May 16 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

No, I cant send emails… either, I tried to send one to JD but they wouldn’t let it go… I was a conspiracy theorist, lol big time!.. they noticed me a long time ago… they ruined my last phone and my pad isnt right, because they kept altering settings, their favourite is at night, if you leave a pad or phone plugged in they are in there fast, looking through stuff deleting and leaving snoop ware … but they had been leaving me alone… I’ll have to check if the Facebook posts have been shared or if they are just sitting there blocked from everyone… I just wanted to share… I’ll check out mark correlation thanks

I written so much for them to read… instructions, dos and donts, its almost as thick as the bible!.. I’ve also written bible study notes but just dont have enough time… theres enough to get by on. I wish they would listen…

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Magnet sticks to woman after receiving vaccine! It’s a 16 second video of British woman having put a magnet onto her arm after her jab. She moves it around but it keeps sticking…

I can’t share videos… but here’s a screenshot


Thank you for sharing! I’m going to study this today

I just saw this – wow. Read the last few paragraphs at least. It sure makes sense.


I think when he said they know not what they do, is that they were sentencing themselves to Hell, also throughout the bible, time and time again, I’m trying to look at this from Gods point of view :smiley: …thou shalt not worship anything… full stop. No ifs no buts… God Hates it… you broke the law whether you knew or not, if you didnt know, you should have!.. if you break a law and the police come,… not knowing about the law, dosent pardon you… take the mark, your out… God told us all about it… if they had read the bible they would know…they should be on their guard, also, all the people we have told have mostly been warned dont take that mark… I have left notes all over the house… so they know, if they decide not to take the mark and dont warn anyone… its blood on their hands, will they get punished for that?..they should spread the word… they know it’s real, they lived with someone who disappeared …

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:no_mouth: so are they still human? Or hybrid?

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Thanks. I knew they struggled a bit on YT. Was not sure what their options would have been. It looks like YT is not as aggressive with them as they had been. Vimeo looks good too. In both cases it does not look like the video library goes that far back. Blessings.

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Hang on in there, x wont be long, we have a wedding to attend xxx


RHC streams live stuff on youTube but it goes away a few minutes after the live ends and I have not been able to find many of those streams posted anywhere else online. Example is that he’s been doing a Q&A series. So I following them on youTube and watching the lives when I can.


Thanks for the share! I shared it in return, also with the video.

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Some of his Q&As have been loaded to Vimeo.
I enjoy listening to them.

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I dont think anyone was supposed to see, but they did… they arent very good at keeping things quiet… just so you know, not all space ships are from space…


Just wanna add, they could be for movie and stuff.


If anyone tries this on jabbed people that you know, make sure it is done maybe a month or less after the jab. I tried it on my BIL, but it didn’t work. He had one shot per arm, and his wasn’t probably recent enough. That said, the magnetization would, I think, explain why they don’t want people to have MRIs done for at least a good long month afterward.


I agree there are certainly details we are not privy to. God does place a deception as it states in the bible but on everyone? Only some? What that deception is we will not know. I can only go by what is written and how it has been explained to me.

I have heard pastors speculate the mark could be inserted under the skin or it could be like a tattoo and some think it will be the numbers 666. I honestly do not know and certainly do not want to be here when it happens! I cannot remember the verses but I know there are at least two men (Daniel and Paul (?) in the bible who saw certain things that were going to happen in end times but God told them not to share it, that it was not to be written for us to see. I do not know why. From what I have heard from several pastors, there will be no doubt because you know by taking this mark you are pledging allegiance to the beast. I would not think God would hold anyone responsible if they had no idea what they were doing. How could he hold you responsible if you do not know you are actually pledging allegiance to the beast which means you are NOT pledging allegiance to God nor worshipping him? I do believer everyone will know. Even though God does put a deception on the people we have no idea what that is. Maybe the deception is for people to believe we the Christians who are suddenly gone have been taken up by aliens. The bible does not state what that deception is. I find it frustrating for sure that we do not have all the answers but God wants us to look up and rely on him. I cannot imagine what it must have been like back in the day when they crucified Jesus. The times were so different. I cannot imagine watching hangings but it happened. To want to put a man to death and cheer is beyond my comprehension. People saw and knew he performed miracles yet they still refused to believe he was the true son of God. Can you imagine what they must have thought when the ground shook as he died and then the stone rolled away and his body gone 3 days later? How could they have not believed even then?
As more and more trouble comes to the world I am hopeful that many will see what is happening and turn to God. How many people say they do not believe but I wonder to myself…if they had a man stick a gun in their face what would their first reaction be? I bet many would pray.
I got a little off topic there, sorry. I could talk about different topics on God, the bible, end times, etc. I find it all fascinating and interesting. How I would have loved to be the one who reached out to touch his cloak as he walked by. I would hope even then I would be a believer and follow Jesus.


Mark Correll had a very good video on the rapture and had us write down exactly what to tell family to do in the event of the rapture. It was a very well thought out, item by item list of what to have them do (and not do), like getting rid of their cell phones immediately so they cannot be tracked. If anyone watching that video did not get a little shook up, I am not sure what would. I wrote it all down but do intend to ask my sons to watch with us at some point very soon. I want them to be fully prepared and remember these things in case the day comes and they still have not given their life to Christ. Why is it so hard to believe? They believe in aliens and other crazy things but not God. It makes no sense!


I read this happens only right after but then it goes away? Is this true? Crazy no matter what!