May 22, 2022 - Don't Get Too Comfortable

We are almost home.


Don’t have the heart to click the :heart:, but appreciate the information you supply here Dennis.


How evil the world we live in.






Seriously how reliable is this Deagel predictions? Compared to Scripture right?

Another rumor is Agenda 2030 is fast tracked to Agenda 2022/2023?

No confirmed sources from globalist yet.

Added 3 more Ps Brandon’s update in previous post





The 3 pictures of the sea turtles, the baby Eagle and unborn baby is one of the biggest indictment on the condition of mankind.
It show the true depravity of the human race, and how utterly blind we are without God.

With all that said, the prosperity preacher are still filling their churches. telling peoples that we are gods
and that he want you rich.

Dear Lord, open the eyes of your people to see and perceive how much we truly need you. Fill us with the riches of wisdom and understanding, so that we are not deceived.
In Jesus name


True, scripture is what we can count on. I did read something on a meeting between the UN and the WEF moving up their plans. If i can find it, i’ll post it.


Thanks for posting Pastor Brandon H updates on this forum. I have trouble finding them sometimes.







Dr Carrie Medej reported year 2027 is latest shift… in the 5 Docs talk I posted just now.

Oh cool! Thanks! I’ll check that out! :blush:

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The children. Dear Father. Save the children. My heart can’t take anymore and yet I can’t seem to turn my eyes away. Forgive us, Forgive us for any of our blindness or complacency that has allowed the evil to grow. We, your people, now stand before the Red Sea and cry out to you to save. In the name of Jesus, who loves the little children . . .


I live on the Mojave Desert, Barstow Calif. Out here they are using the coal fly ash to induce drought and deny fresh water. From all the information I have sought out and read along with watching the sky and every time it’s going to rain there appears squadrons of chemical tankers turning the blue skies to white. Then using EMF waves to heat the heavy metals of nano aerosolic particulates of coal fly ash, creating an artificial high pressure cell vaporizing the precipitation and keeping the rain drops from coalescing. You know I have been watching the skies here in Barstow since 2012 when the Air Force, Nasa, and JPL, three of the main contractors running this program ramped up their deny operations. For the first nine years they were unable to completely stop the rain, But now they have turned the faucet off. I pray to God all the time because of this evil. The intentional destruction of communities and eco-systems, and to hide behind the lie of climate change to blame someone else while they are committing the crime. I have contacted Congressmen, State Senators, presented Air Force documents and other information showing the plan and explaining exactly how the operation is conducted over the Mojave Desert, and the answer I get is The Government has no such program, or the newest reply I received from our congressman was, “those are contrails. Ice crystals vaporizing. The thing of it is, these jets show up with all these contrails when its going to rain and then when they have eliminated the storm no more jets, or the jets that do go by have nothing coming from them. Huh?” Or back when they were having a hard time stopping the rain totally, there would be all these tankers leaving poison in the sky, the rain would make it through and after the rain no chemical tankers, and clear blue skies. A field man from congressman Paul Cook told me what does it matter where you live is already desolate. So I told him that this was the high desert not the Sahara Desert. I know how you feel. I pray all the time for God to take my concern for all this away. Remember Revelation 11:18. The 24 Elders speaking out What Jesus is going to do. That is destroy those who are destroying the earth. So much to say, but the main thing is Jesus is going to make all things right.

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Sounds like you’ve been doing all you can to try to protect your home. Wonderful that you were able to uncover this information, though it must be a heavy burden to bear. Im sorry to hear that all you’ve shared has fallen on deaf ears. Seems we are helpless against this, BUT GOD! May He protect and provide for you and all those you love in these days of ever deepening darkness and drought. . . Streams of living water in the desert places :pray:t3:

