March 21 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

Quote from transcript 21 march BP update:

On Monday… I wanted to include this one for a reason, and, again, for those who have ears to hear, you’re going to get this. You’re going to connect these dots, okay? Fox News, “Biden says, ‘local preachers’ better than Trump for convincing ‘MAGA folks’ to take COVID-19 vaccine.”

No, I am not going to say it. Actually, maybe I need to say this, though. Isn’t it a little bit strange that Trump is the author of the vaccine? Trump is the author of Operation Warp Speed, and seamlessly, here comes Joe Biden and not even a hiccup. I mean, I hope you don’t tire of me saying this, but I am not the sharpest knife in the kitchen drawer, but that doesn’t make sense to me unless they’re all in on it.

Biden did NOT cancel the Ops Warp Speed at all after he became president. He is busy climate changing America for good. Like destroying oil and gas industry to save “Mother Earth”.

Trump sided with Big Pharma tells us he is hastening bible prophecy!


Today’s hymn mentioned by Pastor JD;


Thanks for this Dennis. I would say that Trump endorsing the vax felt like Dr. Sues in drag telling stories to kids in a library. No doubt. I don’t think Biden can change it. I guess they could just say that it is unsafe. And stop it. But there is a political risk to that.

Biden did however just take credit for it. Who’s Trump? What Warp Speed? Didn’t you get the memo that Biden developed the vax and the internet? Biden didn’t take the vaccine until it was already out…of course after Joe’s administration got in place. Then God blessed it, according to St. Joe, and we all got vaxed. Its a happy ending…come on Dennis.

On a serious note, why would Joe risk looking foolish like he hates Trump and is taking that jealousy out on the vax. When you can just steel it, and pretend you were the perceived hero? For Joe, that choice is not hard when addicted to plagiarism. Besides he would have probably close to 80 million people (even if they did not support that vax) finding overt ways to undermine Joe for pranks like that. Joe’s got the border on his plate. As long as that goes well…he’s got smooth sailing.

Sorry, could not resist that last one. But the way I see it honestly is that Trump endorsed the vax because it helps the economy. That was always his interest. Even when pres he was always emphasizing therapeutics over the vax. Now, since it has caught a lot of buyin from the public, the politically expedient route is to have people take the quickest (please recover my economy) route possible. I would not lump Trump into the distortion and danger of vax. I believe he is just recklessly narcissistic. But who knows…Trump’s a pretty good actor. Blessings. :slight_smile:

It looks like I’m going to have to be more careful what I say on this forum.

I’m worn out. I can’t even go to the store anymore without being attacked in one way or another. I can’t keep going like this. Jesus Come take us home really soon. Honestly, I don’t know how much strength I have left in me to fight this spiritual battle…It’s to the point where I can’t tell the difference between conviction & condemnation.

I would be grateful for prayer. Thanks


A few interesting tidbits:

