March 31, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update -- Everything Now Points To Jesus

Wow. That’s a significant part of the scripture to ponder :thinking:

I’m thinking the elect can’t be deceived either because they have the discernment or they’re not here any longer.


Yep, this year seems strategic. :slight_smile:


Hey Dennis,

When you say “Christian Fighters” I want to understand your context correctly, does this mean

Those who fight against Christians?

or Christians who fight?

I’m guessing the first, but it’s interesting that the second kind would be all for it. :wink:

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It is indeed. There was a time when I would not hesitate for the sake of solid leadership (as a nation) to vote for Trump over Biden, purely in context to running a country.





Well, it came after all. For a good long time now I have watched quake activity. It is probably the one prophetic event that I look at most closely. For a long time scientist were discounting that there is a rise in it but people digging through the historical data and dragging that out made it hard to deny.

In the past few years after the Tohoku quake there has been a loose pattern of from a couple to a few low end strong quakes say in the 6 magnitude range. They have at times been reasonably close together in a general region, some times spread out into one or more regions but ultimately a 7 magnitude quake hits. This usually plays out over a month to around 3 month time period. Fortunately a number of those 7 magnitude quakes hit out in the open ocean thus not causing damage to people. Some have hit near land like the Taiwan quake yesterday and depending on the area were very damaging or not so bad. It all depends on which country is hit. Some build better for quake activity some not at all.

As of this morning there have been 29 quakes in a swarm pattern around the main shock yesterday and one offset by itself on the SW side of the island. This is all from the USGS which only reports international quakes from around 4.0 and up. We can rest assured, the total count that Taiwan has is much higher as they record them all.

As of this morning fatality count is surprisingly low at 9 official the last time I looked. That is good news. Damage on the other hand while not like what happened in Turkey is still quite significant, roads cracked open, buildings partially collapsed and leaning over and significant land slides cutting off major highways. One thing of important note is that Taiwan is the largest producer of electronic chips. While most major production facilities seem to have survived for the the most part some smaller ones not so well.

That being said electronic supply chain interruptions are coming. Given the amount of recovery time to clear out damage, assess and make repairs just to get production up and running will take a minimum of 6 to 9 months over all. I have not seen reports on port facilities or airports so I am not even including that into the assessment. If there is damage there we are looking at longer time frames.

In the bigger picture this will some how play into global events. It won’t be obvious but it will be there. Just in Israel alone the affect could be serious enough to cause them trouble as they will not be able to maintain their highly advanced weapons system which could lead to greater attacks from its enemies if they know Israel has lost some of its defensive posture for any reason but especially for lack of technology. So how this plays out for Israel is hard to say at this time. The same for Ukraine since it is relying on technologically superior weapons being supplied by NATO. Any technological loss could rapidly change current events into much bigger ones and rapidly.

So how does this point to Jesus. Simple really, just on the surface two know prophetic events that would occur multiple times and fairly close together is earthquakes in diverse places and wars and rumors of wars. While they may not seem connected at first they are. For every quake that damages things like food production, power production, technology production, this opens the doors to ever increasing desire to find resources else where. Since the majority of wars throughout history have been over resources as well as power such events like quakes, storms and such have a major affect on resources. So when infrastructure fails like food production or power system, famine rises. As famine rises pestilence follows right behind. Everythign Jesus said even in general terms is happening just as He said it would coming more frequent and with greater intensity like never before. Time is short and getting shorter with each passing day. Keep looking up.


Thanks Jack for your reply. Amen. I do believe America was founded on Christian principles. And was reared under Christian heritage. Yes there were other influences. But it would seem God had His had in it. In 1892 the Supreme Court noted America as a Christian Nation. By heritage, yes. By design…perhaps a hopeful intent in social theory. In political practical terms? Absolutely not.

Coming out of Europe Religious Control, there would be no need to run into the arms of another. I believe America was founded on Christian principle, but affirmed a secular drive through her body politic viens. And very purposely was established to keep state and church from ruling together. Religious freedom was their aim. I believe that had to exist like the tree had to in the garden to literally present freedom of choice.

In addition I believe Daniel’s dream/vision of the lion losing its wings and standing up and getting a heart like a man is America coming from and out of England (lion emblematic England). The heart of man: democracy over monarchy (I believe seen as beasts).

But yeah in none of that do I believe we should make America a Christian Nation. Less by that we mean to turn her back into the motherland England she fled.



At what point might it resonate though? Ever? If Trump wins, and the NWO starts to be upended. And the Abraham Accords strengthened, and Saudi normalizes with Israel, how else would we explain it? Would we say all of that was deception to get Israel to their Ez 38 Mark? And if so, how would it be deception if it all happened literally that way to get Israel there? And if there is that much authoritative power sponsored by the US, would not the only other way to look at that be, Trump as Antichrist? I could see that as a potential argument. But Trump does not fit Daniel 11:37 does he? Blessings.

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Side note. Before there is a run on tin foil, no the parameters for yesterday’s quake and the existing patterns of quake activity for the past few years do not point to a man induced quake. Just the location alone points to plate tectonics at work. Taiwan sits on the convergence of two major connecting faults and three different plates moving in various directions. If any thing the quake is related to other geologic events we have seen in recent years, such as the Tohoku quake in Japan, the massive explosive volcano eruption in Tonga more recently, the big island eruptions of the past few years. On the geologic time scale all of that has more than enough of an effect to have triggered yesterday’s quake than anything man could consider trying to do.

In fact the first quake the 7.4 was fairly deep and all the after shocks became more and more shallow. It was kind of like a car wind shield that get a stone chip and then over time gets a running crack. Since there is a subduction zone at Taiwan it would appear that where two of the the three plates met and were locked the main shake then made it possible for the plates to move over the time after and may still be moving some now. Eventually it will settle and lock up again. The only nefarious things about this quake is that is plays into Satan’s hands for stirring up people’s pride as in China thinking about its moves in regards to Taiwan. On the other hand the US has already informed Taiwan publicly that it is at the ready with resources to help with the recovery which could put a significant US force in the immediate area of Taiwan which China will have a fit if the US does that. That appears to be setting the stage more long term for when the kings of the east move to Israel with a 200 million man army. It is all coming together just as Jesus said it would.


I just watched the Tuesday night prayer service video called Demonic Manifestations, wow! So informative! And yes, definately chicken skin. Those deliverance ministries always gave me the creeps. I wasn’t aware of that about The Eagles. Zeppelin sure and others, but i didn’t know that about them. Thank you! I never got into learning all about the bands, but just liked the songs. Now i just listen to Christian songs.
The “Trump bible” is a disgrace! It is certainly adding to God’s word. In a way that he is already so hated by many, it could contribute to more persecution, and people sneering at our precious Word! I can see it leading to us being blamed. I think Trump’s a tool being used to fan the flames of the civil war these DPC’s want. I’m not sure if America will even make it to the election. If it does, i’m not voting anymore! 2020’s sham plus other factors, (one being JD’s view) led me to the conclusion that it’s all a facade. I lost faith in the whole political system. The wef et al runs everything anyway. I’ll keep occupying til He comes cos i can’t wait to see Jesus! I thank God that He keeps us all by the power of His name!


Dennis, I guess we can say that they want to delay Christ’ coming because of the souls still to be saved, but maybe many of us have become too comfortable in our enriched lives and have a conflict of interest so-to-speak. I listened to this the other day and didn’t hear anything too concerning, but maybe I missed it. What specifically do you see in this video that is concerning? I really want to hear it for myself; not doubting you at all. Thank you.


Hello Lynn,

That is so cool!
Welcome to the Forum. :blush:
Do you still live in Oklahoma?


Oh sorry I use the phrase “Christian Fighters” are those involved in NAR+CN movements.

Are they supportive of what Trump was doing to the bible promotions?

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For example the big “Kahunas” or “Chicken Skin” they never mentioned Trump’s favorite:

Deal of the Century and Abraham Accords - Leads to AC covenant with Israel and land division

The Warp Speed and Vaccines - Trump never repented of that

Freemasonary - Someone did expose Trump as part of this society. FM worships Lucifer.

Both mention Trump made policies in the past, but I noticed Trump somehow go “RINO-speak”, that is softening his stance on abortions, LGBT issues post election. Not sure of any recent changes.

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Jack :fox_face:man, that’s a wonderful idea! you could add Trump’s picture holding that bible with those words. If it wakes up just one person then all glory to God!

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i’m just going to leave this right here.


We are running a race. The only competition we have for eternity is ourself. Only ONE receives the prize. :crown: You.

The WORLD :earth_americas: tells us to go hard, or go home.

I just want to say, GO HARD. BECAUSE WE ARE ALMOST HOME :airplane: This life is almost over. Do NOT give up. Cross that finish line! :checkered_flag:

You may have made a mess out of this race like I have in my life. BUT, This is NOT a time to GIVE UP.
This is not a time to let up, or even shut up. We must pray up and preach up for the cause of Jesus Christ, until He takes us home.

Maybe you need to come TO Christ or come BACK TO Christ. NOW is the time.

The days are getting ready to get REALLY REAL, REALLY SOON. :pray: Everything is CONVERGING all around us. I don’t think any of us really realize how close we are to the end. Evil is currently being Restrained. Can’t even imagine this world once that Restraint is REMOVED :airplane:

Our redemption is truly drawing very near.

BubbaNews Telegram channel


In general I see the watcher world see the Abraham Accords with a fixation on the AC covenant with the many. However, what if the AC Covenant comes after Ezekiel 38? Andy Woods has Ez 38 as the 2nd seal and the AC Covenant as the 1st seal. It never made sense to me that the AC makes a deal and within days Israel is destroyed…yet they get up, dust themselves off…and continuing trusting the AC? That does not seem very likely.

What if the Abraham Accords align more so with Pastor JD’s previously all time favorite focus, Ez 38? I realize aligning Trump with literal prophecy may not be a comfortable endeavor. But if for whatever reason he is so aligned, then what we might have is:

  • Abraham Accords
  • Trump Election
  • Saudi Normalization with Israel
  • Further Strengthening of Abraham Accords (bringing other Arab nations with Saudi Arabia)
  • Peace and Safety Secured
  • BAM – Ez 38

In that above trajectory the AC covenant is not on the map yet. How do we know we should be looking at the middle east for the AC covenant? How do we know Ez 38 does no come first though? Espeically if Ez 38 is so detailed we can tell how close we are. Why would we favor the AC Covenant that has very little detail (a few verse) vs Ez 38 and 39 (two entire chapters of very detailed prophecy)? Why would we go with the vague notion of AC covenant though when we do see how much Ez 38 is aligning? Blessings.

We are on the Eve (as in a few days away) of the Eclipse, a comet is in the sky, (there is a bunch of etc as well(cicadas…) and Israel is in a major inflection point with its airstrike on the Iranian consulate!

Is anybody else on the edge of their seat!?!

I am trying to distract myself…this is unbelievable and we are living in and witnessing the end of an Age! Praise God!


5 April 2024


All these events nearing the eclipse…hmmmm