March 19, 2023: Bible Prophecy Update -- Two Sides of the Same Coin

Another thought regarding JD’s comments about Trump touting his accomplishments: In a different vein, I have to say I question his silence regarding all the people who followed his instructions to go to DC to protest the election and have been arrested, their lives ruined and those of their families. And those still sitting in jail without due process.
They went there because they were deceived into thinking he was their hero.
Now, has he done ANYTHING to defend these people and help them?
And his social media posts of the last couple of days has him urging people to protest and take the country back?!?! Why would he do that? It would have the same effect as January 6. Again. WHY??


Yes. They have drawn attention to the ills of the kill shot, for sure. In that we can learn some things. But definitely in matters of God and End Times, our compass should be the Scripture in context.


That is such a good point. I don’t think Trump has ever expressed concern for these folks suffering from Jan 6 to my knowledge.

I do think this whole protest thing for this week could also be a trap. Or moreso a plan for people in mass to take money out of bank and help with the momentum of the collapse or getting money out of local banks to the large ones….for the digital money and reset. I am so embarrassed to think a few years back ,prior to Covid, that I thought trump might be trying to help


Even if some of the names are people who are wanting things right it will not happen. They are in on it or deceived. I have a son willing to fight to save our country. I keep telling him Bible prophecy makes it clear they will have their “new world order” God will step in and Jesus is the only way. He will do the fighting and win. We fight, and we lose the fight. I was thinking about not voting or the same reason Pastor spoke about. He made it clear to me. No more voting for me. I leave it in Jesus hands, the sure winner! Thank you Pastor JD for standing for Jesus and the truth of God’s word, The Holy Bible.


@Jon - Thank you, your edited response brought clarification. I watched one conference at the start of the “pandemic” (2021), but it was just the host and not a “Reawaken” tour. I am surprised at the size of their guest speakers now. I believe that conference was one of the first places I heard about the concern of the contents of the jab. I did hear about the Flynn situation last year and knew where he stood. Not to excuse any of them who are truly saved, but it shows where our country is at, with the lack of teaching from the pulpit of the times we are living in, and His imminent return, I am not surprised if they are unaware of all that is going on. :cry:


20 March 2023



Thank you Pastor JD for this insight in (Rev 7:16) They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun strike upon them, nor any heat:

I always hear beheading, beheading, beheading of tribulation saints.

  1. Hunger

(Rev 6:6) And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.

(Rev 6:8) And I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him sitting on it was Death, and Hell followed with him. And authority was given to them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with the sword and with hunger and with death and by the beasts of the earth.

  1. Thirst

(Rev 8:11) And the name of the star is called Wormwood, and a third part of the waters became wormwood. And many men died from the waters, because they were made bitter.

  1. Sun

(Rev 16:8) And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.

  1. Heat

(Rev 16:9) And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.


Regarding Reawaken America Tour and New Age prayer, this is the interview by Sons of Liberty Media with Dr Carrie Madej:

Minute 40:00 - Starting to talk about Reawaken America Tour

Minute 47:20 - Flynn prayed the New Age prayer

Additional material:




Upcoming 23 March Tour, speakers info:

The New Age Prayer was made in this event:

Elizabeth Claire Prophet in close up video:

You need to watch the last part of Probably Alexandra video.


True. And because of that, we ought to pray their eyes are opened through a blessing of the spirit of discernment being placed upon them to see the truth and acknowledge the lie.

Candidly, I agree that the patriotic presence, while safe to say is a stranglehold on some evil, can be evil itself. But I also can’t see taking up arms and physically fighting others will ever bring to fruition what is wanted. In fact, it’ll be a recap of what happened on the famous January 6th event yet on a bit more horrid scale.

To fight this war, this battle, is to understand the weapons are not physical. They are of the spiritual realm. The demons tempt us through this, and our prayers are answered through this. As you stated, God has won the fight, We fight on a spiritual level with spiritual enemies (a distinction each of us fights to remember each time we are faced with someone wanting to fight with us). Perhaps that’s what is needed to be explained? You wanna fight to keep something, keep God in your sight and pray those who are lost to be inspired and convicted to find salvation attractive to accept rather than the seduction of temptation and evil to be too enticing to turn away from. Your son wants to be a warrior, suggest for him to become a prayer warrior. :wink:


Yep…The update and the sermon were such a breath of fresh air. I have enjoyed listening to quite a few of the ones on the list…a few that weren’t too …As for me, I think JD has got it right , once again. It really has bothered me listening to Christian Radio and hearing Trumps name coming up so much . I can’t believe some of the people I thought knew better, who are all getting on board with wanting to Make America Great Again! It bothers me to no end. But the truth is they ARE all on the same team- the politicians…going global. We are here watching everything being put in place. Everything set up, for the one world government (The New World Order) the cashless society and it is all there in black and white for us to read it for ourselves…all straight out of the BIBLE. The lock downs and the masks and all the liars on the TV telling us who we could have in our own homes for Thanksgiving …weather or not we could go out to a restaurant or get a hair cut or even go to CHURCH ! OR SING !!! All a trial run of whats coming …
The making people wear masks on planes and have their brains bombarded with 5 G …no more airplane mode for the cell phones on planes now…How soon we all forget whenever there is a lull, and things seem less oppressive I begin to wonder what is going on behind the scenes now.
So just had to put my 2 cents in that it is all very real what is going on and some may be deceived others bought …Things have gotten so gross in our public schools and what have you on parade in our streets. I am sick of this …it is awful. The only problem I have is that some family members are not saved …I think that is the hard thing for us who have unsaved loved ones…



Thank you beautifully expressed/summarise


I haven’t listened to the update yet, but after reading all your comments, I am very excited to listen to it! I don’t post much here, but I always look forward to reading the comments. It is so wonderful to know there are like minded followers of Jesus around the world. We need to be so discerning of everything that is around us. I find that most followers of Jesus in my life have no idea about the apostasy and half truths that are being taught. I am probably hyper-sensitive to it, but we all need to be on guard. I can’t wait to meet you all someday! Nothing is going to make the USA great again. I can’t believe it is still standing to be honest. I am diligently waiting for the trumpet to sound!


