March 12, 2023: Bible Prophecy Update -- Unexpected, Unprepared

Welcome @Gabriele !

For me, it’s a false Christianity if it becomes about earning your salvation or working to keep your salvation.

The gospel is “ believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved”.

Another red flag is when Christianity is fluffed with “ stuff”…. These imo would be either unbiblical or unnecessary “add ons” to Christianity that take the form of either made concepts or opinions that have infiltrated or influenced the church
( many of which you’ll see in the New Apostolic Reformation and Word of Faith / prosperity gospel camps but also possibly anywhere):

You must tithe
You must join a certain church
Give and you’ll prosper ( sow a financial seed to get blessed in return)
God showed me , God told me statements
Anyone saying , there’s a new revelation
Activities that are mystical/ new age in nature

These are a few of my own red flags I watch for but I don’t want to overwhelm you as a new believer. So the best way to know something is amiss, is to read the scriptures and constantly seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance in understanding and for discernment of all things.

Also researching things that leave you with a sense that something’s off. Whether it’s something that was said or done. But again, filtering everything through scripture.

One precaution… be patient with yourself. We are in days in which deception and corruption abounds , sadly even in many churches. Lastly, man is never above God and his Word and while there are getting to be fewer and fewer ones, there are still some biblically sound ones such as JD.

Here’s a few scripture passages for you as it can be daunting navigating these days :
