October 3, 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

Excellent post!



Who is behind the plandemic and the planned New World Order? Freemasonry is Satanism in disguise.







Thanks to Chad, Tyler and Chooch for praying to God for Pastor JD!


I find it ironic that the unvaccinated are being charged higher rate than the vaccinated.
I have seen many instance lately of the unvaccinated being refuse medical service simply because they are unvaccinated.
People have been taken off organs donors list because they refuse to vaccinate.
Doctors are refusing to see their patient simply because they are unvaccinated.
The government mandate that we must carry medical insurance, yet they allow refusal of service, this is a perfect example of discrimination on a GRAND scale.

I am not complaining here, simple pointing out the hypocrisy of the world. They do this while holding up a banner of self righteousness, meanwhile they don’t even bat an eye at the slaughter of the unborn.
Oh my Lord, open their eyes, remove the scale that the enemy has blinded them with.
Soften their heart to be able to receive your words, and that it may take root and bring forth much fruit.
Help them understand their need of repentance, and to trust in the finished work of our saviour Jesus.
Help us as disciples of our Lord Jesus to be the hands and feet to carry the gospel to a world in need. In Jesus name we ask.


wow. So Fema employees are taking over hospitals, where half their medical personnel were pushed and coerced out for not taking the jab, and …these Fema employees are NOT at all required to take the jab?

So the real agenda has nothing to do with the jab. It has everything to do with what is next.


I didnt read it bc I am running late but now pharmacies will not fill prescriptions written by doctors. So if this is frontline docs writing scripts it is to no avail and why we are looking to online pharmacies to send it.

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Is there by chance a link for this? I’d love to watch. :heart:

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Yeah now CVS wont fill it either. One might be able to get a script from a mom and pop drugstore but I am willing to bet it is scarce now and the sad thing is people do use these scripts for other things!


I saw an article last night I believe from one of Tuckers shows. Many pilots fro SW Airlines and American are former military. They see the way things r going . They realize the essential workers are first and the rest of us are coming after. They are fighting for us my friends. Stand behind them and support the America freedoms flyers - we have to stand against the evil.


Seems like it is designed for a number of purposes. Global reset, restructuring or reengineering social order, repositioning for power, and i think that which leads to everything else for them, the climate change clamp down. It would appear according to Project Veritas (from their interview with hidden camera on CNN employee) that COVID fades out and climate change becomes the big next shut down push for power.

In my estimation, they are using COVID as a vehicle to sow seeds for the global shutdowns for climate change. With FEMA in place, and camps in place (like in Australia) these appear to be modalities established for end game set up. I remember when liberals were laughing at the thought of all those Walmart shutdowns becoming FEMA camps. Gotta admit it is pretty ingenious to turn population against it self having one major side shaming the other for falling for conspiracy theories (knowing we will make mental gymnastic mistakes in trying to absorb everything and make sense of it…and them using our mental blunders against us to further gain psychological advantage). While all the while doing it another way in our faces holding us accountable to the folly of how we were thinking upon it. Off the charts this stuff is i’d say.

On one hand we would say this has to happen because of where everything goes in the tribulation. Amen. My take is a bit different, but I would equally say (where our minds would meet) that yes this has to take place in order for what comes next. Our differences would be a mere hiccup in the plan really. I think we do get 5 minutes of glory out of it before it gets off the leash and wonders off into the 70th week. In any case though, yeah, seems like it “has” to occur. Would any of us have figured it would be so blatant? So in our faces…while presumably to most of the world just the way things are? How wildly disconnected the world is with the times. Yet many are seeing it like unraveling in slow motion. So we got like a blend of dullness, narcissism, conspiracy theory, conspiracy reality, things protected under the God protected hidden wings of the age of grace while a video game of “mafia vs. the illuminate” plays out in a theater of our mind, nearest us–our hearts and convictions, simultaneously.


I loved this stream :blush: I’m so thankful for these brothers, and you all here, encouraging each other. These are difficult days (and getting more difficult by the minute) :butgod_dark: !!!



China is building concentration camps in this update to prepare for next … in this update:




You can download Vaccine Death Report and share:


Go to vista print. I got small magnets I place on cars when I’m at the grocery store, and I place on cars at work, and every bathroom stall I go to, which is a lot. You can get these magnets as large as you want and they stick well to car doors. The price isn’t bad either.


This rocks!!