  1. The symbol with the pole and one snake was adopted for medicine and there were some Greek roots and ‘gods’ behind most of these things. The symbol with the pole and two snakes and wings on top was the symbol for the god of commerce! I heard that a long time ago from an old Calvary Chapel pastor and googled it today and there it is, research under images, etc.
  2. Regarding the pressure for vaxing, I recently came across a source about how there are always exemptions for vaccines, whether religious or otherwise and you have to stand your ground and do some legal homework. Now what I’m NOT saying… is that you need that in order to refuse them. Or, that they will not come for us some day anyway. I will refuse the vaccine, hands down, no matter what else is or is not there to protect me, what I am threatened with, etc. And I know that they will be coming for us anyway for that among other reasons. But what I am saying… is that it can be used to buy some time at work or elsewhere… for now.
  3. Yes, it’s moving fast. And we will be singled out for not taking it. All the villification narratives are already in place, and were before they rolled this thing out. We must stand firm against all of this. But it will go similarly to the Holocaust. First, the Jews could not do this, then that, etc. There was a law that they could not go to public parks and things like that, which lines up with the entertainment and such in Israel, like theaters. I see a day where you won’t be allowed into pools, public places for recreation, etc. as a result. Everything that was closed at full lock down will only be closed to us, the unvaxxed. It will truly be a carry your cross daily exercise. And I know where the path of the cross leads… yes, to a cross, and also to a crown.
  4. I recall the time last year also, 3/13/20, the 7 year anniversary of the revealing of that one, which actually comes before the rapture, (2 Thess. 2) which comes towards the end of those other 7 years. It is the bride who is there then. I know it’s hard and most don’t want to face it. But it’s better to say it now, so that when we are still here when the mark surfaces, most will not be stumbled by it and were prepared. There are so many good sermons explaining this, out there for those who can bear it. But that date last year was when they rolled it out. I had not heard of the behind the scenes events either but it hit me like a ton of spiritual bricks; this is it! I was never wrong in my spiritual gut. Later I learned more of the details. There is such a big pile of puzzle pieces and evidence of these agendas and events both behind the scenes and on the surface. Anyway, as for the entertainment, I did not participate in that before covid broke out anyway, and did not miss a thing. Where I lived at the time, parks and beaches were closed, and I found a way around that too.
  5. All the end time events are escalating and converging in a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. I stay on top of such news from multiple sources and see it clearly. One recent item is the increase in earthquakes and volcanoes all over the world right now. Another is the rise of the one world government, religion, and economy via covid rules. Another is the focus on the environment, another excuse for tyranny. The focus on ‘human brotherhood’ or ‘fraternity’, unity at any cost, communism via blm riots, the list to research is long if one has not done so already. Google ‘humanistic education,’ and ‘economy francesco,’ for some. One recent development is the surfacing of the one world religion. In Feb. 2019 there was a signing between pope francis and some muslim leaders about ‘fraternity.’ This Feb. 2021 the UN adopted this and called for a day and a week of ‘brotherhood’ and ‘interfaith’ communication and such. Just earlier this March, antichrist frankie went over to Iraq to work more on the ‘abraham’ interfaith thing, and there are also the ‘abraham accords’ going on in the middle east. All the ducks are lining up in a row. It seems to be one interfaith milestone after another. I truly anticipate that there will be an event, similar to 911 and to what happened in new zealand with the mosque disaster, that will be meant to usher in interfaith unity. All those like us, who refuse to join with false religions, will be singled out as 'refusenik’s. All the same rhetoric they will have polished to a fine shine will be simply transferred over to the religious realm. “We’re all in this together.” “You’re being selfish.” “You’re putting us all in harms way.” “If something bad happens to us (terrorism, etc.), it’s gonna be your fault.” “Your refusal is hurting humanity.” “We need to cooperate for the ‘common good’ and you’re being a selfish individualist.” It could be, that as in new zealand, it will be a muslim head covering instead of a mask mandate. Now there is nothing wrong with head coverings per se, they are in the Bible, even for the church (1 Cor. 11). But we can never give the impression of uniting with a false religion. R. warren’s ‘chrislam’ is rising right now via pope francis. Something is truly brewing over there with that. Keep a watchful eye there as well. Lots is shared over on ‘now the end begins’ site. See recent article there.
  6. I recently read over on ‘rather expose them’ blog a few days ago about how the military is being purged of conservatives, and primed to target conservatives. Again, echoes of nazi Germany. The purges have begun. The censorship has begun. The propaganda, the mind control of the masses, all their goads and pokers are in place to usher humanity right where the devil wants it. And the pogroms go on from there all the way to the end.
  7. It’s all coming into place. It’s either there already, or behind the curtain ready to be rolled out. Every day is borrowed time. The question Christians must ask is this: If the rapture truly did come in a few days, you would leave everything behind in the world. You would readily give it all up to escape and be in heaven with the Lord. But if some gestapo agent was at your door, and threatened you with any number of things if you did not (do something against your faith), would you also be ready to give it all up and suffer for the same Lord Jesus? That is the meaning of ‘the cross before me, the world behind me, no turning back… no turning back!’ I hope the answer is yes!
    God bless!

You have been reading my mind. Been thinking this exact same thing and would play right along with the Q deception.


