October 2, 2022: Bible Prophecy Update - The Prophetic Role of Social Media

This is so very true sister.
Our Lord and the Apostles warned us about many of these showing up in the end of days, and to not be deceived.

Each one, each time they speak, must be tested against the Word of God in context. If EVER they say something that does not agree with the Word of God completely they must be disregarded.

The problem we face is that the internet is flooded with false ones. Some have go fund me accounts or other means of getting money.
That is the first red flag as far as I am concerned, money.

If they claim to be a prophet or have had a dream, that is the second red flag.

Then it depends on what they are saying.
If they say they are adding to the Word of God, they are gone.

The rest we can consider with a fine discernment using the Word of God in context as our guide and source of ultimate truth.