March 24, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – Do They Know Something We Don’t?

Hi Teren! :slightly_smiling_face: I’m going to vehemently say yes of course but it’s a deep topic.


Your words reminded me of this stunning verse…
Daniel 4:35


Whatever the age is, I doubt it’s a one size fits all age, but all those who are not be able to make a decision will surely go in the rapture.


In my own life, I see this description well between my wife and I. While we both can do a lot of the same things, cook, clean, wash clothes etc., Still she is for me a driving force as I some times need prodding to get moving. On the other hand I am her handy man taking care of the car, fixing problems around the house, the backed up plumbing, the non working furnace, keeping the car running with scheduled maintenance and doing repairs when things break. When I was working she was able to take the kids to this function or that when I could not. When she has official stuff to deal with and because English is a second language and I can understand her because I know her well I can speak to others in her behalf when she needs it. When we travel to her home she does the same for me. If I cook, she washes dishes, if she cooks, I wash dishes. If she is working in the house I am working in the yard and vice versa. I am her security and she is my steadfastness. What a wonderful gift God gave me in her.

I understand pretty well even in the English usage of just helper but yes she is my constant companion in this world for this world. Outside of her there is God. He got me through many struggles, near loss of a job, triple bypass surgery, my wife’s battle with cancer, the loss of parents on both sides, the struggles our children have gone through or are facing now.

Your explanation is a very good one and it fits like a glove.


Oh yes, Stacey. I wont want to let go of Him :heavy_heart_exclamation:


I read it this morning studying and it was very refreshing to understand the relationship from this perspective.

And then you just gave us all a very practical example of it.

It’s amazing how the Spirit guides and teaches us even on a forum. I am thankful for the fellowship and edification we can get from these discussions.

God bless!


Jon did you make that borther?


yes, yes I did.


How many forums have a home made hug and blessing from their members? Really nice. And nice soft color blend and dimension. It has that personal touch in it too. :slight_smile: Blessings.


Thank you, Teren. I appreciate your observations. Had fun doing this. You should see the JD wannabe figure I made lol. It’s a duck. I’ll explain sometime.


And there are some who say it is. Therein lies the problem as I see it. Too many looking at God’s word and deciding what God is saying as far as timing. I don’t care what all the PEOPLE say. In the end it will happen as God plans it to and I am good to go with that.

I see no value in arguments over if the seals have started or not which one we are in if it did, if it is Psalm 83 or Ez. 38. All that has no value to me so I stay away from that. As I have said in the past, the Rapture will happen when it happens. Prophetic events will happen when God wants them to and not a minute sooner or later. I just don’t care about tying to dissect God’s word to the n’th degree.

That being said I don’t know why people keep asking me about that kind of stuff. I don’t know and I don’t care. I trust God to bring forth good from bad situations.


1 April 2024

Got this today on signs mainly USA


In a way i’m kind of like that too. And wish i had been a bit more like that 7 years ago as well. From what i know with @channah and myself, it would seem the reaons God put so much detail in Ez 38 is for reason. For me its exciting to watch all those details line up. For me its more an appreciation of watching His true word unfold and fall into place. Using it as too much of an overlay blueprint i believe can spoil the beauty of its poetic value being just what it is. I imagine when it all lines up it would likely be near. And since it is written in His word for purpose perhaps meaning for those here then. But yeah all in all i’m more into the poetic value. Watching God tell poetry through providence. Priceless. :slight_smile: Blessings.


Interesting. Thanks Dennis. I had to catch up on these…

UNB biologist explains ‘cicadapocalypse’ hitting U.S. this year | CBC News

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Happy Monday :blush::dove:

Numbers 6:24-26

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.


Jesus changed a grave situation


Brother Dennis, did you watch? Do you have some cliffnotes to share?


I have been down that road many times. Too many times I have attempted to impart from the things I know, practical things about surviving in times of crisis of events like disasters. Time where current technology is revealing dangers that people face and never know by divulging too much information about themselves only to lose so much because what they thought was just harmless stuff provided information that evil people have used to steal their life savings. That is where what God has provided in my life is, practical things. I am to be the Martha to the Mary’s behind the pulpits, the JD’s, Misslers, of the world. They teach and preach from the word. I am the boy with the fish and bread that is miraculously multiplied and my job is to spread it among the masses like the apostles and collect up what is left over after meeting immediate human needs.

While there is truth in such words there is also lacking as well. Sadly in a world of ever growing entitlement atitude many more seek validation of their various beliefs and much of that is that they are victims. They don’t seek actual encouragement such as yes you are in a dire place, yes it is painful but, no a resolution will not be a miraculous instantaneous resolution but instead a constant supply of strength to go through it which is just as miraculous and often times more valuable that a sudden resolution.

One thing I learned some time back and have seen Pastor JD reiterate is that while God loves us he will not force us to love him back. That is not love. So when I try to impart to others what I know and it is rejected outright or even under the cover of discussion then it is time to step back. They are just not ready or not willing to hear. I am ok with that. If later they come back earnestly and honestly then yes I will try again.

I have learned that people in general don’t like being rebuked, reproved. Look at any child getting scolded by a parent for the umpteenth time of them doing something that is life threatening dangerous. They don’t want to hear that. They want to be allowed to do what ever they choose and expect the parent to pick up the pieces and make them whole again after they have harmed themselves. It is our sinful human nature.

I would love to believe that faith born of years of trials and struggles is contagious and it may have been in past times it is not as much the case now. There are times when I teach some thing to people, practical stuff they are no longer taught in school and they are amaze and surprised but, a day or two later they have already forgotten. For instance yesterday I was standing in a parking lot and a homeless man came by and asked for the time. I don’t wear a watch and my phone was in the car some few feet away. So I said give me a moment and turned to find a shadow from a pole, figure out which way was north, estimate the degrees of angle from north of the shadow and add an hour to it to tell him it was about noon give or take 5 minutes. He accepted that but gave me a strange look. Then he walked down the street and asked someone else who looked at their watch and said it was 11:55. Now if it should come to pass that we have a Carrington event before we leave the world clocks will be useless without power but we can still tell time if we know how. Most people or should I say and overwhelming majority don’t know how. Even when I teach them how they often forget a short time later.

My point is while I get what you are saying and why, experience has shown me that people are often not really open to learning new things that are presented out of no where. They may be interested in something they already have an interest in but often ignore the little things God sends our way to teach us of His wonders. I get that things like telling time with a shadow only exist because God made it that way or knowing the coming winter weather will be here early because the birds are starting their migration a few weeks before normal and some trees are starting to turn color before normal times. Most people never see such things and the first winter storm hits and they are caught unawares. People don’t know to listen to the world around them such that when sudden silence in nature is warning them of a coming storm. Nope they are so busy with their devices that when the first crack of thunder hits they jump out of their skins.

Overall what I know and any encouragement I can offer is not readily accepted. Like God’s love it is freely offered but all to often rejected. I am ok with that rejection and realize I can’t force such things on others if they are not willing to accept it.

Where Pastor JD has a calling to put himself on the line every week with what he calls the hard things and face the blow back he gets all to often, I am not called to be a teacher like that. I am not as well versed in scripture as he is and I don’t have his vision of how events now match to prophesy.

I do come here for that very reason though, both here on the forum and his services. God has blessed him in other ways than he has me. My calling is more practical and to be used in times of crisis or distress. His calling is to give warning well in advance. Even so a the end of the day all Pastor JD can do is give the warning. It is up to individuals to accept or reject it.

I am more of the kind of person who does not speak to many but to individuals. I am the kind of person that pulls over for cars on the side of the highway broke down or with a flat that I change for them before sending them on their way. When asked for help like a friend of mine did recently to get his sister out of Africa to America to be with him so she and her kids are safe I work to help him with government rules and find people with the knowledge and resources to help him. My calling is more of a practical calling than a spiritual teaching kind of calling. I am ok with that.

I would love to be able to reach everyone one every time but that is not the case for me.

So I live within the confines of what it seems I am here for and I am content with that. It is a lot more than before I was saved. At least I have a direction now, something I did not have in my youth. I sometimes joke that I am Jewish of the tribe of Dan a real Dannite. They had the dirty job of being the rear guard of helping those lagging behind, picking up things left and getting them to the owners, pretty much they had a practical job during the exodus. It was often unpleasant and difficult unlike the vanguard element at the lead but still a job that needed to be done. That is my calling.


Dear sister, we are commanded to share… to share with them that He has commanded they repent and believe. We don’t worry about the Father calling them, but we take whatever opportunity we can to be obedient and share. Yes, God has to draw them… but our part is , yes, it’s our duty to share. No matter how uncomfortable. He makes a way to share when we pray for it


Hi Anca,

In the last half of 1999, I watched and listened to every bit of the geopolitical groups that I could. The movers and shakers, as they are referred to. The notorious groups like The Club of Rome, Illuminati, Bilderberg Group, and the EU. The ten regions of the world were decided, multiple ideas about what the replacement of the US dollar should look like with the general agreement that it should be a coin, and a digital ID was in the works, to name a few. Everything seemed to be pointing to the end game kick off whistle at any moment. And more moments went by as well as months and years without hearing the whistle. During those months I counted what I knew as solid evidence. It was solid evidence for that time, left unchecked by God and His timing, we might already be with Jesus. satan seems to want to rush it which I think shows just how stupidly arogant he is. That was nearly a quarter of a century ago and we are still here. I knew of believers who now are with Jesus that thought they would see Him in the clouds back then.

I cannot say it any better than Jack @BayouBushi said it here.

I am not saying that I ignore events. That would be akin to sleeping with a half-filled lamp. I listen, watch, and wait. Time is a great equalizer of proof. This I have learned. The clock’s time that I watch is the one that God gave us, namely Jerusalem. If the news is about Israel, then my ears perk up. That includes the
gathering of all of the objects necessary for the temple worship, the confirmation through DNA of the Cohen, Priestly tribe of Levi to serve in the temple, the red heifers to purify the people, and the land that God gave to Israel. These are not sensational - they are God’s provision to the Jews for their time that we who watch and wait can look at to gage our time.
