September 11, 2022: Bible Prophecy Update - Powerful Prophetic Demonic Deception

YUP :disguised_face: The World, the Flesh and the Devil, just one of three.


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I am not saying “stop offering personal correction”, I am saying that the public forum is not the place for it. Matthew 18:15

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If anyone wants to take a deep breath and exercise their gift of encouragement, hop on over here. :blush:


Dear brothers and sisters, not sure if this will help with levity, but it sure does for me…
I have been working as a resident assistant at a Presybterian Assisted living home since Feb. As an aside, we are so blessed by the Lord I am retired and have been for years (53 years old) but am doing jobs to try to serve the Lord. Well, I have found this is a sacrificial servant job that I am not fit for… it is very difficult. 90% of the time staff calls in after you have completed your shift, you are asked to stay and do another 8 hour shift. Some of this due to forever immune disregulation from so many who took the shot and some due to they can get pay higher in other places and they don’t want to show up for their shift and some because so many are so burnt out. Oh my Lord, I am so poorly prepared for this and it humbles me every time. I have truly learned how poor a servant I am.

I am just bringing it up to say what an eye opener to me. The Lord has blessed me and my family so much with provision. I don’t need to work. But I see how the residents and the staff so suffer. Its so humbling and so difficult for me. It puts it all in perspective. There is so much suffering.

I am having a glass of wine now after 2 shifts, really having a nice laugh at some of your humorous posts. Thank you!!! I needed that!

I see how so many are suffering. I see how blessed I have been and probably many of you. Please, lets not let anything get in the way of our love for the Lord and each other.

May the Lord bless everyone tonight and may we be ready with great celebration when He raptures His church!!! :heart::blush::two_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I completely agree with you GR. Isaiah 43:18-20. “Forget the former things, do not dwell on the past…” So hoping and praying that we can move beyond this discussion. There are only a handful of Pastors who teach and prepare us for these last hours of these last days. Let us pray for Pastor JD and lift him up instead of rehashing what he said or did not say, what he got wrong and what happened 21 years ago. It does not matter! Only Jesus matters. As Paul says in 1 Cor. 1:10, “Now I plead with you brothers [and sisters] by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you …” Let us rejoice and give thanks knowing that we are soon out of this ever increasing evil, corrupt and dying world.


Thanks Janny @Janny,
Have you been tagged yet? Paula @pbandj has thought of a wonderful way to support Pastor JD. Check it out if you haven’t already.

Here’s address if you don’t see it right away.


Thanks GR! What a fantastic idea! I will write a letter. Pastor JD so deserves this. He pours his love and truth into our lives every single Sunday. Love this!!!


So I just had the time to watch one more of the resource link videos that pastor JD added to the transcript : (I also watched the others but some of the links , unfortunately, I couldn’t open from my country but that’s ok because during the past years I already watched a lot regarding 9/11, even when it was still freely available on YouTube) . Very interesting!!! I’m thinking now that they might also use holograms to project UFO’s coming for the people and whatever else they can think of… Oh wait, fake Jesus’s too, now that I’m thinking about it :thinking: . I already agreed with Pastor JD that it was really good that he made the 9/11 video and now I’m convinced even more that he was absolutely right in doing that, because many people will fall for the coming deception(s):

"For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. " Matthew 24:24

"The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. " 2 Thess. 2

God bless you, dear pastor, I’m keeping you daily in my prayers.


You and I must have identical tin foil hats! You put it together so much better than I could though. Thank you, and God bless.


Oh well thank you, Janet!!! It must be our names, because we have the same name haha!!! (Janet, just a different spelling :wink: )


everybody should see the post alert of @DallasT when coming on the forum

they can use hundreds of drones now during the night.
I posted a video about that.


That is WOW. If you were a child sitting in that room you now are open to a form of paranoaia and schizophrenia because their understanding of reality has be destroyed. As WOW as that may appear, it is totally destructive to young minds.


HI @Kina1234
In answer to your question of what happened to the people then if there were no planes, I went in search of that answer.
I provided links to the Passenger and Crew lists from the planes that hit the towers. I also selected notable people from those lists and searched out their obituaries,
You will find my posting:
In support of the 9/11 prophecy update - Discussion Tent - JD Farag Bible Prophecy Forum
Mine is #61. I did an edit of if after it was originally posted.
The info is there for you to explore it out for yourself as well.


Looking at other video thumbnails on their channel, vr headsets are still being worn. It looks to me like the whale video is a commercial for what you would see through their headset…?


@Grandma5 Thank you very much Nancy, I definitely will.


This is mind blowing. The level that artificial intelligence has reached is incredible…


@SirJohn John thanks for sharing! I felt like a drum roll was needed, “ba-dum-bum-CHING”.
I saw the AGT show that they referenced to and was blown away, and so many things came to mind making me think of ways that A.I. and holograms can be used in not so entertaining ways. They did talk about how we have to be more aware of technology and test everything with what the bible says so that we are not deceived! I am concerned for those people that are not aware, and even those of us that are, that we may not be fooled…my prayers will now include protection for all of us, and especially for those whose eyes are blinded by the lies that are already with us in this world.


Thanks for posting this Goodboy. I have seen trends like this in Christianity over the years. As an early believer in 1984 i became Charismatic. Later on I became a cessationist (however i believe if God wants to heal or do a miracle today He can and might). Cessationists don’t believe in being inspired by the Spirit of God today. However, even though, ironically, I have seen high-ranking world-famous cessationist pastors do the exact equivalent even though they don’t profess to believe it. I believe it is the days we live in.

I do not believe Pastor JD is Charismatic. And I well understand where he is coming from in his approach. But i am glad you shared your hearts, concern brother. Even though i believe God could and may do miracles or healing today, in other ways I am a super cessationist. I bring this up because it kind of tracks with your concern…which i would see as a general church-wide issue dynamic in general. There are some very creative ways we in our age can equivocate inspiration. I’ve seen it for decades.

My belief is that the church office is the bride. And that is actually a higher office than a prophet. But certainly different. i believe that in lack of a prophet today (end times) God makes up to the church in Providence. That is a rather nuanced approach, but in short, it would imply that the provision of the organic scenarios unfolding be likely in ways well informative to us in our age. I know the focus is a lot of prophetic like events occurring and how to map and track and discern. But I believe the grounding wire in lack of the church having her own prophet ( all borrowed from Israel and the next 2 up are the 2 witnesses) is providence. And i know this is controversial but fitting here nonetheless: I would say providence in light of us being the bride and not of prophetical offices, of the two, would likely be a much stronger current.

Bless you brother for your desire to share sincerely. :slight_smile:

I just watched “Justin Trudeau reads the Prime Minister Who Stole Freedom” with a couple of friends from my moms church. They were mesmerized by it and both seemed to forget I told them it was an example of the power of AI and made comments about how bad he is. I have watched it three times now and I can see how people could be fooled. With this technology, a great deal of harm could be done. If people were. In lock down, they would never have to see the AC in person. He could be seen in the Holy of Holys a hologram with AI generated voice while everyone behind him were in hiding. It gave me the shivers.

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Puts a new meaning into the phrase, seeing is believing or a picture is worth a 1,000 words. Who would have thought Satanic deception would rise to this level. I remember back in the 60s, with the technology of that day, how Satan would pull it off.