May 9 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

Medicine I am on interacts with a chemical in the vaccine. My doctor is the one that advised me to not get it.
If God decides to take me through covid it still works to my favor.
I’ll just save people seats when I get there first. :wink:


And it happens on May 14th for ground invasion- 73rd Israel Birthday.

Ready to fly home!


Thank you so much!!! This is fantastic!

Thank You,
Carrie Rogers

Oh and also, did you just start taking once you were actually sick or did you take everyday from when you received the prescription just in case you became sick?

Thank You,
Carrie Rogers

@VickieV , @JFelts8031 , @CLE , and anyone else…

I must apologize for passing on something I thought was current and wasn’t.

The article I posted was from 2014…

I have removed it (Edited) from my post.

I still get caught by these from time to time. :roll_eyes:


Yes, I think this article gives insight as to what the unvaccinated can expect in the near future. And this is just the beginning…


Hey Teren, blessings to you always.

I don’t think this is about possessions being taken, but worship being stopped.

Jesus cleared the temple because they were interfering with worship–right? It had been changed to a “den of thieves” or was being used for something other than it’s purpose.

I don’t know how to answer the question of war except when the occasion arises we will have to make a choice. Fighting for God is always right, if the OT is still relevant. I have no idea how relevant that will be to coming events. I would defend my child if had to, I would protect innocent people. Other than that, I guess when the time comes God will guide me.

I actually expect the church will be so fractured, and government so powerful–it will most likely be martyrdom that occurs next. It really depends on what happens.

The way I understand this, it’s talking about brothers and sisters in Christ only, and it’s not referring to Nazis, or oppressors of the Christian faith. “A fool has said in his heart there is no God”…so yes there are fools out there. I think the political scene is replete with them. People who say there is not God, are fools, and that is not “wrong” to say, if I’m understanding the word correctly.

There are evil people out there, and some people, whether we accept it or not, are just plain wicked. They kill, maim, and feel zero remorse. They do experiments on people, and don’t care.

They are real, and they are not a “brother” they are…well children of the devil–Jesus had a lot to say about that too, right?

Yes, repent of perish. That’s the truth. If you are evil, and doing evil’s bidding, on any level; like closing down churches thinking you are doing a service to people, or maybe these people just hate churches, I don’t know their hearts–but either way it’s against God’s commandment “do not forsake gathering”. So we are called to defend that.

The point I was making was that evil is, and it does not necessarily mean that calling it out is not “loving” big or small, sin is sin. And for a person who is not a brother or a sister–they don’t think that way. They are just “doing their job” or maybe those people were all atheists? Who knows, but what they were doing was against God. Right?

And these people were indeed acting like Nazis. So I don’t’ have a problem with him calling them Nazis. I think he might have said something else more strong like calling them “evil”?

God says people hated the light because their deeds were evil.

So, he calls people evil too.

I say can say all this with even more freedom (I think), because I’m in no danger of closing a church at the bidding of a fascist government. So there is no plank in my eye.

To judge, is to judge rightly, and not be a hypocrite.

I’m in no danger here. Though I don’t know these people’s motives; I can say that them trying to close a church is in direct violation of God’s command “do not forsake gathering”.

Either way, they (the cops) were in the wrong. So why should he not call them what they are?

Didn’t Jesus call us all sinners?

Who stayed? The ones who KNEW they were sinners. Who washed Jesus’ feet? A sinner, she knew how much Jesus had paid for her (she was grateful to him MORE). The tax collector…and so on.

So yes, calling people sinners, liars, thieves, is accurate. It’s something that in this narcissistic world we omit so we don’t “hurt” people.

Eternity is a long time. A brief moment of me calling someone a sinner, evil, nazi, fascist, wicked, lowly cretin, is so minuscule by comparison, and sometimes we have to point that out, don’t we? Do tell me if I’m wrong, because I would like to know that, of course!

And Jesus said ALL have fallen short of the glory of God. He didn’t mince words. He seriously called the teachers of the law:

44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

God blesses those that know they are nothing. He rightly brings down those who think they are “powerful” or “righteous” or don’t see they are sinners, and like Paul, he REALLY laid it on thick.

We have made the word “sinner” so small. That is a huge word!

I’m not saying to be nasty and ugly, but look at Jesus, he showed the way. He gives us the words to say.

