 7 was of huge concern but every Hezbolla rocket or mortar are now common occurrences. I am sure that Pastor JD is watching the Middle East very closely. After all it is his roots, he speaks the language to some degree if not fluently and has cultural insights the rest of us don’t. I have no worry that if something goes down he will be all over it.


#5 Don’t stir the pot :wink:


No Covid is not the MOB and neither is the vaccine.
But it is a precursor, yes.
Something the cabal pushed to test the sheeple’s compliance.
And it was a huge succes in that respect.
People voluntarily gave up their freedom.
And called upon their leaders to “save them”.
Many of them will be easily duped when the real MOB comes.

But it is not the MOB.
Because with the MOB comes the explicit alligeance to the Beast.
As long as there is no Beast there is no MOB.



So then I guess you also believe that we are currently in the Tribulation? :thinking:


I keep watching what happens there every day. At this moment I understand that Israel is checking whether Hamas’s deputy military leader died in an air strike in Gaza, as prospects faded of talks securing a ceasefire to coincide with the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

However, Israel says talks securing a ceasefire are continuing through Egyptian and Qatari mediators.

As Uturn said, we do need to exercise our patience; we always have to wait for the LORD to move the pieces, as per Daniel 2:21.


Having finished the podcast, JD is speculating that the shots will be a major component to the mandated digital identification which is forthcoming. While there has been some confusion in the past regarding the shot being the MOB, I have heard him in more recent messages vehemently state that the shot in itself is not the MOB.

There may be a multitude of various supposed justifications for the digital ID, but in my opinion, the push for pharma control of our bodies as well as WEF control will ultimately be the main forces behind it.

I saw a video last month of someone who went to an Aldi (grocery) in a country other than the USA (Netherlands?) and you couldn’t even get in to the grocery area without a digital ID. You could only go into the lobby area. There was an electronically activated metal gate that would only open when the patrons waved their mobile device with digital ID prompted on their screen. In other words, they could not buy food without it. So…it’s very much on the near horizon. We’ve noticed that our local Kroger stores have also started putting in these gates. While they’re only motion activated at this point, they look identical to those overseas in the video and could be easily retrofitted.

However, we (my family) live in a mostly rural area with dozens of family farms, small meat markets, produce markets and farmers markets. How will they control those smaller sellers that aren’t technologically savvy? :man_shrugging:t4:


I suppose smaller vendors will continue to sell using their ipads and square accounts but will need to download a digital ID app for purchasing clearance of their patrons. :thinking:

Did anyone pick up on that email that he shared about the person involuntarily having a United Nations app downloaded on to their phone? Very creepy.