November 28, 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

And on that note, I’m guilty of not expressing my appreciation often enough. I really appreciate and thank you Dennis for your labors of love in keeping us informed of what’s happening! And thank you Bro Keegan for the Rapture news you share so generously with all of us here too, brings so much hope! And thank you dear Vicki HIS, for the beautiful insights and stories of your life and Peeper you shared on the Social Well area! And thank you to countless of our brothers and sisters here, who take the time to share their studies on various topics, for taking the time to share thoughts, vids, faith, perspectives y’all felt led to share. You are all a gift in the body of Christ. You are loved and appreciated. God Bless and Maranatha!





Part 2 Astrid Interview


Very very thankful for all JD does, and his firm-to-the –end stance. He has courage and integrity from the Lord.

Many have wondered why certain other religious leaders are still pushing the injections after all that has come out about them?

Quote from article:
“We know that many pastors came forth after the Hitler and Stalinist regimes and confessed that they had been double agents. While they had served their congregations in their pastoral duties, they at the same time served their socialist and communist masters as spies on their own flocks. We now have the well-established documentation that a communist was the Senior Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Moscow, and associate pastors who were communists served communion, baptized converts and performed marriages. Why should we be surprised that they have infiltrated even our Fundamental Baptist churches here in America?”” ----------Pastor Gregg Dixon.

******News update:
It looks like Biden just took over the churches via federal grants, giving them incentive to do Judas tango? Also, Biden seeks to nullify First amendment rights, religious freedoms, (the last refuge for believers and non veed in this hour)
He slipped churches a convincer, causes pastors to lose their employee deductions or tax credits regarding same at the end of 2021. So wrong. Hegelian dialectic.

Gee, I thought Congress wrote the laws, but I guess Bide ruled that out unilaterally too for his masters new world odor.

The scent of things to come?

pew. :roll_eyes: :woozy_face: :poop: :scream:

Going up and out soon, PTL!


In the Stew Peters vid about the jabbed emitting blue tooth signal, the doctor who investigated this, …he also said anyone can test a jabbed person with a blue tooth finder app on a cell phone.

Just insure that the person is not wearing any devices like a watch, etc which may be emitting blue tooth. After that, measure. The reading signal may be strong or weak depending on which company the jab originated from, he noted. He also noted the signal degrades in time, hence the boosters.

Could this explain the “transmission” effects that so many have experienced?

The doctor said he also believes that blue tooth emitting chips have been put into a lot of people during medical procedures and surgeries without the knowledge or consent of the people. Maybe to ID patients for accuracy of surgery, etc.?
They would also test positive with cell phone app, very possibly.

Is blue tooth a two-way communication conduit? If you or anyone knows this techy stuff, please share.


I have no words…:woman_facepalming:t2::cry::pleading_face: Let’s go home please…


@EBJD , I found this video and an article. Hope this helps.


This morning as I say writing in my journal and collecting my thoughts for the day, there came a point at which I stopped writing. It is still dark outside, so I turned on the lights. As I stood looking out the window across the backyard and into the edge of the woods, my mind went numb. There were no thoughts, just an empty stare.

Gently my mind became aware of the snow and ice covered tall grasses moving in the cold breeze. Their tall stems seeming to whisper something I could not understand. We have had a light little winter clipper move through overnight, so it is cold outside. I went out and stood in the snow in my nightgown and robe. My mind noted the cold, the crisp air, the starlight still above.

My thoughts rested upon my food seed bank that needs to be inventoried for spring. I pondered how pioneers to this land survived the January-June months when things would be ready to begin to be harvested to eat. I reminded myself I need to learn to fish in the most basic sense. LOL.

Again my thoughts jumped to yesterday and President Biden saying there would be no shutdowns, but I do not believe him. Give it two weeks as the Thanksgiving travel we see a spike in cases. I have already had one client cancel their travel. And another bad season is a harsh lesson to learn, but even then…I was reminded that come January the world is going to change yet again. I do not know why I know this, but there is a significant shift coming in January.

My thoughts again turned to the pioneers of old as I was rousted by a sharp cold wind to go back inside. As I walked into the warmth of the house …Metaverse.

How far has modern man run from the natural world, the reality of the world. Modern man is so divorced from God’s creation, that Satan gives him a grand illusion. An illusion of his own mind, a false reality of safety never realizing God’s creation is all around us. But then if one lives in a place of building, cars, skyscrapers do they even experience it enough to hear the voice of the wind or see the majesty of the stars and be a peace knowing there is a God?

Sure there are people claiming to want to preserve it and in the name of preservation they ban man from it, require permits of license to even see it. Maybe let you vacation for a week in it, but for many numbed by the “metaverse” of modern life it isn’t long enough to touch their hardened souls.


Where is this?

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OMGoodness…that is more than sad! If I were an attendee of that church and read that faithless declaration…I’d turn and run.


The blood of Jesus will save us from everything, including whoever put this lie and banner on a church building.

…and so shall we ever be with the Lord!"


I have been sensing the same thing Muddy. Something in January this was comes. Your mention of the pioneers reminded me of something…
egg glassing. That’s how many preserved eggs through the winter months with no refrigeration, just water with with pure lime (calcium cabonate) added to it. Last year we preserved ten dozen eggs in a five gallon food grade bucket this way. Nine months, and they tasted as fresh as the Spring layers eggs. There are lots of vids on youtube about how to do this.

God bless you, and Maranatha


Yes maaam. I just used a wooden spoon to reach in.
They say it is best for freshly laid eggs because of the bloom, or coating a hen naturally leaves on the egg. But we found with a thin coating of mct coconut oil works well too for eggs already washed.


I feel like I am being prompted to prepare. We are not leaving just yet, but need to prepare for the months to come. Never heard of egg glassing? I will have to look it up. Eggs, one of God’s natural gifts to us. Thank you!


You are so very welcomed Muddy, glad it could help.


You’re so thoughtfully expressive and more accurate then we even realize.
I really appreciate your input as there is nothing muddy about it!


WOW… the implication is great with that statement. If that’s a catholic church who gave the ok to hang that banner, then I would assume the Catholic church (which is already full of heresy) is publicly saying the blood of Jesus is insufficient to save anyone from anything if a person can’t be saved from covid. Doesn’t surprise me though, just more evidence of how evil this world is.


If Jesus failed on the cross then purgatory wouldn’t help either.


Great articles, thanks so much for posting this Muddy! Way better than vids for this particular venue.


Interesting article on AI. Pastor JD has been talking about this for some time now. Artificial Intelligence and Human interaction.