November 7, 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

I don’t know this man, but this, this right here seems very appropriate for this time :wink:


Great to know - thanks MARANATHA - I really love Andy Woods bible studies and Ppov’s - and for sure …. MARANATHA !!!:- :smiley:


I don’t know about anyone else but one day I woke up to the fact it’s my own fear of failing the final test to resist the outward appearance of succumbing to evil. I thought to myself why don’t they just start lining us up and make us choose! The mark or beheading?!? A one or the other kind of choice. But it’s this constant thorn in my side that digs at me wondering if my Saviour will find me worthy when the time comes. We all have doubts it’s human nature. I believe it’s exactly when we begin to feel unworthy that we actually become worthy.


Relax - you are of royalty - Jesus paid our price - He is worthy and it is……finished -Maranatha


Thanks for that Dennis. :slight_smile:

I didn’t really want to waste time with a video.

Robert’s been here before with this round-about a few months ago.

The only hostility is toward untruth. If you are not grounded in the word, you are not grounded at all. :wink:


I’m the type that would rather face something head on than keep playing the guessing game. We know they will say peace and safety THEN sudden destruction shall come upon them. I find it illuminating that 2000 years ago when they said peace be with you this meant your overall health and spiritual wellness. For they constantly say now “ It’s for your health and safety!” Pretty much verbatim to prophecy.We know our redemption draws near! And that gives me great hope and encouragement


A simple decision to make. It may not be a nice choice but at least we could get home quicker.

I do not mean to trivialise what is happening but if they were being honest in their intent, this is where they want it to go to.

Obviously suggesting that they do this to us is not Godly at all. But when given the ultimatum and suffering the consequences, then the Godly choice is always the right one.

I would like to believe that my faith would be strong enough that I could make the choice with confidence in the promises that God has made for us.



What an extremely humble thing to say. You are right too, we are not worthy. Not by our own merit.


How you “feel” has nothing, nada, zip to do with your salvation.
Salvation comes about when we KNOW we are unworthy, so much so that we can’t get to Heaven without Jesus Christ.

You or I in our flesh will NEVER be worthy!

Feelings have nothing to do with any of it :blush:



Too often the cart is put before the horse…

We are not, and never will be “worthy”. Grace applies His worthiness to us.

Once saved, we will be considered worthy because of His grace, even when we doubt it.


Some here would advocate to live in peace with everyone at all costs for the sake of lack of conflict. This is a dangerous pursuit, to run for the cover of a submissive peace with your opponent. You compromise your standing by doing this, and it is an agreement that the other party will not honor.

You simply can’t run from conflict. You can however choose how you face it and what battles you will engage.

Conflict is not equal to anger, malice, or wrath, nor is it the same as discord.

And conflict is to be expected in the life of a believer. We are to challenge that which is not biblically sound, and those who would promote it.

Challenge and quarrel/dispute are not the same either.

Paul says in scripture to: “If possible, live in peace with all men”…

NOT to live in peace at all costs.

He also says we are to expose evil and bring it into the light, whether a gross evil or a subtle flaw.

Test ALL things (and people) to see if they are of God and His truth. Hold fast to that which is good.

I go by the word. The word is the metric for all of us. If I am found hostile because of His word, then so be it.

Paul encountered this “hostile” reaction often. Did he stop promoting the truth of the word and the Gospel?

Sometimes he had to disengage and leave the situation, and sometimes he faced it head on.

Be careful not to submit to the world for fear or discomfort with conflict.

In the world, you will have tribulation.


Romans 12:17-20

Do not repay anyone evil for evil.

Carefully consider what is right in the eyes of everybody.

If it is possible on your part, live at peace with everyone.

Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but leave room for God’s wrath.

For it is written: “Vengeance is Mine; I will repay, says the Lord.”

On the contrary,

“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him a drink.
For in so doing,
you will heap burning coals on his head.”

2 Corinthians 6:14b-16b

  • …What partnership can righteousness have with wickedness?
  • Or what fellowship does light have with darkness?
  • What harmony is there between Christ and Belial?
  • Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?
  • What agreement can exist between the temple of God and idols?

For we are the temple of the living God.

Ephesians 5:10-13a

Test and prove what pleases the Lord.

Have no fellowship with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.

For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret.

But everything exposed by the light becomes visible…


Here’s some interesting data


Ephesians 4:31

Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, outcry (G2906) and slander, along with every form of malice.

(G2906) -krauge

an outcry

(a) a shout, cry, clamor,
(b) outcry, clamoring against another.

Here again we are dealing with what is considered “clamor” and what is considered “conflict”.

I don’t agree with the idea that they are the same thing. :wink:


That’s a really good way of putting it. :slight_smile:


I think of this quite a lot. I chatted with a former coworker in the grocery store, this week. We were talking about another former coworker’s husband that had just died. The gal said to me, “I’m so tired of buying sympathy cards, right?” Yes, there’s an uptick in deaths and it will get worse…:cry:


It’s going to give Hall-mark new meaning as a name brand. :frowning:


Thank you, that is horrific. I feel sick. Almost everyone I love has taken it. Come soon Lord Jesus. How can I tag someone to read this?


Just tried begging a friend not to take jab and she got very angry with me


I feel much of the responsibility falls on the pastor of the church. In many churches the pastor remains painfully silent and fails to protect the flock.


@Steelet, I fully agree.