September 19, 2021: Bible Prophecy Update


Hi! I was wondering that too! My son and I live with my parents who are vaxxed, along with most others in my family. He and I take all the right vitamins as well. For about a month, i’m pretty sure he was not feeling well also due to being around so many vaxxed people. He was born with a congenital heart condition that is common to people with Down’s syndrome. Because of that, and i don’t trust it, we’re not vaxxed. Unfortunately my daughter did get it because of college requirements. I got the email later on that religious exemptions are due on such and such a date. I didn’t know they were even accepting any til it was too late. I am praying that she and everyone, have no effects. Is there anything that can kill the shed spike proteins? Like some kind of bathroom cleaner or bleach? I try not to use the same towels also, but they’re probably everywhere, i don’t know. If anyone hears of anything, please post it. Thanks! Still, rejoicing in the love of the Lord today!


My 16 year old granddaughter took the jab. I cried too. I keep looking at her school photo, she is so beautiful, so young, so precious…I just have to let go, pray and ask God to protect her. My heart is just so sad.


Our granddaughter, too. Yup, she’s a beautiful young lady. I keep telling myself that she’s still a child and doesn’t realize what has happened to her. God knows all and is able to save His own.

Plus… if we really believe the rapture is SOON, maybe even before winter, maybe the effects of that poison will not have time to take full effect.

God will not be held hostage to any of this, though. If our loved ones die in the Lord, they are immediately in His presence and we will see them very soon. There are a few people who have passed on, either before or during this mess, that I sometimes envy a bit. They don’t have to see all of this happening. While I miss my dad (he died in very early 2020), badly, he’s the lucky one to be done with all of this mess down here. He loves the Lord! And I know he’s with Him.


Amen Brian! :pray: Thank you for these loving, encouraging words.
Come quickly Lord Jesus!



What an incredible photograph!!!


Posted 21 Sep 11:08 AM:



I had decided not to vote in this Canadian federal election for the first time in decades due to my dislike for the three main candidates. Today I was considering changing my mind and voting for the forth candidate, the PPC, but settled again not to bother voting. Then I read the article you posted about Alberta folding on the vaccine issue. That article changed my mind. I had 30 minutes left to vote before the polls closed. I jumped in my car and drove to the polling station. No one was in the line-up in front of me. I went in and voted for the People’s Party of Canada candidate and left with 15 minutes to spare after I got home. Once again Dennis, thanks for doing the research and posting the articles.


Dr Lawrence Palevski is on the Joni table talk show Sept 20/21. Her programs have had a lot on Covid and have included Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. Madaj, Dr. Fleming, some of the FrontLine Doctors, and i believe all the shows are recorded and available online for any one who is looking for further information.
thankyou for sharing all these vids


Amen! I can’t wait to meet you all in the clouds with our Lord!


What do you mean here? What did you do? Went underground on something?


This is absolutely horrifying. God help us


May I ask what kind of ioniser you use?


Went to a funeral , packed in, Thursday. Stayed a few hours- lunch, visiting.
Saturday, felt ill- achy head and neck, and general fatigue, malaise. Started to pump the vitamins and drink tonic water (quinine apparently helps open cells for zinc) and felt better by Sunday morning. Still a little tired at times but good to go. I have no doubt it was from the funeral being around vaxxed.


I use that too.


I had read this elsewhere. It is one of those articles of information that cause you to cry out to God with a very heavy heart.
Such horrendous evil.
How spiritually impoverished are those who do such things.
I pray Father God that you would place a heavy burden on the heart and conscience of those who participate in these things that they would no longer chose to be part of them. That they would be able to see and know how precious life is.
In the name above all names, Jesus, I ask this.


I’m experiencing the same thing. I’m older with “comorbidities” & had the C-19 virus in late 2019. I’ve been on the Zelenko immunity protocol for quite awhile since then, but it still saps my energy really bad when I’ve been around vaxxed people for very long & in close proximity. I’m relieved to hear you say that’s what’s causing it. 2 of my grown sons & families have been vaxxed & I live alone. I have asked God to cover them because I dedicated them to Him when they were babies. I have to have faith He will bring to nought that poison in their veins. His blood is greater than all this. Let’s continue to pray for them all.


Seems Liberals have most seats, sheeps voted for covid1984 tyranny…


The failure to prove the virus exists