March 31, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update -- Everything Now Points To Jesus

Like many here, I’ve listened to JD for a very long time. I’m guessing around 8 years. It began with his guest appearances on Understanding the Times Radio (Jan Markell.) Jan Markell and Amir via Jan’s program even longer than that. I went back through all of her Youtubes a few days ago. They go back 15 years. I remember most of them. Even going back that far, the issues and the anticipated events haven’t changed that much. There are patterns and cycles; Ezekiel 38, Isaiah 17, wars in Israel, Israel’s anniversary of statehood, earthquakes, Christian persecution etc etc. The onset of the “coronavirus pandemic” was out of left field, everything else was anticipated. Really, none of those things have fully materialized and your patience has to be quite durable and your faith has to be persistent in order to hear the same things week after week with the proverbial goal posts playing tricks with your spirit as they often seem to move further away the closer we feel like we’re moving towards them. JD doesn’t have the answers. For many years I’ve been more apt to consider his thoughts on bible prophecy and how it lines up with the current events. I see/hear imperfections in him yet he is quite a bit more humble than his peers and those who are quite obviously hanging on to the world and even all the greatness that some of their ministries have crowned them with. Satan is a tempter.

For me, the bottom line is that the rapture and all that lead to it are inevitable. Whether I entertain the pastor’s take on things or whether I ponder some of the things that are written here, I’m not going to lose sleep over the how or when those inevitable things are going to happen; including the rapture. I’ve been “a watcher” since 1991, when I had a wonderful revelation that the rapture would happen in my lifetime. I don’t know and can’t know how accurate that revelation is but know that the awareness and the beauty of that promise has sustained me. However, I learned through the pandemic that my watching had turned into waiting and I got into the habit of getting a whole lot of nothing done. We have to live and love to the maximum as if today is the last opportunity.

Synonyms for inevitable:



God has put JD in a perfect environment, Hawaii is very calming and quiet so that helps JD focus on God and away from the stress of the mainland. I know JD can hear God much clearer in Hawaii, he is very fortunate to be living there.


Thanks Tony. I’ve only been watching since 2017 and already exhausted…lol. You are a trooper. Hey I had something occur to me too that was unusual. A few years back I was driving with my headset on talking to a friend about an unrelated thing. And for me while my friend was talking it was the sense I got like when you finally realize the answer in your head to a math problem. Or like something you blocked yourself off from seeing before becomes embarrassingly clear to you. Like in high school realizing, like duh, that girl really likes me? And more than that it was like a deep certainty in the spirit like knowing something more than like just hoping or thinking (prior for 3 decedes as a proud card carrying memeber of the reformed camp that won’t see end times in their life time). It was so profound to me I just blurted out to my friend on the phone interrupting him, “Wow, we are going to be the generation that experiences the rapture.” lol. Kind of a crazy thing to just burst in with. So not exactly sure what all that was…but it very out of the ordinary. If you might express can you tell us how this sort of awareness came to you? if you feel it might be a violation of the CoC you can always IM me.

What I meant by my 10,000 :heart: to Goodboy was that In general I think looking at the age of grace and overlay the road map toward the tribulation is the exact wrong layover. I’ve been saying that for a while. But as far as JD, I do think he is more humble and often encouraging or fun to listen to. I really like that fact that he wanted to step out of the lime light. I do. That is wonderful. However, what I do think would be helpful to the body dynamic (even though would not be easy for anyone I am sure) is to be involved with some form of outreach to the watchers ministries that shop their wares around. For the reason of interjecting how the Lord has been working on him and the views he would like to share with all believers. Otherwise…its just for us in the corner of a room. I understand JDs decision. But it leaves most of Christianity out there on the wet grass. I would see JD having more to offer. Plus, in general, I would see being in the mix of sorts can help everyone opportunity to be as sober minded as they might about their own views as well. Blessings.


Yes! I enjoyed your full reply, Tony.


A great observation - 4.8 magnitude earthquake and a solar eclipse on 4/8. Probably, not a coincidence.


Here’s a link to assist in addressing questions as to when/if the solar eclipse on Monday will be visible in your area. Just plug in your zip or nearest city and you’ll get a short event report similar to the one below for my particular area.

PS….Make sure you go out and get yourself some solar eclipse glasses. Do not look directly at the eclipse!!!


Hawaii has changed - indeed everywhere has changed as well, but the crimes that I see in Hawaii are definitely the times that we are living in. I pray that the people would open their eyes and come to the Lord. When you live on an island surrounded by “paradise”, you need a wake up call. I sense many wake up calls have come and will continue to call His people to Him. :pray:


I am not singaling out JD at all. I love the man dearly. I will stand toe to toe with any who will unjustly call him out like what happened right after the 9/11 BPU a couple of years back. No I am talking about the whole host of people looking at every little detail as THE sign that says Jesus will come at this time or that. Compared to the mass of those all over the internet JD is mild by comparison. I get his wearyness. I hear that from my sister every time I speak to her. She is always quick to remind me she wanted to leave 30, 40 years ago. So yeah I get it. Life right now stinks in many ways and the only visible way to deal with it nicely is to just exit stage up. That will be nice when it happens whether in the next few days, weeks, or months or even if longer into years.

What I see as the problem is taking of every minute event like it is something entirely new and THE sign that we are gone shortly. Things like the bridge crash. If people only new how many collisions involving boats, ships, and barges happen they would not look at the most recent one like it is something new. Those things happen all the time, just not all of them make the head lines nationally. Now people making a big deal out of one moderate quake because of its location which is a rare place to happen. Yet Jesus said we would see quake(S) in diverse places. Not one quake in a diverse place but quakes inferring many and yet the end is not yet. Now I see people playing the numbers game, eclipse on 4/8 and a 4.8 quake 3 days before.

Just like so many times in the past people pinned hope on the flimsiest of events and we are still here watching and waiting. Correct me if I am wrong here but Jesus gave a list of events not just one. Are we seeing a lot of events? Absolutely and some of them fitting exactly to word for word prophetic word. Many more are fitting in generalize terms as well. What can we infer from that. Well we can infer that since Israel is once again a nation and the confluence of the many signs as predicted point to that we are in what is commonly called in scripture the latter days or the time of the end. Anything after that is pure speculation as to timing. The roller coaster ride we call life right now is scary but at the same time exciting. We can’t make it stop and we can’t get off so why not sit back enjoy the ride for what it is. Ask any mother that has gone into labor. She can’t stop it, can’t turn back the clock to make it never happen but she knows in the end she will have a precious new life to hold in her arms so she goes through it pain and all which is not all that long by comparison to the length of life.

On the other hand one problem I see as a serious problem of legitimacy is calling things out to be having been done by some unseen folks to which not one single ounce of evidence shows that to be the case. Making a claim that the Dali/bridge collision was anything more than a tragic accident with real bad timing does serious damage to anyone’s credibility that make such claims. Since hindsight is said to be 20/20 who will it serve in the Tribulation to come across the forum and see people coming up with unfounded conspiracy theories where facts from the investigation showed clearly it was just an accident. If the see enough claims of high watch times that have come and gone are they likely to really consider that maybe this one world leader is really a bad person or not. I think they will think he is onto something about those pesky Christians and their crazy ideas about this and that. Even so this is not the only place where off the cuff remarks have been made about things that have happened. There is a whole host of 15 minute of fame glory hogs have done the same thing and much worse.

So please don’t think I don’t understand JD’s sense of exasperation of seeing each new day as another to deal with as a fallen human over being in a new glorified body. I do see that and also feel it at times. Not all miracles happen instantaneously. Some come over time so we have to be patient. I mean we don’t have to but we really have no choice. God will choose when the time is right and not a moment sooner. Nothing we can do about that but accept it without constant murmering. We saw what that got the Isarelites in Exodous. It did not turn out all that well for them. So, just saying it might serve us better if we just sit in our fiery furnace with Jesus at our side and wait for when we are finally called to come out. For now we are safe from danger because Jesus is with us what do we really have to complain about?


Wouldn’t it be amazing if God showed himself how real He really is on April 8th to shock the unbelieving world

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7000 plus and I don’t know that’s just numbering pastors or teachers. There’s so many significant parts of The Body that aren’t distinctly labeled. Call them subcategories for the sake of structure.

Prayer isn’t a formalized religious event even privately. God hears every murmur of our hearts.

I live in the Bible belt. Most of my friends are pastors or kids of pastors. The attack is real. The enemy has specially designed weapons for each of us……to take us down. Pastors aren’t immune to this but nor do I believe they’re necessarily getting the worst brunt of it. Sometimes they’re actually the enemy’s weapon against the sheep. This is especially detrimental to the spiritual well being of youth.

Pride came before The Fall.

This is on so many levels.

Some times the enemy discourages me to not say something for fear of rejection. I pause and connect with The Lord then fight against that fear and get it done.

Excuse the randomness of my post.


Just because we can speak freely…I never thought Jack nor Goodboy actually took what Pasotr JD has stated or believes out of context. Goodboy was stating what he did agree with with JD’s feeling that the rapture is near. Though Goodboy used “overdue” where pastor JD may not have. Goodboy used it to highlight how “he” Goodboy was also feeling. That he would like it to be here already. Later though did clarifty that JD will always look for sooner consideration rather than later. That is just how JD rolls.

Nor did i take it that Jack took Goodboy to mean anything by it. To me it came across that Jack was commenting with Goodboy along side him like a brother. Not necessarily a correction but like an understanding friend who would put his arm around a brother and also note that “where we might long for Him for sure, we can wait…because God’s timing is perfect.” Almost like consoling Goodboy or maybe just understanding it feels like for Jack would feel that too. But just like encouraging all of us to be encouraged no matter how long we wait.

Knowing Jack, his comments would have nothing to do with JD nor Goodboy in contrary. But like a general statement of encouragment. That is kind of what i like about our forum is that even though we are all really different, there is a core care here. @Myrrh, even you reference of perhaps being out of context was in care fo JD. Amen.

. . . . .

So the reason i am posting this is because this is a very unique place. My affirmation to Jack, for me, would be in the general sense that overall I’m pretty much the only one in this forum that would see 90% of looking at end times through the lens of the approaching tribulation is not the hermenuetic to use. I see the age of grace as stand alone enough to warrant that conviction. I would sense that pretty much all watchers that use the tribulation as a plumbline to line the age of grace up by are not letting God do His thing. That is why i would agree with that statement. In no ways would Jack mean that. But i would. Yet i am here and doing my best to understand where some of the views the watchers here have might overlap here or there. They can be helfpul.

The way i see it is no matter how you slice it…there is no person on earth that won’t do something out of His context. What i am grateful for here as i reflect is like with April 8. Pastor JD is excited about it. There are a lot of doom scenarios out there. And i guess we will see. But i am blessed pastor jd uses it to read But God testimonies over the pulipit regarding it. That kind of beautiful godly gravity melts my heart.

Jack shares his dislike toward bridge theories. I like that. Its sober and strong. Pastor JD shares about it having explosives and its an inside job. This is kind of closer in how i look at it. But i’m actually between Jack and JD on that. Pastor JD when making these claims kind of has fun with himself knowing he looks like the odd one out. But that is who he is. So in this sense i believe we love his honesty, his holding his own ground even if its not the status quo.

Earlier today, I watched a YT channel from my reformed days about the coming Solar Eclipse. I almost wanted to post it here because of the many sober approaches to scripture that channel takes (even though i am no longer reformed). But after watching some of JD’s take on from a week ago on Eclipse, i was like, “There is no real point. JD is enjoying how he is seeing things with a love toward God and a cheerful heart in Him.” For me to post the other video i watched would be kind of in line with “Be happy” mood but contrast some of the tecky differences in how Pastor JD gets there. So really, it would not be all that encouraging on all fronts–where that (seeing April 8 with joy in heart) would seem in point to matter quite a bit more. And what looks more important is the spirit that God uses His transcence onto this forum. So i decided with that and chucked that video i had watched.

So i am posting this because you guys have one like me who would be your most adverse in views from watcher perspectives. And i consciously in godly sincerity (although the flesh can interfere of course) work toward the context here of how God is working in all of our hearts. No one will do that perfectly. But i really consider this forum my online family home. Because there is that holy hue or glow to our care for one another. Imperfectly. But “alive.” And as pastor JD had desribed holy on at least one account: whole. We seek for wholeness in each other. Granted that might be a challenge at times with one like me. But we are in a very blessed forum. A forum that leans us toward one another in Him. And yet we remain who we are and have been created by Him to be. And out of such diversity…we work for wholeness. @Myrrh @BayouBushi and @goodboy yeah we seem to so do.

Whereever we agree or don’t or see it different over here or over there…the spirit in which JD received His awesome love and care obviously spills over onto this forum. And it is because a pastor like JD is open to Him in this way…that there by the grace of God on His forum…we live and breath and move and have our being. Its a pretty awesome time for that. One alternative side definition of holiness i would extend in that sense is how we can experience His intimacy toward us as an after glow of JDs ministry. A sobering and delightful thought. Blessings.

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My point exactly!!! :+1:
I will keep posting this scripture with hopes that some will hear me! :heart_eyes:

1 Timothy 3:1 It is true that anyone who desires to be a church official wants to be something worthwhile.
1 Timothy 3:2 That’s why officials must have a good reputation and be faithful in marriage. They must be self-controlled, sensible, well-behaved, friendly to strangers, and able to teach.
1 Timothy 3:7 Finally, they must be well-respected by people who are not followers. Then they won’t be trapped and disgraced by the devil.

This comes from the Bible, not from me! :thinking:


You said you were driving….so was I !!!:smiley:
It was a sunny day in late spring and I was driving but unlike you, I was alone. My car had a rooftop window so I could look up and see the sky momentarily. The thought of the rapture happening in my lifetime just sort of hatched into my mind and I suddenly felt light as a feather. It was almost as if something that seemed like a secret had crept in or that I had just opened myself up to know. It was a rare moment of intuition and a readiness that was “told” to me but just by way of knowing. Very hard to explain. People probably are thinking we’re a couple of space cadets but oh well. :sunglasses:

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I appreciate this! Thank you!

Also adding…l am behind in reading and am sort of jumping through posts… I agree with you and everyone that we all (pastors and other watchers, too) have to be careful with off-the-wall claims.

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Are we there yet??? :smile:


Ah, Teren, group hug for us all! I feel better. :sunglasses:


You have heard me say this before but again I shout this!!!


So we Christians and Pastors are to ONLY preach the word as truth, anything else is just our opinion.

2 Timothy 4:1 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
2 Timothy 4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
2 Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
2 Timothy 4:4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
2 Timothy 4:5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.

Revelation 22:18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

Are we preaching only sound doctrine from the Bible? :thinking:

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One thing is true about the Rapture date, each and every day.

We are one day closer. :wink:

we're almost there 1


Holding on :+1:t4:… hanging on!
It’s more up and down but you get the idea :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:image