November 19, 2023: Bible Prophecy Update -- How Does All This Get Me To Jesus?

Such a powerful and heartfelt message pastor. Thank you for your faithfulness to bring us truth and maybe a little rod and staff moment too. No one can save me except for Jesus. He proved His love for me on the cross and that settles it. It is finished. All that is left is judgement so I must walk fully in the power of the Holy Spirit and with His strength this last mile to plant the seeds for the final harvest. I needed this message today. Praying for you, pastor and love you and your family and church.


Down in the valley. Broken hearted. Contrite spirit. Longing . . .

Lord, show me HOW to get people to Jesus!! Feeling a bit like the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland . . . Late!! I’m late!!! The hour is late!!! What to do? What to do?? You are enough, but am I ?? Am I ?? Be my quiet in the madness. Let me hear your voice clearly in the darkness. The anxiety that rises in my heart each time I am reminded of the lateness of the hour is just so suffocating! Help me, Father!! Help me to see and know and do whatever I’m meant to do at such a time as this!! I know that you are counting on me to be a vessel through which you might bring people to Jesus. . . Counting on me to let your light shine through me . . . Counting on me to be your hands and feet . . . I pray that I’ll not fail you, Lord!! Please, show me what to do or say as I go about this day to bring SOMEONE closer to Jesus.

Come . . . For me . . . For the ones I love . . . For the world entire . . . We are longing for you, whether we know it or not . . .


I agree with you Cora, it was a strong message today from Pastor J.D. and I would rank as one of his best. Maybe because I needed to hear everything he said. I am grateful for his courage to speak the truth despite what others may say or think. My prayers are for God to continue to speak through him and to protect him from those that would discourage or challenge him.
The important questions were spoken: "How does _______get me to Jesus? and if so, how? And if it doesn’t get me to Jesus, then it’s not worthwhile!! " And also, “Don’t let _________ steal your joy, and kill your joy.”
I also hung on to his reference again to Ezekiel 33 and being the Watchman on the Wall. That the watchman’s job is only to warn, God will take care of the rest. :pray:




Sadly, I did not get to watch this livestream, but I know without a doubt Pastor JD did a good job.


How is this even possible. Dubai is in the desert isn’t it?


I have this CD and have practically worn it out over the years! I can even sing that one Spanish song, Con Que Pagaremos, right along with him even though I don’t know exactly what I’m saying. Lol.

SongSparrow, the words you write are often the words of my heart. Thank you for writing them - it helps me knowing that someone else struggles with anxiety that we shouldn’t have, but do. I feel that same suffocation, and feelings of potential failure. It seems lately that I’m forever asking our Lord to calm my heart and spirit because the time is so late.

Blessings to all,


I think I might be able to help you with that one. First Dubai is a coastal city. It is located at the south end of the Persian Gulf. To the south in the country of Oman is a range of mountains. The problem arose when a strong low pressure system passed north of Dubai in the UAE and Doha in Qatar. It drew in large amounts of moisture off the Gulf of Aden outside the Straits of Hormuz. There is a moderate mountain chain south and southeast of Dubai. As the winds drawn into the low pressure system brough moisture off the Gulf of Aden it forced a more significant up lift raising the cloud cover higher into the atmosphere than normal. As such intense thunder storms also fed by uplift from higher temps over land created massive thuder storms in and around Dubai as well as other lessor storms in cities on the Persian Gulf coast. Such storms when the reach sertain higher altitudes then to rapid condense cloud moisture as well as create hail stones before dumping them in massive quantities both on land on over the water. The fact that Dubai got hit harder than most the rest of the are has more to do with topography and location of weather patterns. If the low was another 500 or 1000 miles north it would have been a normal rainstorm with some random lightening. But because the low was with in a few hundred miles of Dubai pressure gradients were much more an intense creating stronger up lifts, making for much stronger storms than usual.

Being in a general desert region does not prohibit occasional storms. Even the Mojave desert gets some fairly intense storms sometimes. As such hard packed surface ground does not easily absorb harder rainfalls and it ends up as surface run off. Pretty much that is what happened in Dubai a double whammy of short term but excessive rainfall and a rapid surface build up of run off in lower lying areas, hense flooding in many places.

It was also around that time but a couple of days earlier north central Saudi Arabia got hit with itense hail storm very far inland that left a lay of pea size and lager hail stones over a wide area of the northern desert lands. Same storm that did that was repsponsible for Dubai flooding.

While such storms are not common In recent records Saudi Arabai averages about 25 thunderstorm day per year. That is considerably more than the Mojave gets on average yearly.

So while it was newsworthy due to the intensity of the rains, it is more common than most people know. Even Iraq back when the US was in a war state there, troops of the also very arid region observed some very extreme weather and a part of that ws severe thunder storms. Hope that helps.


Jack as always you are such a blessing and wealth of information - thank :pray:you for your input - hey everyone I am off on a trip with wife tomorrow and ask for prayers of traveling mercies- going to a big city where I really dont want to be in these trying times - be safe everyone - MARANATHA :latin_cross:


Yes, thank you for the explanation. Much clearer.


Jack - quick question - I have a 220 gal water tank for back up - I used to change out water every year but bought a big burkey to filter water and have decided not to empty water each year but filter if ever needed - what do you think? Thanks for your input

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Dear Brenda, you always know the right song to share. I have about worn out my album of Belfast. Such worshipful songs that lift your heart. Sometimes I am at a loss for words to say to my Lord in prayer and so I just sing Him a song from my heart. It is very fitting that my name means ‘song of joy’ because even in the darkest trials of my life I have always had a song in my heart to sing to Him. Thank you, Lord, for this gift of song. I would not want to live if I couldn’t sing Him a song or worship Him with music.


We are birds of a feather then, and His eye is watching over us, eh?? Blessed my heart to read your response, sister. I love sparrows, and my Fernando Ortega Christmas cd if my fav, too. And . . . Maine is my fav place to visit . . . When I imagine my home in Heaven I always picture a little stone cottage overlooking the sea off the coast of Maine. . . Roses climbing the walls and morning glories tumbling down the bank. . . And every day is “This Good Day”. . . God bless you and keep your heart at peace


Hope everyone on board are ok


Me too . . . Me too. . . my heart sings it’s prayers . . . How beautiful your name!! And, one day soon you’ll sing your “song of joy” forever and ever Amen! Grace and peace and hope and the JOY of the Lord be yours today dear sister. :pray::heart:


What a Great update spot on with just how I am feeling and just what I see everyone I see and talk to are dealing with in there lives we need not waste time in this last hour Thank you JD


“I will bring praise. I will bring praise. No weapon formed against me will remain” :notes:

Thank you for this offering. I’ve not had a chance to listen to the whole teaching, but hope to. In the meantime, I found the beginning song encouraging. Thank you. :pray: