October 23, 2022: Bible Prophecy Update - The Reality and Proximity of Eternity

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Because the United States stopped being a country and is now a corporation. It became one in 1871.

Lots you can research on this, but one example is that our birth certificates are bond papers. You can tell because:

  1. Names are capitalized. This indicates a corporation entity.
  2. The (red) bond numbers on the certificate issued by a bank. If the bank isn’t listed on the front it is on the back of the document.
  3. As above, why are banks involved with anything to do with a birth certificate? Bond paper. The corporation is basically guaranteeing human capital for labor, insert “whatever else”
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What happened in 1871?

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Yeah….I am lurking more than tweeting over there, especially now. Amazed that so many believe that Elon has come to save the birds.

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Morning Margaret @Margaret,
I was curious too so I did a tiny bit of digging. Was not paying attention to site names (or I might not have clicked one for wikipedia) and found this bit of info.

from Organic Act of 1871 on wikipedia.

Also began watching video @troutonsteroids provided. Did a little digging as it progressed. Somewhere around the 10 minute mark, site for Peter G Peterson is refrenced. That is one weird name (Who would name their kid Peter if their last name was Peterson?) so I looked into it. Seems that, in a round about way, Peterson’s company Black Stone gave rise to the infamous Black Rock group of thugs.

Also found this interesting bit about Social Security in US. Here, Social Security tax is taken in almost every job for “retirement” and catastrophic “insurance.” I believe only union jobs are exempt.

For example, as a teacher, my funds were put into a teacher retirement fund. I’ve been “retired” (and unable to work) for many years now, but have not touched the account because once you do, your income is fixed at that rate (cost of living adjusted, but not by much) for the remainder of your life. Pretty sure Social Security works similarly. On the other hand, I have two second cousins who received monthly checks and other resources until they were 18 yo after their father was killed (when they were very young).

Anyways…. apparently non-citizens can get TONS more than I will EVER be eligible for the day they illegally cross our border. No contribution to our society or tax base is required.

Will post more if I find it; hopefully @troutonsteroids will respond to your query. I’d like to hear from someone who’s been studying this longer than my half hour.


That is similar to Britain. Many ‘refugees’ being put up in hotels while our own citizens are homeless. Throwing temper tantrums because they expect to be given a house not put up in a hostel. If it is a real refugee fleeing for their life thats one thing, Ukrainian refugees popping home fir a couple of months to decide wether or not to stay here are not real refugees. Sorry if i sound a bit right wing. Thanks for your research i googled 1871 and got lots of great articles on the Franco Prussian war but couldnt see its relevance to the USA. Thanks Georgia Rose


CNN Claims COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects Actually A Good Thing, Citing The Science™

Did the COVID-19 jab make you feel horrible? Great news! That just means it’s even more effective, CNN claims, citing the latest Science™

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Calling evil good. These people are out of their minds.


lol love the trademark symbol.


Register here:

Sorry for last min… for those who are keen

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Morning Daniela @dpcollins,

FOUND IT. Thanks anyway.

Can you provide link, please? I’m unable to locate article on CNN site.

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