March 24, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – Do They Know Something We Don’t?

Its all about Jesus and what He has done for us. Praise His Holy Name!

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I did the maths too the other day! Thanks for sharing! :pray:

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God loves you SOMUCH❣️


your post gives me some solace when it comes to the horrifying understanding of not being able to hide really.


29 March 2024

Today is Good Friday here.

FYI: Billy Crone’s final Freemasonary Part 10 exposed its influence on The Chosen movie series.


Amen Kina, What a great reminder of what Jesus did for us. It is humbling.
Thank you for sharing what a blessing.




I will add a third scenario which will be a sure thing, and that is weather. We know all kinds of destruction will be going on during this time and that will be a saving grace for those who have turned to Christ. Drones have to have good weather for the most part and get confused in clouds or fog. Most definitely they cannot successfully fly in rain, snow and thunder. But forget about the extreme heat, hail, and falling stars. They are a goner in that situation.


Just think about the “It” in that verse. What do you think it means? I know it is amazing when I think about the "IT ".



Dear sis, I would like to lovingly say that this sacrifice is not really a good thing. I look at it as a sign that they are still rejecting Jesus as their Messiah when they do this. Can you show me in scripture where God is requiring them to continue with blood sacrifices when He has already offered up the most perfect and ONLY sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins? If there is one, I would like to know and understand what all the attention of the red cow is all about. I don’t mean to correct you, but it seems to be a waste of time. Just receive your true Messiah and you won’t need to be doing this, right?


Oh, amen Anca. You bless me every time you sing an old hymn. Until the day my eyes behold that city; until the day God calls me home. Praise God.


He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds we are healed.


So many strange things unfolding now. Stay prayerful. Nothing is as it seems. And things will get stranger as we move closer to the end of this age as we know it.


You can scream. Praying for your father.


For us that won’t be here it is not likely to be a problem. For those still here, the best we can hope for is they are saved during the Tribulation and those that become Tribulation saints go quickly. Those that survive don’t suffer greatly.


Well for the most part certain types of drones do require good weather. But there is a new technology that is called by its creators 4D radar. It uses regular radar to see in 3D and uses almost an imaging kind of signal makes use of a greater amount of returned data that provide not just an image quality return but it is long ranging. It was first designed at a company I used to have as a customer on my route. Most of its use was as a security device that actually provides information even through fog and rain. When it was being altered for in motion use they used a drone that I would often hear then see flying over my route area. When I enquired about they gave me the rough details without going into proprietary matters that they wanted to hold onto. It was pretty cool to see it in action. The monitor showed some pretty fine detail features that looked like 3D picture on the monitor that really only displays in 2 diementions.

Now that is being developed for autonomous driving vehicles to see things like overpasses at distances with exact information of height for say can a truck fit under it or is the road narrowing or is it a vehicle or human on the side of the road. But it does a lot of its best work seeing through inclement weather which is why it was deployed as s commercial product as a security monitor around prisons and other highly secure areas. The ability to read not only radio signals but infra red and FLIR signals at the same time and combine all that into a comprehensive image on a screen with extremely accurate measurements even at distance is the key to the 4D radar. Unlike in the old days radar just showed a point on a screen away from a radar sight, now 4D can tell you how far away it is and how high it is as well as direction of movement and speed. I would love to have a few of those around my home but the cost is as you would expect well out of my price range. Between the cost of emitters and the receivers and the computational necessity to make sense of it all the smallest system runs well into 6 figures. But it is already over a half decade old and at the rate technology advances now I figure come the time of the Tribulation it will have extraordinary abilities by then as well as be microsized. Now imagine a swarm of say 1000 drones all with transceivers like that sharing the data across their mobile network, the level of imagery will be staggering.


Good news, next Tues prayer meeting will talk about demon possession:

Pastor Billy Crone in Jan’s Markell YT channel today (As We Ascend) mentioned he was demon possessed in his unsaved state long time ago.


It’s probably not Jesus in this scan but a knight…

It’s not because I’m speaking and look at this that I’m not following Jesus. This event is important because the jews have to clean the holy site to build the 3rd temple. It’s a strong sign we are in the end times. According to a rabbi the 10th sacrifice of a red heifer is for them a prophecy that they are in the messianic age. Actually they killed 9 red heifers. Personally I find this interesting even I know they are already telling the Messiah will come since 1 or 2 years. Normally the jews should return in israel. Israel is the clock of the world. // Sacrifices of red cows are in Leviticus I think.