I think that is what drives Lindell to invest all of that time and money that he does.


May I just say that, while many miss the broad availabilities that were once the layout of this great forum, I am fully embracing the collecting together of us remnant believers in the update/sermon/bible study spaces?

Who knew?



The forum before was so expansive that it was hard to keep up with the threads and all the comments of discussion. It was overwhelming to be able to contribute in a meaningful manner.


Morning Jon @Jon,
Good explanation. I would add this for more clarification concerning people who profess Jesus but are fighting for USA.

There is a difference between believing/trusting Jesus to save you—— and following Him.

Word of the Year: Discernment

EDIT: As I keep reading, I’m becoming more aware that these folks who believe in Jesus, probably don’t believe in the Jesus Who saves, the One that all Scripture speaks of.


I looked at the lineup and found these definately NAR:

Artur Pawloski
Bo Polney
Steve Strang (Charisma Magazine)
Greg Locke
Sean Feucht
Mark and Martha Carbrara
Donne Clement-Petruska (Daughter of the late Kim Clement NAR prophet)
Amanda Grace
Julie Green
I also know that Lance Wallau is part of that Reawaken group.
Im sure that most of those in the lineup have the same non-biblical
goal of building a world where “Christians” are in control of everything.
I dont see anyone solid in Bible teaching in the group that I recognized.

They have chosen dynamic or motivational speakers like
Mark Victor Hansen who wrote a book on how to become a success
by using the laws of attraction.

I loved when Pastor JD spoke about Luciferian light and called it what it is.
The world is being seduced into a worldwide Luciferian enthronement
and a counterfeit Christianity by the supposed “good guys” under the guise of
piolitical freedom, peace and love.
The Awakening is Luciferian.

Please forgive my obsession and repetition in saying that so often.

Me too.
We are so blessed that the Lord has given us a pastor and group
of like-minded believers in this time where we stand alone in our towns, families
and friends.
It is such a blessing and major relief to know we are not alone and not
crazy as we sound…


Will there be a transcript for March 19 Prophey Update?


Morning Susan @SusanS,
When I read your comment two ideas came to mind:
Divide and conquer (added bonus, division identifies the ones who have any discernment)
Controlled opposition (not necessarily recognized by those being used in this manner)

Excellent summary @Blessed.

Hello @ClearMiddle,
Agree with you; your comment brought to mind a warning I have on my fridge:
A half-truth is a whole lie.

Hey Susan @Susan,
You noted this tour might become a movement. I looked at their site: 26 of 30 city events are sold out. Only the four most recently scheduled events still have tickets for sale. Add in Trump’s encouragement to protest and take back what is being stolen…. (disclaimer, I’m not a Trump fan— think he’s just playing his part, knowingly or not)

Movement or tool for culling? Maybe two sides of yet another evil coin/bird.


Morning Naomi @Bluebonnet,
ALL you said about Trump…. totally agree. If we are supposed to judge a tree by its fruit… that, all that, there is some rotten fruit. And I’ll add that he ‘fights’ to keep the moniker, ‘Father of the Vaccine.’ Sumpthin’ smells…. rotten fruit. And isn’t that kinda how spirits (alcohol) are made?


As Pastor JD has pointed out, perhaps these are the names and faces of the mission field?? Shall we pray for all of these which you listed? I’m remembering Pastor JD’s prayers for Dane Wigington, for example. Pastor Tom Hughes was a guest on one of Mike Adams’ broadcasts recently. It seems he (Mike Adams) is searching for truth, trying to understand, and open to listening. He has stated that he is delving into the Bible more than ever. In this age of deception and illusion it is hard for all of us to stay grounded in truth, especially we who have not had a firm foundation in Biblical study. ( I must count myself among those.) As we have discussed many times here on this forum, there are so many denominations all teaching/interpreting scripture in slightly different ways, it is so easy to get confused. I have been intrigued by/studied/investigated the prophetic word since I was a teenager, but it was NEVER taught in my church. Busy with work and home and raising my children, I never knew that my denomination believed the rapture to be just a fantasy until I retired a few years ago and did a little digging into that. Anyway, I guess my point is that we just need to pray hard that neither we, nor others, be lost in the fog of deception!! Our Father is not the author of confusion, so I guess our enemy is hard at work writing the chapter we are living through. Perhaps the best we can do is extend grace to those who were brought up in different faiths, be prepared to give an answer to those who ask, and pray hard that Jesus Himself, THE TRUTH, be fully revealed to all who long for the evil to be defeated at long last!


Yes Ma’am ! If he’s seeking truth, that’s wonderful. I think, and I am sure many here agree that we must be careful discerners and not be sucked into the deception and delusion of many of these people. They themselves are deceived in some way or another and they need the Truth. As we observe and listen we must keep God’s Word at the helm and evaluate each person to see if they are moving closer or farther from the helm.