March 24, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – Do They Know Something We Don’t?

thankyou for sharing this webstie!!

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Our Admin in general does not want us discussing demonology on the forum.
There are exact answers to all of your questions. Start with Pastor Mac’s sermons for a foundation.

The bottom line in church is simple. When these situations come up it is the responsibility of the Pastors, Elders, and Deacons to address the problem.

Going to prayer for these men and for the person(s) involved at that time is the appropriate thing to do.

No one should desire to use their authority over the demonic and mess with it, you will surely regret it.
This area of Christianity does require extensive study.


Thank you, Ken; neither do I. There are very good series like the one I already listened to in 2021 from Andy Woods.

I truly hope it is very clear by now that my question was (as one who was watching live the whole PU) “What should anyone in the pews at that time, or even those watching live online do when unexpectedly faced with the situation?” As I previously stated, it is the first time in my life I witnessed something like this.

Amen. Thank you kindly, I wholeheartedly agree with this.

God bless you! :slight_smile:


Thank you for sharing your understanding, Jack. I appreciate your time and explanations you provided. God bless you! :slight_smile:

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I will say this, the stage is certainly set and the climate room temperature for a lot of haste against Israel. So I hear ya Jack. Thanks brother. Guess we will see.

On a broader note, because of Candace Owens event (bringing to the forefront anti-semetic issues) and Daily Wires reply…wow…its gaining traction…the conversation about how to understand the concept of anti-semetic lanuguage.

As we look at Israeli hostility, what we see in the USA is debates about language tensions. Are conservatives going to go with joining the left with hate speech laws? We are entering this debate now. My general take, as the outlayer…i know, is:

  • what is happening in regards to Israel is placed on a global widescale attention span – “heads up” is how i would see that – at least during our day (like an irregular hermeneutic for focus)
  • American social artifact: “Should anti-semitism provide hate speech laws for America?” That is the social-political debate. And “Will that lead to oulawing the bible?” But the way i would understand it is: Semitism is hugely in the social square and dominating public discourse = America (tap on shoulder), think: Isreal.

So i rarely do this guys. Please give me grace here. Just a note drop. Along the escalation of Semtic discussion, today (now that it is public), the America known for being Israel’s biiggest defender for decades produces the following…

Trump’s Media Company Worth Nearly $8 Billion on First Trading Day - The New York Times (



Or do we know something they are trying desperately to hide? Hmmmm Me thinks the latter.


I have the same question.

Good evening @MaranathaToday,

I posted this long ago, but saw the link on the site you commented on. You might like the sermon I circled.
FYI, that’s Mark Kirk from Calvary Knoxville (in video clip)— if you like learning Calvary style.


That was funny :grin:.

Not sure how accurate this is, but it’s circulating on Twitter.

In shocking news that Japan has banned all #mRNA covid vaccines after the shots were linked to massive excess deaths, further alarming information has come to light that the blood banks are contaminated.

Japan bans mRNA Covid shots?

And to continue and end with some humor, I found this one really funny :smile:


Remember JB (Japanese sister) reported to JD large injuries and deaths…there

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Pastor JD Broke down the timelapse of the exlipse on April 8 2024 Stretching back to Aug 21 2017 as being 6 years 6month, 6 weeks and 5 days 6665 during the presentation, however depending on How you do the Math it could also be 6 years, 6months, 6 weeks and 6 days 6666 according to time and See photos attached The photo shows the result that the alternate date is 8/21/17 the date of the 2017 eclipse

If you use the same site and calculate using date to date( as I would/did manually) you get a diff result.

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Yep, I did it that way too, but you notice that way that you show- you dont have any weeks included in your answer, which is the next logicL progression after years and months.


Does leap year, as is this year, get calculated into the equation?


@FIARSTIKX @Michelle

That would be 2 weeks and 4 days instead of 18 days.
I relied on the number of days calculation from the site calculator.


Remember… The days are shortened for the sake of the elect…

runs away…



Yes! Amen!


Thanks Dennis for that breakdown. I believe it is very helpful to have that clearity brother. Amen. And I believe you are correct that when evangelicals had the chance, did they help her? Good point. They sound amillenial.

This fact about EO is stated on Wiki.

The Eastern Orthodox Church, officially the Orthodox Catholic Church, and also called the Greek Orthodox Church or simply the Orthodox Church, is the second-largest Christian church, with approximately 220 million baptised members.

. . . . .

This is kind of one of the reasons I mentioned earlier, personally i believe JD would do well be bridge more with watchers. Not to endorse bad faith players in the watcher space. Nor to embrace ecumenicalism such as EO. But i believe Maria is somewhat of a social artifact.

I recall Dan @Dec was checking Maria out for a while to see if she was possibly a watcher mole of sorts. I kind of look at things from the other side of the spectrum. Look at how much Maria sees that evangelical watchers see. Look at her concern with the vax. In fact, she would be one of the very rare cases where she would peg Netenyahu as a criminal experimentalist on Israel with Pfiser. Has any other watcher in sound Christian evangelicalism said as much a concern besides JD?

So, the way i see it is not that Maria mght be shifty. But that she is who she is. A person with understanding only so far. And that is how i would also charactorize all of the watcher world. And since Christ’s words are more authorative than the church, i believe the more we as a body dynamic universal (for i am sure there are some who are saved in EO) literally practices John 15:13-15 with one another, we will “see” more because of how Christ reigning as our current High Priest sees we believe Him like that. I would see end times insight comes from that…not as much through research, or division or separation. And since this is not a dress rehearsal…we only have this moment to that right. If that makes sense. Blessings.


Watching this video now.
Ephesians 4:13-14
"until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

14 Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming."
It is remarkable that this video is still available on utube!
“The prudent man sees the evil and hides himself, But the naive go on and are punished for it.” Prov.22:3


This is not accurate. I asked my wife about this and she informs me that what Japan is doing is moving from out of country mRNA vaccines and based on basic formulas making their own modified version of the mRNA vaccine that is to be less deadly with adverse reactions. Also they are ending free vaccines at the end of March 2024 and going to a two set up system. Those over 65 and at increased levels of health issues can receive the vaccine which will be available from fall through the winter at a reduced cost with taxpayer assistance. Those under 65 will pay full cost and it will be made as voluntary not mandatory.

Additionally this is not just a Japanese problem but a world wide problem. It is likely that many vaccinated people in the past couple of years have donated blood to blood banks. So we who have never been jabbed are in danger of getting some of that jab junk if we are ever in dire need of a transfusion. In the end they got us coming and going if we are not careful.