March 12, 2023: Bible Prophecy Update -- Unexpected, Unprepared

Some of the churches ( baptist) I became a member of wanted my baptismal record from when I was baptized after being saved.

When I joined the Green Orthodox Church when I married my husband, they required my being baptized into their church. I was ignorant and did.

When I joined my current Baptist church, I only had to give my salvation testimony and did also include being baptized at age 9.

Couple of things that are red flags … Baptist and Protestant churches that I’ve attended and was not a member offered communion to all who professed salvation but at Greek/ Eastern Orthodox, you can not partake of communion unless you are a member which is by baptism.

What I’d consider a red flag is if a church required a re- baptizing to join their church when that person was already baptized. More concerning would be if a church believed baptism into their church results in salvation (Eastern Orthodox) as they espouse that they are “ the true Church “.
They do not recognize other people as Christians because they are not baptized members of their church.

Also , it’s imperative to under the church’s view on the purpose of baptism when asked to be baptized to join. We know baptism doesn’t save but is for a outward showing that Christ has been accepted as Savior.
So , if a person who is saved but hasn’t been baptized asked to do so to join , I don’t see that as a man’s tradition but more of the church wanting the prospective member to partake of an outward showing that they are a believer.

Baptism in and of itself isn’t really a man made tradition as the Bible does speak of being baptized. But the issue is why are they asking someone to be baptized?

  1. To show they’ve accepted Christ knowing it’s not required for salvation and have never been baptized- :ballot_box_with_check:

  2. To become a member with a purpose of getting saved - :no_entry_sign:

  3. Requiring a saved person to be re- baptized : this imo is a personal choice. Some church by - laws do ask this for membership BUT clarify the reason for wanting it. :ballot_box_with_check:OR :no_entry_sign: depending on their reasoning ( getting baptized again is not wrong )

In other words if the baptism is for anything other than to show a testimony that one HAS ALREADY NEEN SAVED , then I’d be concerned.

Just my personal advice. Hopefully it makes sense :blush: