May 22, 2022 - Don't Get Too Comfortable

Thank you. We wait patiently for the promise presence of his. Only God will put an end to all this. Again, thank you for your gift of inspiration and encouragement.




I just watched this Dennis.

They aren’t even hiding it anymore. We must be so close to getting out of here.



“Jesus is going to make all things right.”
Amen Timothy! He sure will! And very soon.
Be encouraged. He will expose and put an end to all this darkness.


I believe you are right and our nation and the world are being set up for “one world order.” Those who have been vaccinated are now getting sick. They are the ones in the hospital, though the media doesn’t say so, but the Epoch times does. Subscribe to The Epoch Times for $1 There is SO much more going on than people are willing to realize, from depopulation, mandates and more. Rumble is a good website to listen to Rumble for current events or geo-engineering: HAARP: Weather Control ( Jesus is the answer and God allows these things that I bellieve are the preview of the coming tripulaation. I also believe our nation is under judgement and our job is to have faith and trust in Jesus. It’s hard to watch as out nation darkens with unspeakable things we never thought we would see, but the Lord created us to be “light” in the darkness for such a time as this. We must keep our focus on Jesus, rebuke the enemy and keep on the armor of God daily. God bless you sister.


The Deagel website somehow removed the population predictions, I can’t find them anymore.

Found this link today:

They put a disclaimer:

“Take into account that the forecast is nothing more than a model, whether it is wrong or correct. It is not the word of God or some magical device that predicts the future. "


Amen for it is the Lord Jesus Christ, Spirit of Prophecy, Word of God (all Jesus) that predicts the future. For His church it is brighter and brighter, and for the
cabal…naught but woe.


That is a great word…“trip-ulatation” and so accurately describes it, what the workers of darkness will face if they choose to not turn to Christ and stop harming the innocent… indeed a one way trip they will never forget.


Actually that was a typo, but, you’re right, it accurately describes tribulation! Anymore, as the world darkens, we feel like we’re foreigners living in a foreign land, except for JD, Amir and a handful of like-minded pastors. With them and His Word we give thanks, glory and praise to Jesus as wait for Him to come; a time that gives us the opportunity to “occupy” and talk to our friends and loved ones. God bless you Wren!


So true Gail. More and more we realize our citizenship is in Heaven and we are only sojourners passing through. By the grace of Jesus, we are on our way “home” Typo or not, that word was fantastic, would love to borrow that one, “tripulation” This whole last two years has been a real trip too, lol. Glad its nearing a close. God Bless you as well dear Gail, and Maranatha!


Can not wait for Sundays when we get new updates from Pastor JD and other speakers that give us the word that either affirms what we have been feeling through the week or redirects us from path we have been on.

Looking forward!!!


Yes, we are on the way home! Jimmy Swaggert sings a song “Come Home” that is wonderful! I don’t watch him but really enjoy his singing and it’s right in line with the Word! You are more than welcome to the “typo!” It’s an apt discription of the past two years and more. Yes, Lord, we pray You come soon. We are with JD! We think He’s coming this year. We can’t know the day or the hour, but the Bible is clear: we can know the season! God bless you and one day, sooner than later, we will meet in heaven! God bless you!


The Lord has blessed us with Pastor JD! And the entire congregation! We are all part of the remnant church and JD blesses us every week with his sincerity, encouragment and the Word of the Lord! I’m in WA, one of the worst states to live in, but one day soon…our home will be with the Lord! Bless you Will!




Another thing to consider also is that the polar ice cap are approximately16 million sq/km meanwhile the oceans are 362 million sq/km
Common sense tell you that the ice cap area would have to be almost 50 miles high to have a significant impact on sea level because most of the current ice pack is already under the sea level.

An ice cube always diminish in size once it thaws , when water freeze it expand by about 9%

A 12 year old with reasoning power can see thru the deception of the so called smart people.


such a comment made by them even acknowledges that God exists… otherwise there would be no body to rid ourselves of. and what a disgusting way to put it, but at least they are admitting to be murderers. if only my family could look at such comments objectively and see the danger instead of making excuses because of how professional and smart these people seem. ugh. praying that it becomes obvious enough for truly well-meaning, ignorant people to see it and start to turn away from the lies.



And more characters.

Darn system requirements lol