March 26, 2023: Bible Prophecy Update -- Teaching Bittersweet Prophecy is a Must

Ah ok! Thank you! :blush::+1:

Hey! After reading your post, I hopped on FB and found the short about JP Morgan. I had already “borrowed” JD’s - Does JP Morgan read Revelation, then quoted the article. Sharing the short is like a cherry on the top. :cherries:



He knew you BEFORE He formed you.
You were knit together in your mother’s womb.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
The Creator makes no mistakes.
He loves you.
He sent His son to die for you.
You are precious in His sight. :heart:


Remember this. God does see what you’re going through. God really cares about you. You really matter to God. You can trust Him :heart::pray:t2:


Here is JD on with Jan Markell, Olive Tree Ministries, a few days ago.

Jan Markell Ministries 2023 - The Stage is Being Set - YouTube


That is not a recent Olive Tree ministry video.
The channel has taken it from her archives and reposted it.

She has warned that her channel has about 188,000 subscribers because people are posting videos from her channel making them seem current.

It is of her and JD but not from 2023… it’s actually from 3 years ago.


Thank you, Stacey. I really needed that encouragement tonight.

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ok thankyou. i dont normally go into you tube.

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“JESUS is Coming Soon for a Bride that has Clean hands and a pure heart. Be Holy.!”

Alan Brayshaw


28 March 2023


The book of Ezekiel takes its title from the priest of the same name, son to a man named Buzi. Ezekiel’s priestly lineage shines through in his prophetic ministry; he often concerned himself with topics such as the temple, the priesthood, the glory of the Lord, and the sacrificial system.

Ezekiel lived among the Jewish exiles in Babylon at a settlement along the river Chebar called Tel-abib, less than one hundred miles south of Babylon. The invading Babylonians brought about ten thousand Jews to the village in 597 BC, including Ezekiel and the last king of Judah, Jehoiachin.

On the eating of the scroll same as apostle John:




Everyday i wonder how this world could possibly get anymore evil, and yet everyday it does. We cannot imagine the depth of sorrow that Jesus feels looking at those He gave His life for, choosing to be deceived and evil. We pray and spread His gospel, plant those seeds.

They say a picture is worth a 1000 words…they are blatant about it: (from Forbes Magazine article on digital transformation)


Beautiful reminder

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@staceylovesJesus and everyone:

Here is a basic update/prayer request concerning Lee Brainerd, Mondo, and the rest of the group who arrived in Israel over the weekend:


Just watched Billy Crone’s latest Klaus Schwab video.
Don’t eat before or during. You’ll probably not be able to eat after.
He discusses more disturbing issues with a focus on the food supply agenda and “ yummy alternative “ food options in the works.

I had many thoughts but wanted to just share two:

*Our food has been corrupted since the fall in the garden and this experimenting only further devalues the nutrition that was already compromised.

*cannibalism although an abhorrent thought now, in the Tribulation, when people will have difficulty buying and selling if they don’t have the mark , could become a type of survival mechanism because people will not want to starve. Which added to the lawlessness and “ all man for himself” would make it easier to eat their “ neighbor” to survive and therefore become a twisted option for food.


As we read in the Old Testament, there is recorded times of famine when Israel resorted to cannibalism. This is a demonic response to the fallen nature of man. Although it is disturbing to ponder, it’s not new, and it is one manifestation of the corruption of humanity. Also child sacrifice. Which is another matter :thinking:.


Yes, difficult to think about and certainly demonic.

Typically the thought of cannibalism is grotesque to many but this is just another preconditioning of the masses to accept it as a viable option whether out of “saving the planet “ mentality or out of desperation when starving.

Btw Billy actually showed an interview between a woman and Alex Newman on both breeding babies and using unwanted babies for consumption. There’s just a whole other level of depravity coming.


Oh my. Disturbing, but yet very true that there is a conditioning for this sort of behavior. I wonder what sort of conditioning was taking place in ancient times. This of course today is very much on the global scale.
I wonder just how bad this is actually going to get before God says " enough " and takes us out.


BTW Stephanie, do you know where the actual interview with Alex Newman is located? He has a website called The New American.
I wonder if it is there somewhere?

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It’s pretty bad and getting worse, for sure.
Here’s an example: we live in a somewhat small, rural county. Most of our neighborhoods are safe. Of course there is always the few that you know to stay away from. We said a while ago that we could gage the increase of lawlessness abroad when violent crime increases in our county.
Well it’s come. Murder has increased. More burglary and theft. Lots of drugs.
We went out one evening last week and forgot to lock the front door. Our neighborhood is very safe. Our son came by while we were gone and he was upset with us for leaving the door unlocked.
So. Here we are. Come quickly, Lord Jesus.