I really do think that this pastor was in the right. I don’t think he ruined his chances of reaching people–they will KNOW they were wrong, if there is any part of them that wants to be saved, that rebuke might even be a wake up call.

Didn’t Jesus even call Peter Satan once? “Get behind me Satan!”

If you get in the way of God–you are working for the devil–stopping a worship service sounds like working for the devil to me…

Maybe if he had started preaching to them they would have converted? I don’t know.

But in that situation maybe he was listening to the Holy Spirit’s direction?

If we say this pastor a BROTHER in Christ is wrong…okay, but were his actions “foolish”? Hmmmm now, the Bible says something about judging a BROTHER now, doesn’t it?

Not saying I’m getting this right, but Jesus said that his disciples were “his brother, his sister, and his mother” in other words, other Christians are our brothers and sisters, those outside are not yet that. We are to love them too though, to convert them, but what does that look like?

I do think keeping God’s interests first is best–and in this case–keeping the commandment to not forsake gathering.

We don’t know what the days will bring, and we actually don’t know what happened at that guys church–what did he feel there? What was said/done before that? I lean towards defending a brother defending God’s church.

But it’s one of those things. It’s a good thing Jesus died for us, because the mistakes are just waiting to be made, every moment.

Thank you for your thoughtful response Teren, always appreciated. I like how you keep the context of the scripture in view, always a good thing.


Amen sister. I am puzzled by even strong Christian people saying “well God can use bad things for good” as (in my estimation) seems to be a gross misunderstanding of the Word.

If we continue to “buy in” to this atrocity in any way I believe it is sin and continuing to permit the evil.

I don’t know how to put that delicately. I just don’t. I think it’s justifying evil, in the worst way.

I will pray for your family. I keep praying for people to see the truth. It’s so hard to these days everything is so extreme. I remember your heart you shared previously on this very thing, and will remind you of how brave you are. You have a beautiful heart, indeed.

I’m still baffled though, about the recent years–who would have thought we would see so much evil be revealed…it’s so bad. Seems like it was boiling under the surface and just exploded–makes me wonder if the “devil” has indeed come down to earth…wow.

At any rate, I have no friendship with this world, my goodness.

Bless you my dear friend.


Just thought I’d post this link! :wink::heart:

Ohio offers $1Million lottery for vax!!

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine has made many newsworthy statements in his long political career, but perhaps none has generated such an immediate and intense response as announcing a weekly $1 million prize and full-ride college scholarships to entice more Ohioans to get the COVID-19 vaccine.3 hours ago › article › ohio-c…

EXPLAINER: Ohio offers $1M weekly prize as … - AP News


This speaks volumes. If you have to pay or entice people to get something that’s supposed to “be good for them”. Something’s terribly wrong. As we know, already.


Yes, the “vaxxed” masses that will never have any rights, only oppressive masters. It’s stunning how complete the enslavement will be and how quickly it is coming to pass.


I agree, the quickness of it all has me excited though, just means we Fly away sooner :raised_hands:t3:

Edited and deleted remaining post. It’s late and I’m tired so my thoughts run kinda Willy Nilly a lot :grimacing::speak_no_evil::joy:


Ohio has been one of the more strange (red) states during this whole year+.

Amen :heart:

We really are like sheep. We get into trouble, are rescued, and leap back in immediately.


Thank God for Jesus the Shepherd!

Those who get the MOB will be accepting it with full awareness of what they’re doing. It will be both a physical and spiritual act. I have a terrible thought that the injections now are serving the purpose of depopulation. That is a very real and dear goal to those of the globalist mindset.


I love being one of the Lords sheep…but I never want to be a sheeple!


That’s where it will all start to take place…no one knowing who is vaxed or not. The vaccinated will begin demanding to know!..the mark of the beast will solve that problem for them.


Where do you buy it? Do you need a script from Dr.?


Just repeatedly thanking God we won’t be here then :raised_hands:t3:


They need a military base to continue their planning and assaults on the populace…to expand their arsenals, train media for more intense propaganda, recruit “scientists” and doctors with white military combat coats…and soon, their military base will be one of many bases, … planning how to implement the mark of the beast…all of this is just my speculations, but a “pharmaceutical” company needing a military base is just another bit of the insanity happening all around us.


You can be the Lords “ant” because you know your purpose was to be saved! Yes, I am a sheep, as well…but only the Lords! :raised_hands:t3: