November 7, 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

Very valid questions.
And especially when we consider the purpose of the genocidal clotting shots. When missionaries begin to suffer, die, and possibly transmit spike proteins to large vulnerable non-veed populations, will it not be seen in a similar light as the blankets which transmitted smallpox to unsuspecting native villages? Difficult questions, but difficult times.

The “flu” has a 99 Percent recovery rate with no tx. The manufactured biowep gene shot decimates human health. By the time folks are able to face this reality, it will be too late. Sad but true. The Lord Jesus implored us for a reason “Do not be deceived.” Without His guidance, none of us are immune to that one.


I feel the same that you do about Pastor Hibbs. And I get the same feeling about Amir that you do. I do like his Israel updates also. But I’ve stopped listening to Amir in general.


/Graciousness intensifies

Glad you’re posting @Fuzzy :]



This Sunday:



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Has any listened to or heard of Dr. Renald E. Showers have been sent link about his teachings from a friend any thoughts advice greatly appreciated :two_hearts:

I am a little confused by comments from" Christians" with any sense of the discernment God has offered us, would we consider at any point, that taking the jab was " OK" if it protects us or saves our jobs? Pastors included. When the lives of aborted babies were used in the manufacture of the said “Vaccines”? Should we not believe that God admonishes us to view children with love. Is the killing of them Not murder? Does that not make us co-conspirators? It seems that if one could justify this by saying it was to spread the gospel then it is spoken with a lot of liberty. No it is not the MOTB. But should we repent who have taken it? I leave that up to you. Will those who find it OK, be sorry later? I believe so . Is this whole covid thing used of God to see if we trust Him or man’s so called science? The Creator who gave us the gift of a majestic immune system would I’m sure, be interested where he went wrong. It is MHO that we should ponder what God thinks of our thought process. While covid is real, so to is God. Where do we place our trust?


Quote from article:

"Idolatry blinds us to all of the evils associated with the idol. In the Aztec religion, the evils of human sacrifice to the sun-god were “legitimized.” In the vaccine religion, the evils of lying and murder are ignored.

Let’s remember Samson: even men of God can be blinded to the obvious by particular sin. In his case, his idolatrous lust for Delilah kept him from seeing what was so clear: that revealing the secret of his strength would be his undoing. "

end quote.

As difficult and as heartbreaking as it is to face the reality that is now upon us, please do not allow the voice of those crying out for the silencing of all truth to prevail.

For if you do give in to this imploring, yes it will help them to have the “smooth things” and the comfortable things they crave and wish to hear…but it will also silence the very warning bells that may save the lives and souls of those who do long for the truth, who do long to come to the light, as Jesus spelled out in John Chapter One. And again in John 3:18-21

" 18He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

19And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God. 22


that’s how I feel.

too many people stick to seeming justification by saying “it’s not the MOTB!!”

I’m like, well neither is heroin, but that’s not good to take anyway, is it?

I feel that pastors/people who downplay the risks with saying “its not the MOTB” are insulting the deaths of babies and the losses of their mothers… IF they know abortion is involved.

I’m tired of people acting like “it’s between them and God” is enough justification, when we know very well that God hates murder, those were real people, it’s not all about our own health, it’s greatly about the abortion industry, which supercedes in my opinion what it might do to your own body. but , sadly a lot of people glaze over abortion.

yeah I sound like an angry ranter and I’m sorry if I’m sharp but I’m on break not much time and this is how it’s coming out please have patience with me if anyone is upset with me.


Many missionaries have gone into dangerous areas to preach the Gospel. They, like myself, placed their trust in GOD. They knew the risk of possible death but still put the command to go into all the world to proclaim the Good News ahead of their fear of losing their life for it. Never came across verses that said to “Go into all the world, except if there is the possibility that you might die”. Even as “Christians” we have a lot of struggles to try and understand this confusion that Satan is propagating. They still haven’t isolated the virus that they have a cure for, supposedly, but have scared people into believing their lies. I do however appreciate the feedback on this subject.

All I can say is AMEN! I thought I was all alone in this thinking. I view my appointment at the bema with awe when I will have to justify my actions in this life and answer questions that make me uncomfortable. All this said, I scream COME LORD JESUS! I so need you!


You are spot on Fuzzy. T.Y. for your excellent comments. Bless you! See you on our trip up! Our Lord will soon be very real to us.


Cara - i do not know of him but googled him - he was a. Graduate of Dallas T.S. Which was ether number 1 conservative and very Biblical Siminary - so I am guessing his teaching was very sound. I will stay in prayer about this for you …. MARANATHA


@Rrush thank you so much for reply :revolving_hearts:

Because we are still here so he cannot be revealed to the whole world.

what do you think of the quantum dot tattoo? I think THAT is more likely to be the mark, once it’s implemented into general society. right now no one has a mark on their hand or forehead following receiving the covax, but the QDT will definitely be a mark on the hand.

I do hear what you are saying. Yet this would seem to go far beyond the missionaries own life, and extend to the lives of many others, many who are struggling with malnutrition and don’t have the robust immune systems to fend off illness as well. The spike proteins which the jabbed are unfortunately producing in their bodies on an ever-increasing level do go outward. And the proteins in the jab were based in the cells of aborted and murdered babies, innocents which were sacrafised for the jabs themselves. So it does go a bit beyond the life of one missionary.

If it were just a question of a missionary choosing to sacrafising their own life for the gospel, that is one thing. Yet in view of the truth that has come out, it is not electing to take many risks, and put at risk the lives of many others, who may well follow the missionaries example and take the shot, perpetuate the spike, and aborted cells it was based in. The miscarraige rate alone due to spike shedding/transmission second hand is 80 Percent. Dr. Zelenko’s site has the data.

So we begin to see that the analogy cannot really justify itself. It is one pebble and many ripples. Would the scriptures advocate a similar justification usage “Let us do evil that good may come?.” Perhaps that is the question which must be answered within ourselves and within the body of Christ.


Is that being forced on people?
Do we have to have that to keep our jobs?
Do we have to have that to enter shops to buy?

This jab is very advanced technology, it has in it the technology to control people’s minds, to implant false memories and delete true memories.
It gives the NWO full control over anyone the want.
The systems needed are being constructed within the body and is just a matter of time before all systems come on line.

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no, on all 3. what I’m saying is, I think the jab is a precursor, and it’s not a mark on the hand.

QDT has not been released to the general public yet, and it’s my personal prediction that the jab is a precursor to the QDT- to condition us to accept the QDT- which could then be the MOTB.

since the jab is not a mark on the hand or forehead- yet- and yet the QDT IS- I think that’s what is next, and that the answers to your questions will become yes at that point.

as of now I don’t need a jab to go shop, but it is that way in other parts of the country/world.

so I just think the jab precedes QDT.

QDT is capable of everything you’re talking about, to my understanding. thank you for sharing with me. I’m trying to sort out the details and see what makes most sense.


I’m sorry but I do not agree that this is the MOB. When it is we all will know because you have to make the decision if you will pledge your allegiance to the AC or God and that has not happened yet. None of us needs to “take it up with Pastor JD”, he has enough on his hands. I have never once heard Pastor say this is the MOB only it is a precursor. Until you are asked to pledge to a leader, it is not the MOB. It states this in the bible as well as a MARK on your forehead or hand. neither has been done with this vaccine. We can agree to disagree.


Take into consideration the other things I have said, add in the DNA changes that also occur.
This is transhuman technology.
Jesus saves humans.

Pastor JD stated that those who took it already haven’t lost their salvation.
But told them to repent, ask God to undo the body changes and to not take any more.