May 29, 2022: Bible Prophecy Update

Me neither! :flushed::two_hearts: and many thanks. . .


Dear sister, for me I focus on the attributes of God and when there are difficult things that happen I see the grace of God , where He may be trying to get peoples attention, that there is always a purpose and it’s well beyond my ways or understanding. But because we can know His character we can trust in it and lean not on our own understanding. Letting go of the world and being focused on eternal things makes me see things from a whole different perspective and I know He is at work.
Bless you sister


Thank you for saying that you are having trouble concentrating during prayer times too! I have been having that problem for awhile now. Not every time, but often. When i pray with others it’s fine, but during my own time it’s hard to stay on track. It’s a relief to hear that it’s not just me. Dear God, please help us focus during our prayer/devotion times, in the name of Jesus, our Great and beloved Intercessor, Amen. :heart::pray:


Thank you. God’s blessings to you.

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You may also want to watch this related one:






I watched this today & I think it’s full of excellent information on “The Great Reset”, including the latest WEF & WHO meetings & attendees (incl. Ivanka Trump!). Hmmmm. Can’t say that surprises me. Didn’t know where else to post this. Sorry if I interject in a bad place.


Added 2 more here:


Prophecy Update | June 2022 | The Devil at Davos - YouTube - another pastor I follow who does bible prophecy upates once a month. The beginning of this is mind blowing.

Toward the end he explains Iran has enough Uranium now to build a nuclear weapon or two and could do it in a matter of days, in order to take out Israel. The Israeli defence force has just completed their largest defence drill and is preparing a large scale attack. Ezekiel 38 war is lining up. Russia is already telling Iran they will come to their defence if Israel attacks. So the destruction of Damascus Syria is imminent and the rapture is super close. Get excited brothers and sisters!!! Our time is almost up. :heart::heart::heart:


My perspective is that our vision is far too narrow and our focus is too much on what’s happening here in this life. Our God is the God Who Sees and His goodness and plans are eternal.

The deaths of children, for example, are a travesty for those left behind but oh, what joy for those innocents! To be in the presence of God so young, before the world has beaten them down, what a blessing! The world suffers for their loss, but they receive peace and reward. To live is Christ - sacrifice, suffering, and to die is gain, right?

It also helps to remember that the fulfillment we see of God’s promises to His church right now is only a shadow of what’s to come. So while they will always apply spiritually, sometimes we don’t get to see the literal physical fulfillment in this life. But He will always provide. And ultimately, the things He allows are for the glory of His name, to magnify Himself in those who are His and to call the lost to seek Him.

I don’t say this glibly, but from personal experience. Four years ago, my hubby suffered a brain injury that has changed our entire life permanently. It has been so, so impossibly hard. But OH! What I have learned and seen from my God! I love Him more than I ever have, I cling to Him, I long for Him with a passion I’ve never had like this. If I did not go through these things, I would not have the faith I have. The goodness of my Provider God to me has never been more clear.

Psalm 119:67 Before I was afflicted, I went astray,
But now I keep Your Word.
71 It is good for me that I was afflicted,
That I may learn Thy statutes.
72 The Law of Thy mouth is better to me
Than thousands of gold and silver pieces.
75 I know, O Lord, that Thy judgements are righteous,
And that in faithfulness, Thou hast afflicted me.



Thank you so much for sharing this. Praise the Lord!
Yes, to die is gain in Christ. Always!!!

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I’ve been having difficulty too with prayers time. There’s a whole stack of things going on in my life which is wearing me down, which I won’t bother going into now. But I am blessed to own a farm and I try every so often to go right up to the top of the hill which is about 800 ft above sea level and has a stunning view with nobody around to interfere, I switch off my mobile and spend time in prayer, praying aloud and reading scripture aloud. The difference is night and day and I always feel spiritually recharged after spending time with the Lord in total solitude.
All I can say to anyone having difficulty in prayer, find a beautiful place of solitude where there is no interference to spend time with The Lord. Thinking aloud here maybe it’s being cut off from Wi-fi and 5G that helps, maybe for me it’s also being in the beauty of Gods creation.