All good points that line up with my research and my spirit. It sounds like you are strong. I have been on an emotional roller coaster with all this. Thankfully, I have been prepared in my spirit for what is unfolding for almost 2 years. However, I am getting weary and without wanting to sound unappreciative of this gift of life and all the bounty that I have, I’m impatient for this nonsense to be over so that I can begin my eternal life. I hope that is not sounding selfish as I understand that the point is to help bring other non-believers into the gift of salvation while we still have the privilege and time to do so. I am stuck in my grief in that both my children seem to have rejected their Christian upbringing and me. My husband who professes to be a Christian intends to get vaccinated, refuses to listen to Pastor JD’s prophecy updates, and makes excuses about not reading the bible although he says he will try. This is why I am weary. I feel like a failure because my family is off the rails. My oldest daughter got an early opportunity to get vaccinated because of her employer. Lord give me strength, wisdom and peace. I’m tired and I want to go home.


If you are talking about being personally misunderstood on here, take heart, It happens so often in online conversations, and in this present age, the emotions are amplified. Definitely spend some extra time with Jesus and then take a deep breath. Stay connected; we must keep walking each other home. :cherry_blossom:


Catfire, I completely understand!! I feel like my hands are tied in any further attempts to lead my loved ones to the Lord. I am simply in prayer mode, these days.


RoseLilly, I pray for that strength. God knows.

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Amen, very insightful and compassionate as usual :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Thank you so very much. :pray::pray:

Keep my Dad in prayer too please. He’s 76 this year and Mom has already gone on ahead of us. He’s waiting for the trumpet call home too.


So far I have not felt misunderstood in this forum. However, early in the pandemic when I was expressing my opinions to my facebook friends some people were not so kind. One person insinuated that even intelligent, highly educated people can fall prey to conspiracy theories that are well-crafted. I replied with a comment that I was against censorship and believed it important to read diverse opinions to inform my thinking. That seemed to settle things during that conversation but the result was that I removed my voice from those conversations and didn’t participate anymore.

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100% they are playing god…it’s the wrong god. I have been making more of an effort to witness to family about what is happening. That isn’t going so well. They are tolerating me by ignoring me. I am going back to work tomorrow to teach at one of our local schools. Please pray for me that God, the true God, Jesus Christ, can do his work through my work at school. The family situation is just plain depressing.

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:pray: for your dear dad.

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FB became a headache for me, as well, and for much the same reasons. I knew that I’d have to leave when 2021 rolled around, as the shaming, “educating,” and censoring would only get worse.

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Praying for you returning to school, today. God can use you there! Be obedient and centered in His will, The rest, He will determine. :revolving_hearts:

I’m going to be honest here. The more I read the headlines, the more I cry to be with Jesus.
HE is the one who gets HIS people out of this mess. When I see a military plane flying over my home city of Winnipeg releasing chem-spray ( & at this point I don’t even care if it’s just the normal stuff) but to see them circling downtown Winnipeg & then a few days later one of my neighbors breaks out in a weird rash… yeah that’s suspect.
How long before they put it in the food & water, just like they did with the whole Monsanto GMO crap we’ve been fed so we can’t lose weight anymore?

I am echoing the words of family members who have gone before me; “This world is not my home, I’m just a passing through.” God; please get me off this rock!
I’m seriously done with this place. Almost done packing up my apartment before I “hit the bricks”. I just need to finish packing up the last of the loose stuff & the daily stuff. then I’m poof. That means no internet or cell phone connections by the way.

This isn’t the first time I’ve become a ghost , but it just might be the last. I know how to survive.

Now, if anyone can give me passages to tell me that I absolutely NEED to stay in this sin-infested harlot ridden ravenous den of iniquities, please do so. You will have to convince me that it is truly safer for me to hide in plain sight then to become a bush-woman tell me now or hold your peace on the matter.

I’m not mad at anyone…it takes a lot for me to become irritated with a human being, demonic forces on the other hand…Got a HUGE issue with their persistence. They bug me too much I take them straight to Jesus. HE appears to have more correct judgments than I do at this time in this unglorified body.

The spiritual warfare is thick in Winnipeg because the vast grip of fear on the people. Don’t pray for me, pray for this city PLEASE.